Baxter - BJ1441 B3 1673

47) A Chriftian Diretlory. T 0 M. 11. Chriftian .Oeconomicks. ,, CHAP. I. :Dire8ions abo11t Marriage; for [hoice and [ontraEl. S the PerfOns of Chrifiians in their private{l cap1ciries are Holy, as being De.. dicated and fepnated unto God, fo alfo rilUf\ their Famili<t be: HO L I– NESS TO THE LURD mufibeasitwcre written on their DoorJ, and on their Relations, their Pofrefiions and Affairs. To which it is requifite, J,ThattherebcaHofyCo»ftitutionof their Familirt: 2· And a holy Govern· mcnt of them, and difcharge of the fevcral duties of the Members of the: Fa– mily. To the right conftituting of a Family, belongeth, r. The right coH– tralling of Marriage, and 2. Therightchoict and contrati betwixt M~fteuand their Servant!. for the firfi; y. ::(, Dirdl. J, "tak,_e hu.d that ntitherluft nor rajhnef.r do thrujl you inft~ a marryed conilition,....hifore Viretl. I~ you [u fuch Rtafons to invite you to it' M may af[Hre you of the eau tJnd approbation of God. For, z, It is God that you mufi {trve in your Marryed fiate, and therefore it is meet that you take hu c9unfel before you rufh upon it: For he knoweth bell hirnfclf, what bclongeth to his feJvicc. •· And it is God that you mull fiill d<pend upon, for the He!Jing and comfort! of your relation : And therefore there is very great rea(On that you take his advit:t and con{tnr, as the chief things requi~ l<te to the match : If the Confent of Parents be neceffary, much more is the Con}ent of God. 9· 3· ~dt. But how jhaU a mtm ~now whether God eaU him to Marrittge, or con{tnt unto it? Hath ~eft. be not htrt left aUmen to their libtrtier, M in a thing indifferent? A>tfTP· God bath not made any Vniverf•l Law commanding or forbidding Marriage ; but in this Anfw. _ tegard hath left it jndilferent to mankind: yet not allowing .tU to marry (for undoubtedly to [ome \~hctbcr.~T ~t i~ unlawful):. But he hath ~y.other General Laws or ~ul~s directed men to _know,. i.n w~at ca.fcs f~~~~t~ln 11 1t 1s lawful and 111 what cafes 1t IS a fin. As every man IS bound to choofe that condttJOt;t m wh1Ch he may Cervc God with the btfi advantages, 3.nd which tendeth mbfi to his fpirituai welfare, and in.. ~rcafc in Holinefs : Now there is nothing in lvlarriagc it felf which maketh it coinmonly incon.. fifient with thefe benefits, and the fulfilling of thefc Laws : And therefore it is faid, that He that .. Marrietheloth weU, that is, hedoth that which of ir felf is not unb.wfiil, and which to fome is the I Cor7·7>1'' lnofl eligible fiate of life. But there is fomerhing in a fingle life which maketh it; -efpecially to Preachers