The ConviCtion of Gameftm and lolJcrs of Sport. and railing, and hatred of thofe that wih y.our money, and oft it harh occafioncd fibhting, and mur~ lt is one" of the dtr ir felf. And even your hunting.r are.comrnonfy r~creario1~S fo cotl~y, as that the charge keep· ~:.~~b.~)~~:~ eth a pack of Hounds, would keep a poor mans family that IS now 111 want: Befidcs the Tmu~ that 1 Jigo bon ,rurn this aHO confi.tmech, fi1orum :tdnljSo that the cafe is clear, that ourG:zmefterJ and licentious fportfttU Gallant!, are a fort of peo~le that n!llrat o imer· l1ave blinded their minds and feared their Confciences, and defpifc: rhe Laws and prefcnce ot God, dJCta dlo. and forget death and judgement, and live as if there were no lite to come, neglecting their miferable fouls, and having no delight in the word or holy worfhip of God, nor rhc forerhoughrs of etc:rnal joys, and therefore feek for their pleafure in fuch fOoliil1 fporrs, a~d fpend thofe pretiou:. h~urs in thefe vanities, which, God knows, they had need to fpend moll di!Jgcntly, in repenting of the~r fins, and clea11fing their fouls, and preparing for another world. §. 29· If yet any impenitent Gamefier or idle 1ime·wajler !hall Reply, I• will'"'' believe that my Obje{i. Card1, or Dice, or Plays are rmlawfull I ufe them but to fit me for rr~y dmy l 1Yb.:Jt! would you h.zvc aU mr'n trve lik.,e htrtmiteJ or a1zchorite1 without all pleafure l I anfwer you but by this reafonJble re– queH: Will you fer your felves as dying men in the prefence of God, and the fi~hr of eternity, and provide a true anfwer to thcfe few ~eltions; even fuch an anfwer as )'OUr Confcu:nces dare fiJnd ro at the bar of God? 9· 30• ~efr. I· Doft thoif not thhrl(, in thy Canfcienct that thy, and Rc~ctmer,and his rvJtk.__and fi!.:! I. firvice, and thy family and calling, and the foretboughts ~f Heaven, ar_e not h!rt:_r mar_rers to delight a fober mind, than Card 1 ot St•gr:-play.r? And what can tt be but a vam and fmful mmd rhat fhould make thcfc toys fo pleafant to thee, and the thoughcs of God and Heaven fo unplcafam. §. 31. Qcell. 2. Doth not thy Confcience tell thee, that it is not to fit thee for thy Ca&i,g or Gods !!<:!rfl. 2. fervice, that thou ufefi: thefe fports, but only to delight a carnal fantatie ? Dorh not CotJkiencc reil thee, that it i;) more the pleafurt than the benefit of it to thy foul or body, that draws tke to ir? Don thouworl(, fo hard, or j!udy fo hard all the day belides, as to Heed !o much recreation eo rcfll!lh thee? §. 32· ~·ft· 3· Doth not thy Confcience tell thee, that if thy ferifual fantafie were but cured, it f&!!.rj!. '. would be a.more profitable recreation to thy body or mind, to ufe fomc fo'ter cxercife for thy body, ' which is confined ·to i!S proper li1ni.ts ~f time; or to turn w Variery ot labour, or fiudics, than w lit about thcf~ idle ga~es? t . . . . . . §. 33· ~~· 4· Doll thou think thatei~her Chrifi or his Apollles ufed Sragc·phys, Cards or Dice: ~eft. 4 , or ever countenanced (uch a temper of mmd as ts addtded to rhcm? Or was not D..1vid as wife as you, that took up his pleafure in the word of GQd, and his melodious praife? §. 34• ff<!!ejl. 5· Doth not ,your Confcience tell you, that your delight is more in your plays and !J<:!rf!· 5 : games than it is on God ? And that thefe fports do no way incre3fe your ~elight in God at all, but more unfit and undifpofe you? And yet every bltffcd m:zHr delight i& in the Law of tbr Lord, and in it he medit<Heth day and night, l'fal. r. 2. And do you do fo? . . 9· 35• .~~· 6. Do Y?U befiow as much Time i~ Praying and readi>~g the word of God, and medi- Ghrj!. t;· .tatmgon H, as you do m your fports and recrcauons? Nay, do you not fhufHc this over, and put.._ God off with a few hypocritical heartlefs words, that you may be at your fpons, or {Omething which )'DU love better ? · §. 36. ~ejl. 7· Dorh not Confcience tell the,, that this prerious Time might be much better ' . fpent, in the works that God harh appoint.ed thee to do? And that thy linful foul hath need ~eft. 7• en~ugh to fpend it in far greater matters? Doth it bec;ome one that harh finned fo long, and is · fo unaffured of pardon and falvation, and near another world, and fo unread_y for it, to fir at Cards or be hearing a Stage-play, when he fhou\d be making reaPy, and getting aJTurance of his peace with God. · . i 9: 37· !kef!. 8. Wouldfi thou be found at Cards, or Play• when Death cometh' If it were this ;;,,,.n 8 C!ay, hadlt tt1ou not ~at her be found about forne holy, or fume protltable labour? ~!).. • 9· 38. tf<ltta. ~· Will it be more comfort to thee whenthou ~rt dying,. ro think of the time which !f<:.~ejl. • t?ou fpentft l!l Cards, and Plays, and Vo~mty, or that wh1ch thou fpenrtt m' f.c::rvnig God, and prcp19 rmg for etermty? .. 9· 39· fl<:! Dmfi thou pray to God to blefs thy Card,; and Vier, and PI.'Y' to the good of~~~. 10 ; ~by foul or body? Would not thy Conlcience te~l thee, _that this were b~r a mocking of God, a~ pray· mg for that whtch t~ou dofi not mtend, and whtch thy pleafures are unht for ? And yet no recreation is lawful, which you may not thus lawfully pray for a bleffing bn. . 9·40· 9<f:;cft. 1 z. If you were fure your felves that you fin not in your g.zmeJ -or rports arc you 6) ·.a . fure that your Companions do not? That they have no lufi or vanity ofmind ar SraSe plays,no Covetouf- oo.!_te;•• 1 I• nefs, or finful pleafure or paffion at Cardt, or Dice? If y~u fay, we are no! bound to l{fep aUoiher ~en from fin, I anfwc:r, You are bound to ~o your befi towards 1t ; And you are bound nor to coarriburc willingly t<:> ~heir fin: A~d you are bound to forbear a thit~g indifferent, though not a dutj, to avoid 0 :a the fcandaltzmg or temptmg of another. IfPaul would never car fltCh while h~ lived rarher rhln make Rem. 1 8 4 ' '· a weak perf~n offen~, il10~ld not your fp?rts be fubjeCt to as great Charity? He faith, It ir f!.Md 1 ;eirbcr· 1 or. · 13 • t.o eat flep,,_nor to drml{. wme, n_or any th~ng wberepy_:tby. weak._brotber }i:emb!eth, or if sjfrndrd, or m:Jde Weak,} ObJeCt. Tbe11 we muft g've over our meat, and dnn~, and clMthJ, and all: An(rv. It tOllowerh ~ot t~at ~e ~uH fOrfake our Duty, to preven_t another man~ ti~, bccaufe we mutt forfake our ple;f:~re ~n thmgs mdtfferent: If you knew what fin 1S, and what Jt IS to fave or lofe ones foul) you woulc.l. not make a fport of other mens fin, nor fo eafily conuibur.e to ~heir damnation, and think your fenfi1Jl 0 oo pkafure