Of tm/.llv[ul degrees, and of divorce on that accormt. 3· The Law of n11turt is ic which prohibiterh the degrees that are now unlawful; And though this L<lw be d.;rk,.as to fame degrees, it is norlo as to other!. -4• ·The Law of God to the Jews, Ltv. r8. doth not prohibit thofe degrees there named, b<caufe of any reafon proper to the Jews, but as an expofition of the Law of nature, and £0 on reafons common roill • · 5· Therefor< though the Jewifh Law ceafe (yea never bound other nations) formally as that po– litical national Law ; yet as it was God1 expojitionof his own Law of nature, it is of ufe, and confe~ quential obligation to all men, even to this day; For if God once had told'but one man, [1'bH H tht [tnce of tHe La1p of nature J it remaineth true,and all mull believe it ; and then the Law of nature it Jilf, f' cxpo•nded, will Hill oblige. · 6. The world is fa wide: for choice, and a neceffity of doubtful marriage is fo rare, and rhe trou– ble fo great, that prudence telleth every one that it is their fin, without flat necdfity, to mury in a doubtful degree; And therefore it is thus fafefl, to avoid all degrees that feem to be equal to thofe named Lev. z8. and to have the fame reafon, though they be not named. 7• But bcCaufe it is not certain that indeed the unnamed cafes have the fame reafon, (while God doth not acquaim us with all the rcafons of his Law) therefore when the thing U done, we mutt not ctnfure others too deeply, nor trouble our [elves too much about thofe unn.amcd ~oubtful c~fes. We mull avoid thun lnfort b:md, bccaufc clfc we lhall cafi: our fe1ves into doubts and troubles unnecef- · farily : But when it is pafi, the cafe muft be confidrred of as I !hall afcer open. <2!!.dl. l• What if tht Lawof tbt Land forbid mort or fewerdegms tb'n Lev. 18. datb l Glutff 2 <ln[w. If it forbid fcrrer, the refl are neverrhelcfs to be avoided as forbidden by God. If it <><.:: ' • forbid more, the forbdiden ones mufi beavoided in obedience to our Rulers. ~efi. 3· b tbe marri.2ge of Coujin Gcrmantl, that is, of bro,lurs children, orfi.[fers children, or bro- ~eft. 3 • thtrs and jijlers children,u;:l3w[ul. Anfw. I think not; •· Becaufenot forbidd•n by God. 2. Becaufe none of that farnt rank, are for– hidden : that is, nol)e that on both fides are two degrees from the Root. I refer the Rea<ler for my Reafons to a Latin Treatife of Charlu Butler on this Subject, for in tho{e I refl. As all the Children of Noabs Sons 4id ra.ury their Coufin Gc:rmancs, ( for they could not marry in any remocer degree, ) fo have others fince without reproof, and none arc forbidden. 3• But it is faftft to do otherwife, becaufe there is choice enough befide, and becaufc many Divines being of the contrary opinion, may make it matter of fcruple and trouble afterwards, to thofe that venture upon it without need. Q!.efl. 4· What wouldY'" h•veth'fc do tlwh;m married Coufin GrrmaJtti, and now doubt whttbcr il ~tjl. ~· belar~>/•1 [o to dol . . An[w. I would have them call away fuch doubts, or at leaf! conclude that it is now their duty to Jive peaceably in the Jlate in which they are; and agreat fin for them to be fepuated on fi.1ch fcruples. The reafon is, becaufe, if it be not certain, that the degree: is lawful,_at leafi no man can be furc that it is unlawful: And for Husband and Wife to break their Covenants and part, withouc a neceJfary caufe is a great fin; And that which no mm can prove to be a fin, is no necdfary or lawful caufe of a di~ 1 vorce. Marriage duties are certainly commanded to the marrjed ; but the m1rrilge of CoufinGcr.. manes isnot certainly forbiClden. Therefore if it were a fin to marry fo, to them that doubted, or if they are fince.faln into doubt whether it was nor a fin; yet may they be fure that the continuance of it is a duty, and that an that they have to do is to repent of doing a doubtful thing, but not to part, nor to fcxbear their covenanted duties. No nor to indulge or fuffcr thofe troubkfo!Ile fcruples, which would hinder the chcarful difcharge of their duties, and the tornfortablc fcrving of God in their re– lations. ~efl. 5• What fhould thofc do tl>ae are married in tbofi d,greu which art not forbidden by namt in ~eft. 5 • Lev. z8. andytt art of the famr dijlancefrom the Rorlt wi'h tbofi zhat Mt named, and feem to hat't lht fame rttJ{un of Hitlawfulnrfs. Anfw. If there be clearly a Parityof Degree and alfo of the Reo[on of the prohibition, then no doubt but they mull part as incc:fluous, and not continue in a forbidden fi:ue. But becaufc Divines are difagrced whether there be: in all infiances a p.1rity of the Reafon of the prohibirion, whc:re there is an equaldi[fanceastodrgrces ; ancl fo in tholccafesfomc:rhink it a duty to befeparatcd, an4 others think it enough to rtpent of. their conjunCI::ion, and 110t to be feparated, bec1ufe the cafe is. doubtful ( as the Controverfie theweth ), l lball not venture to cafi: in my judgement in a cafe where fo many and fuch mm are difagreed ; But lball only advifc: all, to prevent fuch troubkforne. doubrs before hand, and not by rathne[s to run dtemfclves into perplexitie~, when there is no necdlicy; unlefs they will call their carnal ends or finfut paffions, a ncceffity? Qu(fi. 6. But if a man do marry in adrgru exprrjly thrre forbidden, ~ it in ail cafes a fin to con· ~utft. Q. timlt in that ft.ltt l If necrJ!ity m.1de JHch marriage a Duty to Adarns Children, why may not nect{- Jity mak_t tht continu:znce lawfitl to otiJtrs ? A1 {uppo[e tbe King or Parents commanil it l [uppo[t the 1Yoman wiO dJ't er be diftratitd r:dth grirf elfe l [uppo[e one batb made a Vow to marry no otbc.r, and yet cannot livt fingle, &c. Here I fhall !uppofe (that If a lufiful petfon marry a kinfwomm that he may have change as foreknowing thac he mull be divorced, pu11ijhmwt, and not continuance in the fin rnuft be his fentence : And if one that hath married a kinfwornan be glad to be divorced bcc;aufe he hateth her or lOveth change, punilliment rnufi rebuke him, buc he mu!\ not continue in incefi. ) · Anfw. •· Natural neceffity juflificd Adams Children, and fuch would now juflifie you. Yea the benediction inereaft and multiply did not only aUo,., but oblige them then to marry, to replenifh R r r the