Baxter - BJ1441 B3 1673

Pride of Gra1Jity and '!lOrtifiednejs fignified by .Apparel. fr"om .a~ tboft of yolf.r own ra111{ and q~ta.lity: ~tnlt{r their f.l}hionr be evil and intoltr:z~le ( in pride · ... ~odelly, lcvity)&c.) a11d tht1r_yoHr jiJ1grelarity H y~ur duty. An ~nnecdfary alfceli)tion of tin~~~~ my !hewcth,. I· Aweaknefs of Judgement: 2. A Pnde of that whiCh you affect : 3· And a pl"in of duty .m thmgs mdifft~cm. · And on the contrary, an imitating of Prottd, or imm 11 dc!l: f~fhionsg I· Encourageth others in the fin: 2. Shtweth a carnal, proud, or tc:mpori-Ling mind that wiJJ dilpleal! God hirnfclf to humour men, and avoid their contempt and difeficcrn. · ' · · c 'Dir:ell. 4• 9· 4· Direct._4• ~R_,~t not _imo fordid vileli~[s 6~ nr~jlim[r, or ridiculous humorous fquaUid f.;jhiom, tt~dtr preten~e of avo1dmg Przdc. For, I· Th1s WJll bewray a great weaknefs of judgen1ent. 2 , Ir 'Will mak.e your JnJger~cnt, to men that difcern it, 1he-JLnore conteinptible ana ufelefs. {0 them in other ~h.wgs•. 3.1t will harden them in their exc~fl ~hi~o they thin~ umhj·ng but humQztr, fall/ or f~pcrfiuJOn doth reprove them. 4• You fin by· dijhmQHrtttg humane natutc. · God harh put a fpc– CJal _hon~u( upon, and would have .us do fo our fc!lvcs : and th'erefore hach appointed cJotbmg tmcc the fall ; As naktdmfs fo over-fordid or ril/jcu/Qus d~thiHg wrongeth God in his cre~ture. 1 Dirc/J. 5· 9· 6. , Direct., 5· But be ,.,.,b more foJPicwr~ of P.rirkd•nd Exccfi in apparel at the mwe comlfll!n a;:d dant;,ffO~J extream. For ll[atme is incomparably. Aiore l?rone to this, than •the orher: And'many hundre-ds_, 1f not rhou[ands fin m txceji, for one that t~nne~h m.lhe dtfili: And this r;ay of fi 1 ming is more p(:q1lous:. Ht:re I (hall (hew you, 1. How Pnde m apparel appeareth. z. What is the tin~ fulnds uf it. ' 9· 7· J, Pride appeateth in AppmU, when the matter of it is too coj!ly. 2. When in thefajhian you ~re. defirous to be imitating chofe ~hat are~bavt your cfiate or ranck; and when you fO tit }:Our App:t~ '.~U, as to mJke you feem fome lngher or rtchtr pcrfon than you are. ~·When you are over C117'iol!I in tht: matter, Jhapt or. drefs, and make a greare.r matter ofit than you ought: a~ if your tomelinefS were a more d_efirablc thmg than iris, or as if fame meannefs ondiUiked fafuion were intolerable. 4· When your c_urw~t)' ,takeeh up more 1ime in dreffing you, than ds'due to fa fmall a matter, while far greater n~tlltcrs ~re neglected. 5· when you make.too great a ditfercpce"between your private and your pub~ !Jck._ habit: going plain when no firangers fee you, and beingexceffively .careful when you go abroad, or when firangers vilit you. Thefe fhew that Pride wli.ich.c{Inli!teth in a1ddire to :.ppe:u either RiciJer or Comtlyer than you are. · 9· 8. ~fides thefe, there is a·Pritk which maketh rrien Q'elirOus to feern mord Learned 1han they ate : whiCh !hewtth it felf in affecting as the 1iJI.,, fo the Habits of the Le'arned : which hlth fome aggravations above the tQrrner. . 1 •• \ 'i :• ~ ~· 9· Arrd !here is a Pride which confifteth in a defire to feem more G,.avt ahd RWrrend•than you are: Mu. ~t.JS. · Thus C~1ifl blameth the Pharifees affectation of 'long garmtHIJ: When you !hall were a H•bit of ~ore G;;avit)_' than you have, it is Hypocrifie. ,.. • ' · ~ 9· IO· Ana there is aPride which 'onfilleth in a. defire to feem more M(fftifitd than you are, and Mltth. 