A :Dij]JIItarion for Fami~.Worjhip. . In~the former _Argument the reaf~n of the confcqu:nce is, beca~fe that way is robe taken that God IS bdt pleafed wHh. The reafon ot the confLquence m the latter ts, bccaufe [a11iilie mcmbtrs are m nearly rel_arcd than 1zcigbbours, and h3_n:: much more ~dva~tage and ~pportufliry for conjunCtion a~d more ordm.Jry rcafims to ur~c them to H, from the corqur.Cbon of the1r mtcrefis and atfairs. There is nothing need~. proal but th~ A:ntccLdcnr, whi_ch 1fhall put pail all Doubt by thefc Arguments, x.. Col. 3· 1_6. [Teachmg and ~dmonijlmr;. om ano~ber m_ Pfal~m! and hymns_ and fpiritztal fongs, fi~tgin n.·uh grace zn )'(,Ur hearts mzto the Lord.] Here ts one Dut) 1 toj praife requl[ed to be done together anft not ap_art only. I 01all yet make further ufe of this text anon. 2. Acts 12· 12· Many w~re gat/)(; ~d tOf!.Ohu pr:z.yin,(!,.in Maryes houfe :vhcn Peter c:mze to the door: this was not an Affembly of the wl;;lt! Church bur • jmaU parr: They Judged it better to pray together than alone. 3· A{/1 20. 36. Paol prayed together w1th all the Elders of the Church of Epheji«, when he had them with him ; and did not choofc rarhcr to ltt them pray each man alone. 4· Jamu 5· 15, 16. J Jml'J commands the fick ro fend for the Elder! of tiJe Ch~trch, ,md let them prg.y over him, and the pru) 1 tr of tbe faitbful fhall _{i;Ve tbl' ficlt, &c. He doth uot btd fend to tbem to pray for _you; but he wo"ld have them joyn tog,etber in doing it. 5· Cburcb prayers are preferred before privtltC on this ground ; and we commanded not to forfake the AJ{unbling of our {clvu together, Hcb. ro. 2 5• 6. Striving togttbtr in prayer is ddired Rt~m. 15· 3c. 7· Matth.18. 20· fDr wiJCretwo or three arc?.athercd together in m] 11ame, there am[ iu tbe midjt ofthem. 8. Thcreiore Chrilt came among the Dikiples when they were gathered tOf,ttbtr after his refurrtCl:ion. And n.nt down the Holy Ghofi when they were gathfrcd together, Ads 2 : And tbey cominutd witb oJ:e accord in prayr a1zd jitpplication, Acts I· 14. 24. & 2· 42• And TYhm tbey b:zd fl':ZJ''d the place w.ujll.:lzm whcre they IJ.Jd ajJembled together, and they wtre aU jiUed with the Holy Gbqjt)&c.ACt.4·31· 9· Is not thls implied in Chrifts directing his Difciples to pray in thepluralnumbtr [Out Father, &c. Givemthi.J d..Jy, &c.] 10. The very neceffitie of the ptrfons proves it, in that tew focietics are fuch bur that moll are unable to exprds their own wants fo largely as to affcd thc·it hearts, fo much as when others do it that are better fiored with aff'cC\:ion and exprelfion. And this is cnc of Gods ways for communion and communicatien of grace: that thofe that have much may help to warm and kindle tbore that have lds. Experience telleth us the benefit of this. As all the body is not an eye or band, [o not a tor.,gue :, and therefore the tongue of the Church, and of the fami~ ly mull fpeak for che whole bvd;': not but that each one ought to pray in fecret too: Bur, I• There tile heart without the tongue may better ferve :-itrn. 2· They fiill ought to prefer conjunct prayer. And 11. the communion of Saints is an AHide of our Creed, which binds us to acknowledge it fit to do as much as we can of Gods work in communion with the Saints, not going btyond our Callings, nor into ccnfufion. Argument 5· It is a Duty to receive aU the mercies that God ojflreth 1M: But for afomily to have accefr to God i" jry~tt pra;·crs mzdpraifes, i1 a merC)• tbat God ojfereth them; Therefore it is their dmy to accept it. The major is clear in nature and Scripture. [ Becaufe I have offtred and ye refit[td, ] is Gods great aggravation of thf iin of the rebellious : [How oft would I h11vt gathered J'OH together, andye would 1101? AU the dJy loug bave I}frctcbtd out my huud, &c. J To refufe an otfered kindnefs, is contempt and ingratitude:. The minot is undeniable by any Chritlian, that ever knew what family prayers aad ,pray{(s were. 'Arho dare fay that it is no mercy to have fuch a joynt accefs to Gcd? Who feels not "on– junction fornewhat help his own affections, who makes coufcience of wat'Ching his heart? Argument 6. Part of tbe Dutie~ offamilies are fuch that tbcy apparently too[e their chiefefllife and o:crUwcy if they be not performed joymly: Therefore tbry are {o to be perfwrmed. I mean fingiug uf P[lllms which l before proved an ordinary Duty of conjunCl: Chrifiians, Therefore of fami/ie.r. The Melody and Harmony is loft by our feparation, and confequently the: alacrity and quickning which our affections fhould get by ir. And if part of Gods prailes mull be performed to– gether, it is eafie to rce that the rcj! mu!\ be {u too. ( Not to fpeak of teaching which canoot be done alone.) Argument 7· Family prayer ond prJifes are a Duty onmed by tbt ttacJJing and fonCiifying n.wJt of the fpirit : Tl1erefure tb£y are of God. 1would not argue backward from the fPirit.s teaching to the trtordJ commandiug, but on thcfe two fuppofitions, I· That the experiment is verygemr.tl,and undeniable.. 2· Thar many texts of Scripture are brought already for family prayer; and that this argument ls b~t .Jicond them and prove them tmly interpreted. The Spirit and the word do alway agree: If rher e an prove that the fpirit of God dotb commonly work mens hearts to a love and favour of thcfe Duties, doubtlefs they are of God. Sanctification is a tranfcript ofthe precepts of the word on the heart, written out by the fpirit of God. So much for the confequencc. The Antecedent <:onfilleth of two parts, I .1ha.t tbe [antiified h.zve in them inclination! to tbefe Du– ties. 2 . 'l.bat thcfe Inclinatirml arc from the {pirit of God: The firfi needs no proof being a ma~te~ of experience. I appeal to the heart of every found and fiable Chrifiian, whether he feel not a convtCbon of this Duty and an inclination to the performance of it. I never met wirh One fuch to my know– Jedg'e that was otherwife minded. Object. Many in orrr times are quite againjf family prayer, w_ho. are good Chrijiians. Anfw. I know none of rhern. I confd'S I once thought forne very good C~nfhans that now are againH them} but tJotv they appear otherwifc:, not only by thit but by other thlllgs. I know none that call off thefe Dmics.,)but they took up vile !ins in their fiead, and caCt off other Duties _ as well as thefe : Let others obferve and judge as they tind. 2· The power of dc~ufi?n ~ay for a time make a Chrifiian forbear as unlawtul that which his \!Cry new nature IS tnclmed roo. A< fome think it unlawful to pray in cur AJJ'e~blies, >!ld fame to joyn in Sacraments: And yet 1hey have