DireEfilms ilz rJtec"eatioll ; and abo11t Appah!l. 9· 53• Direct. 5· 'to !bit md ~ttp a ,.,.tch upon your thoug?tt.and f•ntafiu, that they run .not afitr ,'Dire/1. 5· jportt and pltafuru. El!c you wtll.be hke chtldren rhar are thtnkJng ot rhetr [pott, and longmg ro be ac it, when rhey !hould be ar thmBooks or bufinef<. . · . . p. 5 4 . Dircd'.6. .Avoid 1ht tampany of rtvtUtr~, gamtjlerJ .ani:l /uch lime-w~jltrJ· . Come n~t Dirtll. 6. among rhem, Jell you b'eenfnared: Accompany your fdves with rhofc rhat d<ltght themfelvcs m God, 2:fim. 2. 22. • 9· sS: Direct. 7• .Kemembtr dt~th and judgemmt, and the nmjJitie~ of your Joult. UfuaUy· thefc Dire/1. :,. fporrs feem but foohChnefs to fenotll men: And they fay of rhts mJrth, -as Solomon, zt u ma4mfl: Ecclcf. 2 , 1 , And it is grtat and feriout fubjt/11 whichmokcth firioutmtlf. Dtathandrhe,.,or/<l tocome, when rhey arc foberly thought on, do put rhc mind quit~ out ol relli!h, with fooli!h pleafures. . . 9· 56. Direfr, 8. Be painful in your hone]! Calltn[,J· Lazmefs breedcrh a love of (ports: wfien Dirt/1. 8. you mufi plcafc your Corhful fle!h with eafe, then it mull be fi<rther plt.jid with vanitiu~ . 9· 57· Direfr. Jl• Delight in your relation! and f•mily dutitt and merciet. If you love the corn· Dir1[i. jl• pany and convcde of your Parents, or Children, or Wives, or Kindred as you ought, you will find more pl<afurc in difcourfing witk them about holy tbingt or honell bufine!S, than in fooli.!h fports, BUt AdulrC:rers that love not their Wives, and unnatural Parents and Children that love not .one ano~ rher, and ungodlyMallers oft'amilies, that love not their duty, arc put to feek their fport abroad. . ~·sS. DircCl. IQ. Stt to the fan/1ifying of aU )OUr Rtcrtationt: when you have chofen fuch as are Dire/:1~ 10~ truly lUired to your need; and go not to them betorc you need, nor ufe them not btyond your need ; Secalfo that you lift up your hearts fccmly to God, for his bleffingon them ; and mix them aO along at far "' you can ,.,;tb holy tbingt; as with holy 'thooghu or holy Spttchtt. As for M<tficll,, which is a lawful plcafure, I have known feme think it prophanefs to ufe it priv•ttly or public/Jy wilh a Pfalm, that fcrupled not ufing it in common mirth ; When as all our mjrth Otould be as much fan· Clitied as is pollibleo All 010uld be dorie1o the Glory ofGod : And we have much more in Scriprurc for the HoiJVje ofMufick ( publick and private), tkan for any other ufe of it whatever. And it is the excellency of Mtlody and M<tficl1,, that they arc recreations which may be mbre aptly and profitably fanttified by application to holy ufcs, rhan any other. And I !hould think rhem little wottli at all, if I might not ufc them for the holy exhileratin11 or elevaring of my foul, or affecting it to· wards God., or cx~;iting it to duty. . . 9· 5P· DireCl. I r. 'Ihe fickjy and the Melancholy (who arc ufually leall inclined to fport) havi milch Dirt/:1. I io inort netd of Recreation 1ha11 othtrJ, aHd tbtrefort may aUow it amuch l:srger time 1han thofe that are ;,; b..lth and j!rength. Bccaufe rhcy take it but as Phyfick to recover them to health, being to abate again when they arc rca>vcrcd. 9· 6o. Direct. 12. Bt m11ciJ m~re{tvtrt in regulatin~ your {elves in yottr rtcreati01ti, than in ctnfil· Dirtll; i:z• ring othm for ufittg fome fpor11 which you mif/ik_e. For you know not perhaps their cafe, and rea· fons, and temptations : Bot an idle Time-walling fenfual fporrer, every one !hould look ori with pity as a miferablc wret<h. · PAR. T III. tliftftiolis abo11t. .Apparel, aiul a:r,ainft the Sin ih'erei11 comlilitted. '1• I• Dircc:t. r. Flrneft iltbt firjf thing to be rtfpe8td in yoi<r AfPartl to ma~ it ~meant ta Direa. i; the end td R'hich it it appointed. The Ends ot App•rel arc '·To keep rhc hotly "'"m ; 2· To keep it from being hurl : 3: To adorn it fobcrly fo far as befccmerh the common dignity of humane nature, and the [pc!i<il dijlniry of your places. 4· To hide thofc parrs, which nature 'hath made your !ltamc, and inodelly cam. mandeth you to cover. 9· 2· The FitHtji of Af!Partl confi!lcth in thcfc things: r. That it be fit.ted to your Bodiet: ( .~ your Shoo to your foot, your Hatto your head,&c.) 2· That it be [uit<d to your Sex, that men wear nor apparel proper to women, nor women that which is proper to men. 3· That it I:Je foiud ~o your Age: the.roungan~ the old bein~ufuaUy htrcby fomcwhar dillingui!hed. 4· That it be fuited to your Ej!att, or not above tt. 5· That ll be fuucd to yout Pl'<t or Office. 6. That ir be fuited tci yo~r V[t and Strvice. As, 1· To cover your nakednefs. fo far as health, or modefiy, or 8eCency rc4 <jutre. 2. To keep you from cold. 3• And from hurt tn your labour: (as rhc Shoodbth the foot the Glove the hand, &c. ) 4• For fober Ornament, as aforefaid. ' f· 3· Direfr. 2: Among the endt and ufet.of app•rtU the gre.tej! it lo be prtfcrreB: atid Ornameni Direi:/. 2i bung. the le.jl, ~~ not to be P~"ended •gatnj! any of the rej!; Therefore, they that for Ornament, r. WtU go n•f<!d; m any p~rt ~htch !hould be covered ; or 2. Will go col41j to the hurt or hazard of lhetr health (as our fimt·E>ttu, or half-naked Gallants do: ) 3• Or will either hiiittheit boditt (a~ our firait-lac'd fa!hionills ) or difabk themfclves from their labottr or travell or fit exer<ife, Jell they !hould ~ hurt by thm clorhes whtch arc fitted more to h,~t than Vfe, all thefc crols the end• of clothmg. ~· f• Dirctl. 3• .Affea Ntl fingu14ri'.)l in JOir •pJiareU; that is, ;, bt odd •tid obfirvably dij!intJ Dire/:1. 3· ;£- Oo o from