Baxter - BJ1441 B3 1673

.t11)ijputation for Famib·Wqrjhip. 499 Councils, or fuch and Cuch Learned Divines. 4· But ordinar!ly it is rhe f.~fcll, humbldl, "X,iftll, and matt orderly way for the maller of the fami,ly c.o let Contr~verfies and ob{Curc ~cripturcs ~lone, and to reach the plain few necdfary Dl)Chines commonly contained in Ca~echiQns, and w dire~ i.n routers of necdfuy praChce. 5· fJmily teaching mull fi:<tnd in a fubordination to Miniltcri<~.l teaching, as FJmiiies are fubordinacc to Churches : And therefore I· family a:aching mull give place to Minilleri:~l reaching, and never be fet againtt it ; you mull not be hearing the M1fle1· of a Family when you fhould be in a Church, hearing the P.1!for land if eh~ Pallor {~nd for Servantst o~ \=hil~rcn robe C.uechifcd in any tit place or at any fit time 1 the Mallq is not thea to be doing it hlmf~lf, or to hinder them, but they muH go firtl w chC Paflor eo be taught; alfo if aPallor come intO af~mily tl1..: M,!fler is to give place. and the Family to he.:n--bimtirft. 2· And therefore wht!n any hard Tt:xt, or Contreverlies fall in, the M,afitr fhould confu,lt with the PaHor for their expofition, U1~lefs ir tall oqc thar the M.aHer of the Family be bcaer learned in theScripture than the Patlor is, which is ra,re, and rarer fi1ould be, feeing unworthy Minifl:ers fhould be removed, and private men that are wor,hy lhould be made Minifiers. And the PJllors Olould be theablell men in the CongrcgatiOt~. Now to the proof, ( rcrnernbring flill that whadoc::ver proves it the Ruler; Duty to teach mufl: needs prove it the .Families Duty to leHn, and tohearken to his teaching that rhey may leam.) . ~ l Arg. I· from D~ut. I I· 18, 19, 20, 2 I• 1beref~e jh.1U )(lit I ry up tlufe »ry wOJrd; i#. y(Jur h;,,rtJ, and iJ: yom· foul, andbind tbem-foJ' a jign upon yartr band, tiJt~t tb~y m.; M frontletJ bctweCJ!y~~tr ryu, andyor~ jhaL' teach tlum y·ztrchildren,jpeakjJrg of them when tho~t fittcjl in thy houfe .md ~w~tn tbo1e 1ll'fllk,!ji by the way. cfitd wbm tbo:e lycjl down and wben tiJote rifejl up, and thou jh.;lt 1:).-'r.itc tbct]J upo;t the door pojfJ of tby !Jouje, andupon )'Otlr Gatu,.that your daJ•Ct may he nmldplyed, and the d.tyu vf your cbildrm; The like words are in Deut. 6. 6, 7, ~.where it is faid,And thoujhalt teacb them dili.gemly untrJ tby childrtn. So Deut. 4• 9··. 1cach them tby[om and thy fons fo>li· Here there is one part ot Family Duty yiz·. Teaching children the Laws o/ God, as plainly .corn· manded, as words can t:xptcfs ir. Arg. 2· From thdC texts~whichcon~mrnd this. Gen. 18. xS, 19· AU the Nation! of tbe E.1rtb jh.J!l be blr.Jfed iu bim, for I k.,n~w him thaf be nriUcommand hM children and bil bouj/Jold afrcr J.ri.m : and they jhaU l{f'cp 1he way of tfuJJord, and it was.not only a command at his death what t1 1 cy fhould do when he was dead, For I·l' cannot be imagined that fo holy a man 01ouid ncgled a DlHY all his lilC time, and pcaform it blltat c,leath and be commcnded for th~tt. 2. He might then have gn:at eauti.: to qudlion \hedficacy. 