2.j· S· ?'ore holy: And fo eo aJfeCl: thofe difcriminating Vetlmems which fignitie more of thefe than you have, Mal. 1· 15 ' IS proud hypocrifie; And ehus vile clothing is often the effect ofPride: And ifmen fall into th:u {ort of ~rid,·, as to dtlirc to be noted as moji mortijitd perfon5, this_~s ~!Juita}J/e a badge for tbtm, as bra~rry ir,for thofe th1t are proud of their ConztliJufJ, andGrave C/Qtbing of thofe chat arc proud of their Gravit)'• ~eft. 1 • 9· u. Q!eit. I· But may we as eafilydlfcern thi~ fort q]'Pridt in Clotbing a1 tbe otl~er? A11[w. No: How Pride of becau[e the mean, and plain, and cheap clorhing is commonly worn by perfons reaJ!y mQrtified and [o~ Guyity and her,- and by the j?6r, and grave clothing by perfons that areTt:fl!y g':ave-: And therefore we Hohnefs apare bound td judge them to be that, which the.y feem by theinpparel tb be, unlell by'tolne other evi– A"arec\ about dcnces than their appJrc1, thei~ pride and hypocrifie appear: But when we judge a perfon vai;t that ppare' vain.clothin{h an~ proud of their com.elin~fs that are 'in~rd1haf\~y ·qnc:t\fl io1~cui~g . ir-our, we Ju~gr b\'t. atcprdh1g t~ the jirf1 and proper jignifi:-'lon'of· the>r~clothJOg.' ~l{ypocnfie ." a thing unfeen to man: )t·IS,the Yl~ble ilgnsaccordihg to thetr proper ligq!IJCauo~ tl\al lfe mufl Judge by: And therefore ~vhen we fee perfons wear V.lit~ and mrioltl attire, we n~a.y Judge thereby that they are vain and curidU<: and jfwe be mifiaken, it is long of them that {rgllijicri il: And when we fee perfono wear gr.:we or bumble clothing, we mufi judge by it that they are grave and.humble, till thecomrary 'PPE"· . . · -. · ' I_., . . ll<f!tji. 2· · §. 12. ~elt. •· But how elfe wiU pride, o[Graviryor Mor~ified.nefi- appear l .Anfiv. When rhey ba.ft of themfelves,. and are infolent in cen[uring a.nd rtprMcbing tho{eo..rhat differ frbrn them ; wh~u their clifr.:oprfe.i~ ·mOre againfi thofe j'ajhiQns which tbey.. uv~id, than agaimt any fautts of1h~ir own ; when they affi.:& to bcfingular in 'tbeir apparel, even from the graveand.bumblt perlons..oHthtir rank: Out efpe'cially when they make a 11oifc: and fii( in tlic world with their f:Jhioils, to be taken notice of~ and to become crninenr, and perfon~· ral~t of and admired for their mortified garb. Thus many Sects.among!\ the Popi01 Fryars go by Agreement or Vow in Clothes fo differing !fern all other .per– fans m fecrning humility and gr<tVity, which mull be the b4dge cf theJI Order Jn the eye of the wotld, that the boajl and affe/Jarion is vifible and profefJed. And thus thc.Q!_akers,. rhat by rhe lloto– riety of their difference fr6m other fobe;;r perfons, and by their impudent bawling m theStre.e.ts and Churches, and railing againH the hQJicjt and humblcjl Minifiers and)propi.t: _chat are not ~f rh~1r SE~. and this in the face of Mul<ets and Co,ngr~gations, do make a plain profeff10n or deteCbon of theu Pride. But where it is not openiy uvealed, we cannot judge ir. .. · · ·• !J.!!•JI• 3• 9• 13. Qtefi. 3· l1 it not law[11l for a perjim tbat it defurmed, to hide their deformity by their clo· t~J~g l ..&ndJ~"'··"11_v tlf"/Pn ,t11 mak,.t lhemfeJves· ( by clatbing, or· {p1t1, or p,Jinting ) ·to feem to others "'