Baxter - BJ1441 B3 1673

17>e Mtjchiefs of falfe Zeal. Tit. 3· 1Jire8ions againft Sloth and Laz.jnifs in things JPiriwal : and for ~al and 1>iligmce. ~· !:zEal in things fpiritual is co~t!ary to.f/,th and coldneji and remiffne[t ; and Diligence is conReq. •1,•9· trary to IdlenefJ. Zeal IS the fervour, or earneflnefs of the foul: l!s tirfl fubject is the ;g and affclliotu, excited by the judgement; and thence it appcareth in the Practice. It is not a diflr:'[, • . Grace or A.ffeCtion, but the vigor and livclynefs of every grace, and their fervent operations. t m • !}lrcU. 1 • 0 f §. 2· D1rect.x. Befiere that you underjiandthe natttre and u[t of zeal and diligtnce, and mijla~ lh; ~m~5 ltot acarnal degenerate fort of zeal, for that which U JPiritJtal and genuine. J. There is a zeal a d J.! ez:ea • activity meerly Nawral, which is the effect of an aaive tCf!lperature of body. 2. There isan affe;d zeal, which is hypocritical, about things that are good; when men ffieak._ and make an 'outward fit as if they were truly zealous, when it is not fa. 3• There is a feijijh zeal: when a proud and fdtit~ pcrfon is f~rve1tt in _any matcer that conc~rneth hin~Jelf_; for his Dron opinion~, his own honour, his Qwn tftatt, or frte.ndJ or mterefi : or any thmg that IS h1s own. 4• There IS a partifll fa{lionu zeal: when crrour or pride or worldlinefs hath ~ngaged men in a party, and they think iris their duty or in· Mat.:.J. I). ttr~{t at teafi, to fide with the Set! or Fad'jon which they have chofen, they will be zea/ 0111 for all the Opinions and wayes of their efpoufed Phty. 5• There is a fupcrllitious Chi!di(h carnal >eal for fmall, indifferent, inconfiderable things : Like that of the Pharifees (and all fuch hypocrites j for their Wafhings, and Failings, and other ceremonious Obfervances. 6. There is an envious malicious zeal, againftthofe that. have the precedency, and crofs your ddircs, or cloud your honour in the World, or_that '?"~radi(t you. in your con_ceits and ways.: fuch i~ that at large defcribed, 1am. 3 • 7· There IS a p1Cv1fh contcnuous wranglmg zeal, that IS atfaultmg evc::ry man ~ho is not {quared. '~~juG: to your conceits. 8. There is a malignant ze:J!, againfi the Caufc and Servants of the Lord which carryeth men to perfecute them.. See that you take not any of thefe, or any fuch like fO; /;olyzea/. The mifchief, ~· 3· If yo1• fhould fo mifiake, thefe mifchiefs would enfue : r. Si;iful zeal doth make men offalfe ze.a!... do;tbly fmful : As boly zeal is the fervency of our grace, fo finfitl .zeal is the intention and fervmcy of fin. 2. lr is an h?1~ouring of fin and Satan: as if fin were a rvo~k._, and Sata~r a M_aJler, worthy to be [trvently and dJitgently followed. 3• It IS the mofi elfe&ual viOlent way of finnmg, making men do much evil in a little time; and making them more mifchievous and hurtful to others, than other finners are. 4· If blindeth the judgement, and maketh men r_ake trurh for faUhood, and good for evil, and difablcrh Reafon to do its office. 5· It is rNe violent refiller of all Gods means; and teacheth men to rage againfl the truth that lhould convince them : It fiops mens ears, and turns away their hearts from the Counfd which would do thtm good. 6. It is the moft furious and bloody perfecutor of the Sainrs, and Church of Jefus Chrill : Ir made Paul once e::cctdi 11 J!. mad See Jam.;. againfi them, An. 26. 10, u. and jhut them up i1t Prifon, a~~ punifh them in tbe Synagflf,ttu, and compel them to blafpheam, and perfecute them evm unto jlrange CmtJ, and vote for tbeir dti1th: Thus concerning zeal he perfecuttd tbe Church, Phi!. 4· 6. 7· It is the Wrbulcnt difquierer of all Societies: A deflroyer of Love: a breeder and fomenter of contention .., and an etlemy to order pelce and quietnefs. 8.Ithighlydi9-l~nourethGod,by prc.fuming to put his name to fin .and errour, and :oJU· ·to entitle him to all the wickednefs it doth. Such r.ealou.r !inners commit their fin as in the Name of God, and fight againfl him ignorantly by his own (pretended or abured) authority. 9· It is an impenitent way of finning: The ualous finner jutHfieth his tin, and pleadeth reafon, or Scripture for it, and thinketh that he doth well, yea that he is fervingGod when he is murdering his S:-rvanrs, Job. 16. 2· to. It is a multiplying fin, and makcth men exceeding defirous to have all others ·of the finners mind: The ZtJlouJ finner doth make as many fin wirh hun as ht: can. Yea if it be but a zeal for fozall and ufeleji things, or about finall Conrroverfics or Opinions in Religion, •· It fl1eweth a mind thats Jaine~tably ftrange to the tenour of the Gofpel, and the mind of Chrifi, and the practice of the great fubflantial thing,, 2· It defiroycth Charity and peace, and breedeth cenfuring and abufing others. 3· It difhono~reth holy zeal by accident, making the pro– phane think that all zeal is no better than the foolifl• paflmn of deceived men. 4· And it difableth the perfons that have it to do good : even when they are zraloru for hDly truth and dttty, the people will think it is but of the fame nature with their erro12eous zeal, and fo will difregard them. T~lr,gns of Jl'·~· The figns of holyz-.larethefe. r. It is guided by a right Judgement: It is a zeal for holy z.eal. T1uth ar.d Good, and not for fallhood and Evil, Rom. 10. 2. 2· le is fr.r God and his Church or caufC', and not only for our {tlvu. It confifieth with meek.nefs and fdf-denyal and patience as to our own concernml!'lts, and caufeth us to prefer the intc:rell of God before our own, Numb. I 2. 3· Exod. 32. r9. Gal. 4· 12· Act. 13· 9, 12· 3· It is always more careful of the f•b/fdllce than the M:u.1 3 .n,:.3. circumjlanctt: It prefcrreth great thingJ before fmaU: It contendeth not for frnlll Controverfits ro 'Tit.:, 14· the lofs or wrong of greater truths: it extendeth to every known truth "and duty; but in due pro.. portion; being hottell in the greatetl things, and coolefi: in the leafi. It makcth men rath_er zealou1 of 2 Pet. 1. '' 8. good w~rk.J, than of their controverted Opinions. 4· Holy Zeal is alway charitable: It IS not cruel lcuk 9· 4· and bloody nor- of a huiting difpofition, Luk.: 9· 55· but is tender and merciful, and maketh men 1 Cor. ~· burn with a ddire to win omd fave mens fouls} rather than m hurt rheir bodits, l Cor; I3• Zeal aga!nll - ~