3· As God commandeth a diligent inculcating precep1s on Chi!drtn: {0 no doubt it's a prad::ice alllwerable to fuCh precept:s, thlt is he!e comrncnd~;d, A.nd_it is not b.Jrt teaciJing, but commanding that is here mentioned, to Chew that it mull be an improvement of AlttbJrity, as well as of JtnrnPledge and elocution. .. So 2Tim. 3· I 5· Of a cbi/d Timothy knew the Scripture by the teaching of his Parents, as appear– eth, 2 7'im. I. 5· Arg. 3· Eph. 6.4. them up in the nurture and adm!mtion of tbe Lord; •:~..~J'.~~ tranflated nurtute tignitieth both In/lm{Jion and Corrc{Jion, (hewing that Parents rnult ufe both Dv{lrine and Au– tbority or force, with their Children for the Maners of the Lord ; and l'll.)u·L:t trani1Jtcd adtnqnition, tignitic:th fi1ch Injfruaion as pttttetb DiJllrine into the mind, and chargelh it on them, and fuljy Horeth their minds therewith : And it alfo fignifieth cbidiffg, and fomctimes correWon. And it's to be noted that Children muH be brou~oiJt up in this : Th.e word ~7phnt fignifying c.trrfuUy to nom·i_p,, import~ cth that as you[<ed them with milk_ and bodi,ly food, foyou mnttas carefully and confiantly feed and nouriOl themwith the nurture and adrnooition of the Lord. It is called the nurture and adrnonirion [of the Lord J becaufe the Lord commandetiJ it, and becaW~fe it is the Doctrine coJtcemiHg tbe Lord, and tile Doctrine of hi1 uachi11~ and the DoCtrine that leadeth 10 bim. ~. · Atg· 4· Prov. 22· 6. <frai1t up a child in t!u way where be jhould go and rvhm he i& old he wiD 1101 depart from it. ... Arg· 5· From all thofc places that charge Childrc:n to heatkJn to tbe inflru[iionJ of their Parcnu, Prov. 1. 8. My Son luar the lnftruDio;t of thyFatber, ami. fvrfak..e mt tbt law oftby Nl9ther. Pmv. 6. zc. is the like; and 3· 22· with many the like, Yea theSon that is ttubbom and rebellions againH the Ju– ftrua:ion and Corrc:Clionof a f'ather or Mother in Gluttony, Drunkcnncfs, &c. was to be brought forth to theMagifiute, and fioned to death, DeHt. 2 (· 18, 19, 20. Now .all the Scriptu~es that nquire Children to hear their Parenu, do imply that the Parents mui\ teaciJ their Chi.ldrm; tOr there is no ht.Jr· -ing and learni1t1!, without teachi1:g. 1 But lefi you fay that PartiJIJ astd Children are Jtot tbe whole family, (though they may be, aml in AhraiNmscafe before mentioned, the whole houtbold is mentioned ) V1c next flull fpea~ eo other relations. A,g. 6. I P<t. 3· 7· LikJwife y< Hutbandt dweU with them (your wives) acc0fdi11g to /;!towlcd~e 2nd Eph. 5· 25, 26. Love you'. Wivts ar CIJfijlloved the CbufCb and .gave b;mfelf {0' it,;: mig./Jt fan{li(ie a>td cleanfe it- And thiS plainly implies that this knowledge mufi be ufed for the lnllruCl:ion and fand:ification of the ·wife, 1 Cor. 14. 34, 35· Women mufl: ksep filenee in the Church, for it WJtot permitted ui-llo them to .ffieaft., but they e~re to be Hnder obediwcr, M alfo faith the Lqw, If ,they rtill leant e~ny thing let them aJk,. thezr Hrt~bandJ at home. Which 01ews that at home their HmbJnds mull teach them. Arg. 7· Col. 3• 22, 23, 24, 2 5· Eph. 6. 5, 6, 7, 8. ServamJ mujl be obedient unto theit f,i.J_.'ltrJ .H unto Cbrift, a11d ferve them "'[<rving the LmJ Cbrijl, and therefore Minillets mull command in Chrifl. A'f,· 8: