f!ireEfiorzs abot~t .A"ppar(l. fans : And this was doneby meer Humiliation without any arguments againfi their fzjhions or proud oHtire. As old Mr. Vod faid,when one defired him to preach againfi Ion~ hdir : Preacb them on'e tu Chrijl 1 md tru~ Rtptntance, anti they rriU cltt their hair witbout our prcacbin.~ againft it: As Pride would be feen in Proud appard ; fo bumility will appear in a drefs like it felf, though it defire not to be fcen. Mark 1 Pet. 3 3, 4, 5· Who[t adorning let it not be that outward adorning of plaiting the hair, or of JJ~tari~~ of_G_~·Id, vr of putting on of_apparel ( _rh.at is, curious drelfing ~or adorni1~g r_he body bey~m~ plain hrnphcny of att•re ) But let zt be the hzdlltn man nf the he.1rt tn thttt wlncb u not corrupttbl~, cvtn tbe ornament of a meek and quiet Spirit, which in the fight of God ir of grrat price o FBr after thH mllnner (that is, with inward Holinefs and outward plainnefs) in the old time the holy women alfo who truflwl in God, adornal thtmftlvu, being i11 fubjtllion to their own_huJ!,andJ. 0 that God woul~ print thofe words upon your he:arts, 1 Pet. 5· 5· Yra, aU of you bt [Hb]ca one to another, and be clothed witb IJumUiJy : For God refi{leth the prottd, andgivetb gr~ce to the humble. Plainnefsamong ChriHians is a greater honour than fine clothing, Jam. 2· 2, 3, 4' 5· I Tim. 2· 9, 10· In liJte manner a/[o tbat wo· men ador» them[elves in modejl apparel witb jhafnef•Jftneji and fobriety, not with broidered b11ir, sr Gold, or Pearl, or cojUy.array: but ( whicbbecometbwomen proftffing godlinefs) with good work.f. I intreac thofe that arc addicted to bravery or 'uriofity, to read Ifa. 3· from ver. 16. to the end. 9· 2 1o DireCt. 12· /'rlal{r nnt too grrat amatttr of yowr clot!Jing, but ufi .it ~ith fucb indifferencyas • Vireff. t2~ 1bi 11 g fo indijftrem fhould be ufed : Set not your heatrs upon It. for that 15 a wor~e fign than the e"" ccfs in it felt~ 7.:k.! no thowgbt 'R'bert~itb ytjhall be cloathtd: but remember IJowGoiJ clotbettJ tht LiUies of thefield, Matth. 6. 2 8. H you havefood and '"yment, be t!J<rrwith conrent 1 though it be never fo plain, 1 ·nm. 6. s. ~. 22· Direct. 13• Be n01 tooctnjoriout of othtrt for diffmnt fajhiont of app:ml. Be as plain and DiriD. · ~· modetl your felvcs as you can: But lay no greater fhefs on the faihions of others than there is caufe. If they be grnfly impudent, difown fuch fafhiom and feek to reform them: But to carpat every one that ~,;oeth finer than your fe~~es,.or to cenfme th_crn as pr_oud'! bcca~fe their fafbions are not like yours, may be of worfe fign'h'atlon than the faOuons you hnd tault wtth. I have ofr obfei:ved mort pride in fuch cenfures, than! could obferve in the fafhions which they cenfured. When you have your eye upon every fa{hion that is not according to yoUr breeding, or the cUt\om of your rank or ·place, and ~re prcfently branding fu'h as proud or vain, it £hew"eth an arrogant mind, that tteppeth up in the judgement feat, and fentenceth thofe that you have nothing to do with, before they ar~ heard, or you know their reafom. Perhaps their fathion was as common among the modeH fort where they have lived, as your fathion is among thofe that you have convent with. Cufiom and common opinion do put much of the fiilnifialio,n upon fajhiont of apparel. I Sho~ld nexl have ti\Wil .you fpec~~l Directions about the Uling of your Eftam : about your or the pr;;: DweU,ngr; about your l'rftot and ~nn~ , an~ about your Honour or good Namr. But betng loth portion of our the Book fhould prove too tedious, I ihall refer you to_what is faid before, agaia(\ Cw~toTt{nefl, Pridt E~3tes to b~ and Gluuony, Vc• apd what is faid before and after,of Walks ofCVority and Family.Qovernment. ~~ven, fe-emy · ~ Lett_er to tt.. .tl / '•, Mr.GD''Se'· . ' !AS to Smed !?.bits, and th'e diff<rent c:tts;" bws, Orders of l..ife, Dyet, &c. of thofe calieJ ReHglousOrders among the Papifis, Regular and Secular, whether and how far futh are lawful or tinful, they are haodl<d fa largt!y in the Controverfies of i'rotefhnts and Papifls, that I fhall paiS them by. Only re.membnng the words ofthe Clergyof Ravenna to Corol11s Jttnior King of Fra11ce in· ter Epi11. HincmanRl)cmenfts, Difurntndi a plebt vel c.tttril [umut, dotlrina non vefte, converfatiiJne· non b11hitu, m~ntit furitate 11M. cuiiJI.. Docendi e~im po1ius fun: populi , qurJm ludtndi, nee impontn:_ d11m tjl mum orull<, [td mtntJbut pr.ecepta funt mfundtndai T1Je End of the firfl Tome.