Tbe Ji!!!zs and excellencies of true Zeal, 457 the fin is conjuntl: with Love and pity to the !inner, 2 Cor• 12.2 r. 5• Yet it exdudcth that foolifh pity which cheriOJcth the fin, Rev. 2· 2. I King. r5· 13. 6. True zeal is render of the Churches Unity and Peace : It is not a dividing tearing zeal : It is firfi pure and th~;t _peacea_ble, gem~c 11nd eafie to be intreatcd,[ufl of mer~y a~td gufJd frHitJ, Jam. 3·. 17· 7· True :-eal ts tmparual, and JS G~n ;8. ~4• 35 hot againfi our 6wn fi,tt, and our Ch1ldrens and other relauons fins, as agamll anothers, Mat. 7· 4· ::z. S:tm. u. 5· g, 1rut zeal refpeCl't:th all Gods Commandments, and is not hot for one and contemptuous of another: It airncth ar pe,.frliion; and fiinteth not our dcfires eo any lower degree : ft m1keth a m:m defirous to be like to God, even Holy as he is Holp It confifieth principllly in the fervour of o'!r _Love 19 GIJd: whenfalfe Ztal confifieth principally in cenforious wranglings ag-1inCt other mens a.Cbons or opinions: le fir~ worketh towards good,.an_~ chen _rifeth up againll the hindering·cvil•.. 9• le maketh 2. Cor. s. 3 ; a man laborious m holy duty to God, and d1llgem m all ius work ; and lycth not only 111 the heat of Afl 18. :5. thebrain, or rigid opinions, or heat of (P'ech. IO· le is not a fudden flafh, but a conUant ~efolution Exod. 36. 6. of the foul : Like the n:~lJtral heat, and not like a Fcaver (Though the feeling part is not lhll of one G:tl IJ IS degree) Therefore it com:oClerh and ftrengt_hcneth,_ when fl!fe Lt:al only vexeth and confumetb.. '"· ' ~ ~ 5· Dittct. 2. JYhmym arc thus aqu.mued wzth l?e ;Mtrtre of trm ze~l~ ccr.jider 11Cxt of ztJ ex- T>irc/1. 2 , ccllency and fin$ular bmefitJ,_that there m3y ~e a l'nJe. to t!, a;zdan hommr of Jt m Jam· hcartJ. To that Thcexre::cn~y end confider ot thefc followmg commendauons of It. o~_z.tal :1nd 9· 6. r. Zeal being norhing but the frrtw!r and vigmr of every grace, hath in it all the beauty and dt!Jgcnce. cxcclltncy of that Grace, and th.tt in ahigh and cxceH~nt degree. If Love to God be excellent, then ztaloJU ftrvent Love Umojt_ rxccUcnt. ..- 9· 7 , 2· The natrtre ot IJJly Cbjetli are fitch, fo great and excellent, fo tnmfccndent and of un• ..– fpeal{able confequence, th:!t we cannor be jincere in our ellimation and fcek ing of them, without zeal. Jf it were about riches or honours, a cold defire and a dull purfuit might ferve the turn, and well befecrn us: But about God and ChriH and Grace and Heavtn, fuch cold ddires and endeavours are but a contempt. To love God without zeal, is 11ot to Love him, beclufe it is not a loving him as Pfal. 69. to. God. To fcek Heaven without zeal and Diligence is not to feek it, but contemn it. To pray for }oh. 1.. 1 7· falvati~n without any zeal, is but hypocritically to babble, inHead of praying : For no ddlre of Chrift G~. 4· 18 • . and Ho\inefs and Heaven is faving, but that whic~ preferreth them before all rhe rreafures and plea- ;.it~~-~~~ r, fures of the World: And that which doth fo, hath furc fomc zeal in it: fo that fome Zeal is dfcntial R"· l · >r, to every Grace, as life and heat is to a mJil. 16, 1.9, 9· 8. 3. The integrity and ho~tjly of the heart to God, confilleth much in zeal. As he istrue to his friend that is zc1lous for him, and not he that is indifferent and cold: To do his fctvice with zeal, is tO Tam $. I6. do it wi!'iugly and heartily and entirely: To do it without zeal is to do it heartl~fly and by the halves, R-::m. t2.IJ. and to leave out the life and kernel of the duty : It is the Heart thlt God cloth tirlt require. 