460 Helps for thy Zeal and diligence. What goet/, to make a recreatio11 lmvful. Virell. 6. 9. 36. Direct. 5· Do aU)10U <IIJt toraife )'()ftr beal'ti to the Love of G~d, and a delight in holy things and tbtn J.OU rviUnot be Jlot~[!tl, n~nvtary, nor m;Jigtnt. Love and Dtlight are the: mofi cxcdlem re: medy agamil a flow m>WJihng kmd of duty. Know but how good it is to walk with God, and do his work, and thou wilr do It chearfully. Direl1. 7 . 9· 37· Direll:: 6. A ftcret root of Ultbelief M tbc mortal wemy of zral and diligmc;: Labour for a well~grounded btluf of the JVQrd ofGod and the world to come, tmd jtir up tb.Jt belief intoexercifo, n•ben )'OU would bave JO'!r jl!Jthful he.;tru fli;d up. When there ~s _a fecret qudlioning in the heart, JFh.1t if there jhould be no life ~o c~mt f IJI'bat if tbe groundJ of Rcfzgton arc unfound ? This b!aHeth the vigor of all endtavors, and mclmerh men to ferve God only with h}'pocriticJ.l . halving and H:fervts; and maketh men refolve to be no further Religious, than Hands wi1h prd(m fldhly happincfs. J)irctf. 7 , 9· 38. Direct:?• TaR$ keed of debaucbi11g Co1!{cien~e by vtnturing upo1z d~ubtful thi.ngJ, much .more, ){,_m. 14 21 , by k._non:n an~ r:r:!flJul.f!lt: for when .once C?nfctencc IS taug~t to ~omply wttl~ fin, an~l is mattered in :u. one thmg, 1t WJil doHs duty well m norhtng, and zeal will qutckly be exunct : D1Hgence will die ' Cor. 5· 6. when Confcience is corrupted or fatlc:n alleep. ~"h·<:'9 8 lo· 9· 39· Direct. 8. Livt in a conflant txpcflation of deatb: Do not foolifuly flatter your felf with 'Dtrclr. • ground let's conccits, that you Ch11l Jive long. There is a great power in Death to rowze up a drowlie foul, when it is taken to be near. And a great force in the conceit of living long, to make even good me11 grow more negligent and [ecure. Dirtli. 9• 9· 40. Direct. 9• Live among warm and feriolU Chriftians; tfpeciaUy ar to ycur intimate familiJrity. Jl,ov. 12. 1.h There is a vt.ry great power in the zeal of one to kindle zeal in others; as there is in tire to kindle tire: 15· & 2 7· 1 7· Srrims, btarty, di.ligtnt Chrifiians, are excellent helps to make llf fcriour and diligent. He that tra· ~eh.~ 1 ~S vclleth with fpccdy travellers, will be wilting w keeppacewith them; and tired fluggards are drawn Rr~~. ;~: ;,.~ on by otht:rs: When he that travelleth with the fiothful will go Oowly as they do. Dirca. 10· 9· 41. D ircd:. 10· La!fly, Be (1ft iu tbe ,fe of quick,_ning meant: Live, if you can attain it, under a J)ircti. 1o Wh:ulawful recreation i~. quicl{_nint, :aalfllH Min~{fer: Thcl'e is life in the word of God, which when it's opened and applied lively will put life into the hearers: Read the holy Scriptures,. and fuch lively writing.:; as htlp you to underHand and praC\:ife them. As going to the fire is our w3y when we are cold, to cure our bcnum– medndS, fo reading over fomc part of a warm and qulck_ning bt1ok..., will do much to warm and quicken a benummed foul: And it is not the fmallefi help to rowze us up to pr.1yer or meditation, and pur life into us before we addrcfs our felves more nearly unto God. 1have found it my fclf a great help in my .Uudies, and to my preaching~ when ftudying my own heart would not fervc the turn, w awake me to ferious fervency, but all hath been cold and dull that I have done, becaufe all was cold and dull within, I have taken up a book that was much more warm and ferious than I,and the reading of it hath recovered my heat~ and my warmed heart hath been fitter for my work: Chrifiians, take heed of a cold, and dull, and heartlcfs kind ofReligion : and rhink no plins coo much to cure it: D.:ath is cold, and life is warm ; and labour it lelf doth ben excite it. PART II. :Dire8io11s abotlt Sports and (]Vcreations, mzd againft excifs and jitl tl!ereitz. 9· I· DirC"lt. r. IF )'0~ would c{cape tht fin_and danger, ~vhicb men comm011ly run into by unlarrful . fporrmg, under ptettnfe of lawful rtcreauonJ; yeu mujl underftand what ~zwfitl re~ creation U, and what iJ it.r preper end and ujt. No wonder clfe if you im, when you know noc what you do? 9· 2 • No doubt but feme[port a_nd rtcreation is lawful, yea needful, and therefore a duty to fame men. Lawfitl fptJTt or rtcreatio1t is the ufe of fome N.Jturaltbiug or aliion, not forbiddm M,for the ex~ hileratin'g ef the natttral fpiritJ by the fantafie, and du.e exercifc of.the natural p.~ru, thtrcby to fit rbe ho· dy aJ!d mindfor ordimrry dmy to God. It rs forne delzghtful ~xercifi'• . §. 3. 1 • we do not caB tmpleafing Labour by the name of [port or recrealion ; though 1t may be better and more neccffary. 2· We call not every Delight by the name of {port or recreatio11 : 1-"or e.zting and drinb,!ng, may be dtligh•f•l, and holy thingt and dutiet may be delightful; and yet not properly /Ports or recreation:. But it is the fantafie that is chiefly delighted by JPoru. . 9· 4· ff2!Jal. 1. All thefe things following are necelfary to the Lawfuhufi of a[port or mreauon, and the waDt of any one of them w1ll make and prOiie ic to be rmluwfu!. r. The end whtc~ you really 1~·tend in ufing it, mufi be to tit you for your fer vice M God; that is, either for your caUmg1, or for hts worjhip, or (Qme work of obedience in which you may Pleafe and G_lo~ijie him. 1 Cor. IO· 3r. fYhe· thtr ye eat or drink,., or wbattveryo:1 do, dr1 aUto the Glory (}f God. It IS JUU to your Duty, as the Mowers ~vbtttint!, to his Sithe, to make it for to do hW worl<,: . . , . 9·5·ff2!l•I·2·Ther<fore the ~erfon that ufeth it,mu!l be one that JS hcart,]y dcvo~cd to God, and hJS Ser· tict and I<ally liveth to do hJs work,and pleafe and glonfie h•m the world; whJCh none but <he Godly ' truly