Baxter - BJ1441 B3 1673

The Cure of Malignity. make fin appear a thing more to be feared and watcht againfi, and Ho/inrfi to appear more excellent and But 1he ungodly mention them (and read them in Scripture, ) to make themfdves believe rhat fin is not fo bad and dangerous a thing as Preachers tell them ; and that Hvlinefi doth but little differ liom a fle(hly life. Vircli. 5 . 9· ~P· Direct. 5· Judge not ofGod1 flrvalf!I barely by report,. wilbout fome confulerable ilcijuaintance witb them. Jcannot remember one of a rnultttude ot tbc enemtes, fcornerJ and perfecutors of God~ linefs, great or fmall, high or low, bm fuch as never had the happinefs to be well acquainted with them~ by any f•miliarity, or obfervationuf the fccrct pafTagcs of their lives : But ufual!y they are fuch as know them but by report, or by fight, or fmall a.cquaintance: And if they did but live wirh them in the fame houfes, or were of their familiarity, it were the likelidl way to change: their minds and fpc:cches ( unlefs their acquaintance were only witl-t Come of the more ignorant, paffionate or diflempered fort of Chriflians ). DirtC/. 6. §·52· Dirc;Cf. 6. T•/(! lmd ofrmcharitablenifi and malict, againj! any; but c[peci•lly the fervants of Cbr~l. For this blinds the judgcm<:nr, and mads men with a vcnemous kind of patfion, and will make them fcorn and rage againfl the moll holy fervants of the Lord. The leaf\ true Love to a Chriflian as a Chriflian, would do much to the cure of all this fin. lJirrC/. 7 • jl'. 53· Dircel. 7· 'fak,.e bud of being tngagcd in a fi/.1 or faaion, and tal\! heed of the c.rn•l ztal if fchifm, and of the [pirit .[ fa/Jion , which ordinariry mal(;s men thin~(, it lawful, if not neceJJ"ry, ,. fcarn the perfons that Jiem againjlthem, that fo they may difahlt them from hindering the inttreft of their caufe or party. Thus Fapills, and thus---the fad:iom ones of every Party, think that their rcvilings arc but the necelfary difarming of the enemies of God (for fuch all mull fcem that differ from them) ; And a llripping them of that honour by which they might do hurt. Thus good is pretended for the l'rov.t.1.2., 21 • moll odious evil,and God is.fet up againfi that Lovt which is the fullfilling ofhis Law; and made the Patron of the jiorllfrs of hiS cbildren: But furely heJcorneth the fcorntrs, Prov. 3· H· 'DireQ. g, 9· 5+· Direct. 8. Tall! heedof trror and infidelity : f'or if the underflanding be once deluded, and take Religion it felf to be but a deceit or fanfie, and Godlinefs to be but conceit and hypocrifie, no wond<r if it be made a fcorn by fuch. And fuch fcorncrs will jullifie themfelves in it, and think they do no harm ; So great a plague is a blinded,mind. I have faid lefs againll this Devilli!h fin, than the nature ofit requireth, becaufe I have already faid fo much, efpccially in three Treatifes, viz. The V,;in Religion of the formal Hypocrite : That called Now or Never; and a Saint or a Bruit. I conclude with thefe earnell requrlls to the Godly; J, Give men no occafion of fcorn by your im– prudence, fcandal, fi:lfi!hnefs or paffion, .as you tender the honour of God and mens Salvation. As Chry[oftom faith,As be that btarttb the Kings Standard infight, had need tobe wtUgNarded, fo he that car– S•'"'" cum rytth the name and pr•feffionof God and Godlinefs. •· Be nor difcouraged by fcorncrs: Thefe arc but fuillit • quo- eafie in comparifon of what Chrill fulfered fer you, and what the fcorners themfclves mull futfer. cbmcalcc . percuBUs, admiramibus illius tolerantiam dixiti Quid1i me alinus Calcc impetiiTet? Nwn illidiem dixilfem? CHAP.