9 9 • 4• Zeal is much of theJlrengtb of duty, and mak<th it likelyell to attain its end. The Prayer . of the faithful that's dfedual mun be ftrvem, Jam. 5· J6, Z::al mufl make us importunate fuitcrs ~:lt.JI. It, th:lt will rake no denyaJ if we will fpced, Luk. t8. I, 8, &c. 'the Ki1tgdom of He..:ve1t fuffcrctb viulence, L~l~1\t!:: 011 d Jbe violmt tai:J it by f orce. We mul\ jhive t{) enter in at the jlr11it g.1.te, for many jlnU fcrk.. to 2 Tlll 1 . 2 . ,:. tnter and not be able. Not tvery one that j1rivtth is crowned, nor every one thu rmzmtb wins the 1 C~r 9- 14i p~:ize; but he that doth ir tjfeffJ,.JUy fo as toauain. No wonder if we be commanded toLove God ¥Pit.~ 2.~, u. all our hea~t and fou_l and nr~ght, wh~ch is a Zcaknu _Love: For this _is !t that overcomctb all othlr ~~~~~~: ;: love, and w1ll cou(irat~t to dutJ!ul obcd1ence. As expenence tdlcth us, It JS the zealoM and diligem Mar. ::n. ~7• Preacher that doth good, when the cold and negligent do but little: fo is ic in all other duties : The : Ccr. 5- r1. dilij!,tllt IJ~nd m!l~rtb rich, And God blelfeth thofe that ferve him he:.rtily with all their might. Prov. to.... .§. 10, S· Ze.cl and diligence take the opportttnity, which jlotfJ and 1tegligcnce let flip. They arc up with the Sun; and worl;_ while it if day; They fee~ the Lord rvhile he m.1y be fotmt1. and eaU upon [[h. 9·:· .bjmwhile he i1m.Jr : They know the day of their Vifit~tion and S.~Ivation; They dday 110t, but take L~k~~~:4t. theaccepted time. ·when the jloth[11l arc fiill delaying and trifling, and hear not Gods voice while it is Heb. 3 . 7 > 1 5' called to day, but barden their he.Jrtl, an~ Jletp with.thtir lamp! uH[tmzijT:rd, and knock not till the door M;Jt. .:.r. , bejhut. They !land and look upon therr work while they lhould do ir ; They are never in readinefS, when Chrift and Mercy are to be emerrained : They are f\ill pmting off their duty till fome other time : till time_ be done, and their work undone, and they are undone for ever. ~· I i. 6. Zeal and dlligvtce are thebefi improvers of 1ime and mercy: As they del.~y not but take the prefent time, fo they loyt~r not, bur do their work to purpofe. A$ a fpeedy Traveller goeth farther in a day, than atlorhful one m many: fo a zealous diligent ChriHian will do more for God and his foul in a litt_le time, thana neg_ligenc dullard in all his life. le is a wonder to tl~ink what Auguftine and Chry{ojlomedl~ among the Anc1enrs! what Ca/vin and Perkji!I and Whittak_cr and Rcign!JidJ andChamitr and rnany other Reformed Divines l1ave done in a very linle time! And what Swarcz andV4quc:z:. and ]a11{e11i~$ _and Tjlatus and Cajetan and ~quinar and many other Papifis have performed by diligtnce ! wh~nM1lhons ot _men that have longer ttrnc, go out of the World a_s unknown as rhey came into it ; havn)'g never arramed t~ [o much k..n~wledge as might preferve the::m from the reproach of Bruiti0 1 igno– rancc,nor fo much a_s_r~ught fave the1~ ~ouls fr~m Hdl: And when many that had diligence enough to gufome laudableab1hta:shad never d,izgenct enough to nfe tbem to any great benefit of others or thcmfelves. ZeJl and diligence are that fruirful wcll-manured foil, where God jnvob hir ficd with bell M _ 8 • fucccfs; and which remrn him for his mercies 11n hundred fold; and at his coming givcth him his Pr~~.';6, ;::· ow~ ff'itl! ufury, ~at. 25~ 27, 20· But floth. and ntgligm:e are the gravt of mer,cics, where they are buncd t>ll they. nfe up m Judgement agamll rhe defp.fers and confirmers of them. Arijlotle and Plato> Gale;: and Hippocraus> improvers of nature> flull condemn thefe fl-Jt!-fuJ neglccters and abufers N n n 2 of