Flo1v -far tabour u necejfary. CHAP. X. 1JireRiom for the Gowrnme11t ·of ibe 13ody. PART I. 1)ire8ions about our Labotlr mul [allings. Tit. 1. 1Jire£1ions for the 1\jgiJt ciJoice of OtiY Callin.g and ordinarJ Labour. I Have already fpoken of Chriftian wor/tt, and the duty of our Callings, Chap. 3• Gr. Dir. ro, And am now only to fubjoyn thefe few Directions, for the right choofi•!. of your Callings : (t'or of the Vjingof them J mull fpeak more anon). ' 9· I· Dire&. I. Vnderftand how ntctffary a life of labour;,, And tbtrtafons of tht ntctffity. Dirtl1•. I. Q!efi. I, !1 Labour nmffary to aUl Or to whom if not to aV l An[w. It is necelfary ( as adHty ) to ~rft. r. all that are Able eo perform it : But to the unable it is not nece1fary : As to Infants, and fick perfons, ls J2bour m..: or dillrad"ed pcrfons that cannot do it, or to prifoners, or any that are reftrained or hindered unavoi- celfary ro all~ dably by others, or to people that are difabled by age, or by any thing that maketh it naturally impoffible. 9·2· Q!efi. 2· What Labour if it th•tit neceff"Y l Anfw. Some labour that fhall emplqy the faculties of !llutft. 2, the foul, and body, and be profitable ( as far as may be) to others and our felves. But thefame k.jnd Wlitt labour~ of L~b~ur is not nccdf.ny for all. necdbry ?. In fame Labouri the mind is more employed than the body : As in the labours of a Magillrate, a Miniller, a Ph')ficion, a Lawyer, &c. Though fome in thefe may have much bodily labour alfo. The Labour of fomc is almofl only ofthe mind : As, 1· Of Studtntt in Divinity, Philofophy, Law, Phyfick, &c. Who are bur preparing thcm{elves for a CaUing: 2· Of fome Miniflers, or other godly perfons, who by the iniquity ofthe place or timer where they live, may tor a feafon be difabled ftom appearing among men, and labouring for any except by the mind: being irnprifoned, or driven into folimde, or otherwife made uncapable; 3• Of men that have fome extraordinary necellity for a (ea– fan, to converfe wich God and themfelves alone : As men that arc near death, and have need to lay by all other labours to prepare themfelves. Though ufuaUy even they that are near dtatb lhould labour the good of others to the Jail ; and in fo doing they profit and prepare themfelves. The Labour of !om.e otherS is more of the Body, than the mind : As moll Tradefemen and day• labourers. And the Labour of fome is equally of the body and mind, as fomc painful Minifters and Phyficions, Seer Cor.g 6< Scribes, and Artificers of more ingenious profeffions, as Watchmakers, Printers, Builders, &c. Some & Cor. 6. 1• of thefe are tittcfi for one man, and fume for another. · ; ~::;:·. ~~~ ~~ 9-3:0!!efi+.M'~ not Religion excufi mm fom aU other labour,{ovtP"Y" and rontemplationlAnfw. Rt- fk!cft· 3· ligionJS our obhgatiOn ro obey God: God bmdeth us to do all the good we can to others: Some men Will R.digiort that have ability, opportunity and aCaU, may be excufed by Rtligion from worldly labourr, (as Mi· ~xcuft:f~m li· nijltrr ) ; but not from fuch fpiritual labourr for other 1 which they can pe.-form : He that under pre- ~our? St~ be– tenc~ of Religion? wirhdrawerh from conve~r:, and forbeareth _ro do good to o:hers, and only liveth ;j;~~~~i ~his. to ~tmfelf, and Ius own foul, .d?rh make Rehg10n. a.pretenfe agamll Charity and tihe works of Charity, Aod in my . whtch are a great part of Rcllg10n: For p~Ttre Rtltgron and undtfiled btfort God and tlJt Fathtr ; 1 tbi-1 to T.rr:~t., of J~tv.ifit the fatberle{r an~ wid~wr in their affliliion, .~nd ~o '<.ttp bimfllf u1t{potted of the world : Jam. 1 • ~7• 111nt qtt. Part Even when ficknefs, 1mpnfonmet1t or perfecutton dtfableth to do any m11rt for others we mull pr.Jy 1· fur tbem. But while we 'an do more, we. mufl. ) Mmm