Baxter - BJ1441 B3 1673

A "Dij putation for Fami!J JVOrjhip. and £0 much valued, that the befi places would firivc for you, if you -~ill Ihive to be fuch. Excel others in labour, and diligence, and uu~inefi", and obedi~nce, and gentlcne[s, and pltienct, and then you m1y have almoH what places you dchre. But if you will your ft:lves be idle, and flothful, and dcceicful, and ftlfc, and,difobedicnt, and unmannerly, and fclf. willed, and _contentious, and impll't... ent and yet think that you rilufi be rcfpeClcd, and ufed as good and fairhful fervants. It is but a fooliOl expeCtation. for -wl11t obli?ation is there upon others, in point of Jufti.ct, to give you that which you defervc nod Indeed 1f any be bound to ke"cp you in meer Ch:Jrity, then you may . plead Ch.zrity with them and not defort: Eut if they take you but as ferv.mts, they nwe you nothing but what your wor~ and virtue/ nlall dcfrrve. CHA·P. Ill. A D I S P U T A T I 0 N",· OR, ,!rguments to prow tbe necefJity of Family-wortl1ip azzd Holine(s or 1)ire{]iolls againft the (a1!il< of tl,e rProphane , and (ome Seaaries, JVIJ@ de1ry it to be a tl1illg required by God. Whether tiJe Soleni11 Wozjhip of God, in and by Families M fuel,, be of 1)i. )line appointzizent ~ Aff' . THat excellent fpeeeH of Mirandu/a is bft in my mind, Veritatem Phila[ophia qturit, theolok,i.t in.. venit, Relig;io poffidet: I do therefore with greater alacricy and delight difpute rh.tfe poims that are directly Religious, that is, immcdiattly praCtical, than thofe that are only rtmoll!ly fuch: And though I am loth we Chould {Cc amon~ us any wider Divifion inter Philo[ophum 1henlogum & Rtligiofom than between the PhantAfie, the. ImrUell and the JP'iU, which ntvd'r are found disjund: in any aCt; or rather than between the habits ofprallical nlfl1lral ~now/edge, and the ha· bits of prafJical Jitpernatural k._nowledge, and the prallical B..efolmions 1 Affcllimi and IndtavorJ, into which both the former are divolved; yet may wt: fafcly and protirably dijCinguifh, where it would be mortal to divide: If, difjmting in our prefet1t cafe, do but uml to, and md in , a Religious performance, we {hall then be able to fay, we difpured not in vain; when by experience of the de– light and profit of Gods wdTJt , we perceive that we do notworjhip liim in vain: Otherwife to evince by a difpute, that God jhd~tld be worfoipped; and mt to wcijhip hi,n when we have done, js but to draw forth our learning, ana fharpcn out wirs to plead for our condemnarion: as if the Accufi:r wanted our help, or the Judge of all the world did want Evidence and Arguments againH us, unldS he had it from our own mourh: Concerning the fenfe of the terms, llhall fay {omewhat, both aS to the ftebjc[l, and the predicate, that we contend not in the dark; and yet but little lert l trouble my fclf and you with needlefs labours. . I. By [ ''" »orjhip ofGod] we tncan not only, nor principqUy, obiJienct "' [ucb: or fezvice in corn~ mon rhings, c-alled 6~'-~«: but we mean a Religi1111 perfuY.rlzdJU:e of fome {acrcd atrions, "'"itb an lntemi– on of Honouri11g G~d M God; and that more dirdlly than in common works of obtdii"nce ; This be– ing commonly called ,.7,.;« ( js by Aujlin) and Gnce him by all the Orthodox, appropriated to God alone, and indeed to giVe it to any other is contradictory to its definition. This wor01ip is of two forts.;Whereof the lirH is by an. excellency called JP6r(bip, viz. W~n the ho~ nouring of God is fo directly thr end and whole bLitinefs df the work, that our Ou n ad vantag~' falls in but implicdly, and in evidenr fubordination: Such are tlic blC!.fTcd works of praifi awl th.JJJ/; w'hi~h we Here begin and £hall in Hc:aven perpetuate.Yet {ee a moll admirable Myfier~ of uue Rd i 6ion: We tndeed receive more Jargely from God, and enjoy more fully our own telrcity in him, in tiltfc <lt'tS of wotlhip, that give all to God, than in the other wherein we more dircCIIv fc<k for l0m,wh:tr from him,