'DireElions for tiJe Choice of Serl>ants. CHAP. If. 'Dire8ions for the rigM c/,oice of Ser)Jants and Ma.fters. PART I. 'Direilions for t/Je rigiJt ciJoice of Ser)Jants. SErvJniJ being integral plrts of the Family, who con.tributc much to the holintfi or unbo/;neJf of it, and to the happinifi or mifiry of it, it much concerneth Majters to be catcful in rheir choict. And the harder it is to find fuch as are indeed defir~blc, the rno~e careful and diligent in it fhould you be. · Difcl/. h 9· t. Direct. I· To bid you choofe fucb, ar au fimjl for your {ervice, is a direction which natott and inttrdf will give you, without any perfwafions of mine. And indeed it is not mccr honejly or pie– ty that will make a good fervant, nor do your work. Three things are necefTuy to make a fcrvanc fit for you: t. Strength, 2· Sl(!U, 3· WiUingnefi :. And no two of rhefe will ferve without rh~ third. Strwgtb and SkJUwithout WiUingncfi ,,y do nothrng: SkJU and JYiUingnefi without Strm~tbcan do no– thing. StrcHgtb and WWngnefi without SkJU will do as bad, or wodt than nqthing. No lef;; thanall will make you·a good tervant. Theedore choofe one, t. Thai is hea!tbful, ;. That harh been rifid tO foch work.. as you ,.,,uc\ imploy him in; and, 3· One mat i5 not of a flefll·pleal;og. Or lazy,.Jluggifb difpo– fition. for JO rxalllabour from one that is Jic~ly, will feem cruelty: And to expell 1abo.lu tfom one that is unskillful and uncxercifed, will feern folly: And heavy, flejhly, fl••hfut pcrfon~ will do all with fo much unwiUingnefs, andp3in, and wearimji, · that they will rhink all coo much, and their fcrvice will be a continual toyl and difpleafure to them, and they will think you wrong them, ordeal hardly with them, if you will not allow them in their flefhlincfs and idlenefs. Yea though they thould have grace, a flegmatick, fluggifh, heavy body, will never be tit for diligent fcrvice; no more than a tired horfe for travel. Dirrll. 2• ~· 2· Direct. 2. If it be poffible, choofe fucb"' bave the fear of God, or at leaft{.tch ar are tf3{1a!>/e dnd willing to be t6Zught, aud not juch M are UJtgodly, fenfua~ andprofane. For, 1_. God b;uth aU the wJrbp$ of iniquity: Pral. 5· 5· And it tenderh not to the blellcng orfafccy of your tamily, ro have in it fuch as are enemies eo God, and hated by him. You cannot exp;..d·an equal bielfing on their labours, a; you may on the fervice of thofc that fear him: The wicked may bring a curfe on the families wh!:'re they are (if you willfully entertain them ) : When a J ofeph may be a bidling even to the houfe of an unbeliever. A wicked man will be renewing thofe crirnt:s, which will be the !hamc of )'OUr family, and a grief toyour hearts, ifyon have any love to God your fclvcs·; when a godly fnvant will pray for a bleffing horn God upon his labours, a:!Jd i.s bim!df under a prornife, that n·hatcver be d:;th ftnU profPtr, Pfal. r. 3· 2· Vngodf-y Servamrfor themofipart will be mcer e;•r·{ttlJalltJ: They will do little more than they find necetfary to efcape reproof and b!Jme : Some few of them indet'd out of Love to their Maftns , or out of a ddire 0f praife , or to make their places the bet– ter to themfelves, will be diligent and trully: But ordi11arily they ~re dectitflll, and (iudy more w feem good iervants, than to be fuch, and ro hide their faults, than to avoid thun: For they make n9 great matter of Confcicncc of it; nor do they regard the eye of God : Whr:n:as a truly Godly fervam will do all your fervice in obedier:ccto God, as if God himfelf had bid him do it, and as one that is all– ways in the prefcncc of that Maficr, whofe favour he preferrcth befOre all rhc world: H~ is more careful to plcafc God, who commandeth him to be faithful, rhan to pleafe you by fccminr. betce!' than he is: He is moved more to his duty by the reward which God hath promif~d him, rhan by the wages which he expeCteth from you: He hath a render purified Confciencc, which will hold him to his duty a5i well when you know jr nor, as \ ..•hen you H:md by. 3· Ordinarily ungodly r~rvants will be f.J/f J if they have but opportunity to enrich thcmfelvcs by de<eiving you : E!p:cially thofe that arc imrufled in