ne Mifchiefs of Idlenifs. §. , ·5· S. Idlmfs is not a Jingle fin, but • continiud cout[e of {inning< Aft idle perf?": isfinfiing all fhe while he is idle : And thats with fome agreat part oftheir lives: And therefore 1t IS the greater 11 becaufe the continuance fheweth that it is not effectually Repented of. 9· 1 6. 9 . Idlwji is a defiroyer of gtace, and gifts, and natm-alparts:_ Thcywillrufl for wl.nt of ufe: 1htjluthful it brother tOihe great "''j!er: ·Prov.JS• .9• Weeds will grow up and choak the fruir. . , . 9. 17 • ·, 0 • Idlcnefi and jlotb is afruit of flefh·pleajing; and fo cometh from the mofl perni~ious vice: It is bUt tople.zfe the fitjh, that one JS drunk._, and another glsmouoUt, and another aformcator, and anmher covetouf: And your IdJemfs and jlotb iS but pleafi11g the fame firfb in i1H9tber way, which is forbidden as well asthofc• . And ifye live afteuf,ejlejh ye jhaU dyt: Rom. S. 13· 9· ,g. 11· It ·is a jltengilming the fldh againfi the Spirit, by indulging it in its cafe and floth: and tnaketh it not only unruly ~nd unfervic;eable, but mafterly and r::arm:fi for its own deflres. 9· , 9 • 1 2 . 'Idlenefr is the Mother and Nurfc of111any heinous fin<: t .• lt cheriO~eth ~ufl, and draw· c: 1 th people to fornication ; which hard labour would have much prevented. -~· ~t IS the time for tOoli01 rpons, and vanity, and wantonnefs and excefs of ryot, and all the mdchtefs which ufc to follow ir. 3· 1t is the time for idle talk and mcdling with other folks matters: ancl therefore Paul r\,;prehcndeth the Idle as btf]ie-bodiu, or medlers with matters that co!lcern them not, and twatlers and tale-carryers: 21i"lf.3· 11· I 1im. 5"3· r1heff. 4· 11. They that do not what they jhould, Prov.>6.l6l will be doing what they j/JMid not. 4• It is the time for gluttony , and drunkenne&, and ~aming Pro~. '1·lO• .ind all other ft!nfuality. 5· Yea, it is the time for fedition:t and rebellions ; as in Ar~ies it is the time fo·r MUtinies. . _. . , 9. 20. 13. Idlwefs is the feafon of'l'empt.:tion : lt is Satans fwl·timt. It is then that he hath d'p· ·~ortunicy to tempt men to malice, re.venge and all other vil1any that is committed. 9· 2 i• 14. Idlenefr ist diforderly wal/l!ng, 2 Thdf. 3·10,11· Out of the way that God bath appoint– ed us to eat our bread i_n,, and receive his bleilings in. The large dcfcription of a virtuous woman, Prov. 3,, 10. to the CIJd is worthy. to be lludicp by the fiothful. She .fuk,tth Woo/1 and Fla:c, and wori('th wiUi•gry >Vitb ber bandr: She it lik,.e the Merchantt Shipr: Sht bringttb bt:t food from afar : $he ri[eth.alfo n•bile it it yet Might, and givetb mta~ to her houjhold, and a portia~ to her ru.aidem: Sbe SeePfal.ti'& •. confidcrtth a field ,and buytth i•: wi-.(, the fruil of her handr ]he planltlh a vineyard. She girdtth hu 71,, fholt e.ct_ Joyns with jlrengtb, and jlrcngthneth her arms! She perr.tiveth.thst her merchandize iS good; her c 11 Hdle tht l:~.~~~~r Of gottb not out by night·: She layeth her handr to the fpindle, and hu handr bold 1be dijlaff< Shej!r'ttcheth ~/ h"'~' \ . out her bomd to tbe poor, yea,jhe reacbeth forth her hand to the Htedy: She if not afraitl of the {now &1~'. 1 11 •• 1 • for lm houjhold: for all be! hozifhold are .clothed w(th .fiarlet--.-She look,.tth wtU to 1ht wayes of · ' lie- 'boujhold, a11d eattth not the bread of zdlenefs: 1defire our Ladies and Gentlewomen, that take thiS patrern eo be below them, to rerntmber that it was not a Plowrnan but a King, and that the great... e~ .ever Jfr_ael had, that gav~ thi~ counfel as received from his Mother: who concludeth, V.3o.3 1• Vc.r. t: Favour u deeceu/u1, and beauty u vcnn : but a wtlman that [taretb the Loril, {he jhaU bt prai[td; Give - b" of the ftuit of her hands, and ltt ber own works· prai[e her in tht gam. But ifour Gallants fhould hav_c no meat or clothing b_ut w~at were: the: fruit t1[ tbeir hands, it w~uld -:nak~ a fou1 ~hange in Cle2'i1lll:t"~ la~ thm garb and dyet I And Ifthezr orvn worJv mull be the matter of theu pra~fe, mflead of the Names attam aliof their An<et\ors, Arms, Lands, and Titles, it would alfo make a foul change·in their Honsurr. 9uando Hip~ tA medturo intulit, dice'm, Cleamhn ~lium _Cieamhem po~ffet n~trire fi vellet. And when he was quefiiontd in j_udgement'; t!:~~r{~~~, t~~~t\':~n~t~u~;;-dt~:o~~n~n~a~-~;~, r:;: c~:~~;d_ebi'~,afo~eb:rdr~~~~, ;t~~tr~~j" ~:h~ tb.l; baked his Meal, ~en: th~ !!i~ne~~i t~ai ~· 22. •5· Idleneji ufually bri"ngeth Poverry: And it is a jufl and merc\ful chaflifenient ofGod to. cure the fin: But ftlch can have little comfort in th&ir wants; · nor expect that othefs fhould pity them as they would do the diligent. Yea, many when by idtenefi they are brought to poverty· by poverty are brought to murmuring and llealing, to the ruine both of foul, an.d body, and fami: ly, and reputation. · 9· 23• 16. Idlenefs is a m•rekm ef the body: Gluito>ry and Idle•efs kill moO of the world before their Time: No two fins nioi'e cohllantly bring this Curfe along with them. 9· 24· I7· Idlemfi make<h thee the !hame of the Creation; Secfl thou not how all the world ; 1 iri action? How the Sun runheih . his courfe for thee ; the Waten flow, the ground bringeth forth; thy Cattell labour ~or thee; aod ~11 things that are moll ex<eUent, are mofi active; and all thingt that are \no(l unalltvt, are moll VIle, and dead, arid droilie; The Scripture fendeth the fiothful, even ro the Ant to learn to labour, Fr... 6. 6. And £hall the Ant, tbe 6ee, and every creature bo a wit• nefsa.gainft the<: to condemn thy Ooth ? · ~· 25· ,s. Lafily, Idlentfs difable~h you f~om d.oin~ good to others: Youlh~uld war~with yo 8 ,. own handr, that you may have to gm to hzm that nredeth , Ephef. 4• ~8. Or 1f you givo out of your fuptrjluity that wh\ch cofl you no labour, it is not fo much to yout ho~our ot comforl as if you were purpofcly t~rifty and /aboriou; to do good : He that pleafcth .his fle(h with eafo an<! ftilnefr., and gweth hiS leavmgs ( how much. fo_ever) to the poor, wiU ntver have thar.omfort a~d c01dence. of Gods acceptance apd g~ace tn It, as h~ that parnpcrcth not his flelh by his abun· dance, but gwe~h _that to the poor wh1ch he getteth w1th hiS d1hgen"• and whicl! h~ denyeth tl» tus mouhna_tc iildues~