Frequency of Fami~·Worjl1ip proved. increa[c of their imperfclt graces ; but Chrill had lulndSand ptrfcdion : They m'uH pray !Or many means to rhcfc ends, and for help in utlng them, ~nd a bleffing on them, which he had no ule for. They mull give thanks for pnElon and converfion, &c. which Cbrifi had no cccalion to give: dunks for. So that having a High~Priell fo much feparate from finncrs, they had one that prayed for tbem .i but not one fit to joyn with them as their mouth to God, in ordina1y f.Jmify·pra)•trs, fuch as thty fleeded; as M.tfters mutt do with their Families? . . Obj. 3• God doth not req11irc citber vain or ab11mbtable prayer! : But[Jmily·pr.lyrts are ordi,nri_ly v,ziu OJjc[i. 5• and abomit~able: Thc:refore, &c. 1he mi110r i1proved tbJH. 7'h€ praJ•trJ of tbe rvick[d tlre ~bomm.Jb!t: mojl fmziliu are wick.fd, er have wick.!J pcrjimi: Therefore, &c. , Anfiv. I· This is confdf•dly nothing again!\ the Prayers of Godly [Jmiliu. z, The Puyrrs of a Godly rnaficr are not abominable nor vai~, bec1ufc of the pn:fc:n~e of other.s rlut are un?odl)•, Elfc Chril\s prayers and blttlings before-mentioned fhould have been varn or abomrnable bccaufc judn was there who was aThief and Hypocrite. And the Apofiles and all Mmifiers Pca1crs fhould be fil, in all fuch Churches as that of Corintb, Gala1ia, Epbtfi" are de!Cribed to h1ve been. 3• I refer )'Ol\ to my Metbod for Peace of Confoitnct, how far lhe prayers of the: wicked are, or art not abominable., The prayers of the wicked as wicked are abominable; but not as they exprcfs thc:ir return to God, and repenting of their wickedncfs. It is not the abomi;zable prayer thu God commandeth, but the faithful penitent prayer. You millake it, as if thcwick;_ed man were not the perfon com.m.tnded to pray; whereas you fhould rather fay, It is not tbe abominttblt prayer that is commanded h1m. He i~ commandtd to pray fuch prayers as are not abominable: Even as Simon Mag1u, A [I. 8. toRtpent and Pr 4 y; and to frtlt tbe Lord wbile be may bt [ou11d and eaUupon himwhile IJt ii ntar, and to forfaks hi< way, &c. !fa. 55· 6, 7· Let rhe wicked pray thus, and his prayer will not be abominable. The command of praying imp!yeth the command of Repenting and deputing from his wickednef:i : For what is it to praY. for Grace, but to exprefs to God their D<fiw of Grace? (lt is not to tell God a lye, by,faying they defire rhat which they hate.) Therefore when we exhort them to pray, we exhort them to fuch Ddtres. • Obj. 4• Many Majlm offa~ti/i" can~ot pray in their Familits "'ithout a Boo~, and t/w' 1 Jtnl•rvf"!. Objtll, 4• Anfw. I· If their difability be NatJtrAI as in Idtou, rhcy arc not fit to rule families, If it be Moul and culp~ble, they are bound t~Q ufe\ the 1pe;tns to.overcpme it ; And in the mean time to ufc a Book or form, rather than not to pray in thtir families at all. Of t!'e frequency and feafom of Fmni~·Wo1hip. ·" THE !all part of my work is to [peak of tl1< lit 1imn of Family-Worfhip. I· Whether it fhould be evtry day. 2., Whether twice a day? 3· Whether t.-lorlling and Evtni11gl Anfw. I· Ord:– narily it fhould be tvery4ay ;i!ld t~ice a day : and the Murni11g and EvtHin~ are ordinarily the tit· eft feafons. 2. But ex~raQrdinarily fom.e greater duty may intervene, which may for that time difoblige us. And the occafion$ of fome Families may make that hour tit, which is unfit to another. For brevity I will joyn all together in ,the proof. .. :Arg~ 1· 1Ye are bgund to takj aU fit occafionJ and opportuftitiu to worjhip God. Familiu have J;li/y ( Mornipg and Evening ) fncb occafionJ and opp9rtunitieJ: thercf,ore they are bou1td to t.Jke tlum. . Both Major and Minor ~re proved before~ Experience provcth that f.;mily{lul are daUy committed, and .fariiiry~mercitl .daily received, and family ....nccellities daily do occur. A11d Reafon tells us, l, that it is feafonable every Morning to givc,God thanks for the Ref\ of the night pan. 2· And to beg direction, protection and provlfions and bl.ellingfor the following day. 3· And that then our minds are free(\ from wearinefs and worldly cue. And fo Reafon rellcth us that the Evening is a fit feafonto give God thanks for the mercies of rhe day, and to confefs the fins of rhc day, and ask forgiveptf?, ~nd,to pray for re(\ and protection in the nighi. As nature and reafon tell us how ofc ~ man fhould eat and drink; and bow long he !hould Oeep, and what <loathing he fhould wear ; and Scripture need nOt tell you the particulars; fo if Scripture command you Prajer in General, God may by J!rovidtnet tell yo~ ,.ben and how oft you.rimf\ pray. . . Arg. 2; 1he.Lordi prayer dirtlleth U< daily to pHI up jHcl> prayert "'belong to familiu : Therefore, &c. Give "'thi< day our daily bread. Ir runs all in the plural number. !ind the Reafon of it will ob– lige: families as wellas individual p~rfons• . Arg 3; From i Thcf. 5; 17· Pr.y,r>itJjotit ceajing ; i~ aU tl>ingJ giveth•nfzJ, Col. 4• 1, 2· MJ– fltrJ give to JoHr ftrVantttbat. wbicb ~ j11jl and equal, k,.nowing that ye alfo have amajltr in Htaven. CoHtinue in Prajti-, and watc6 in ~he Jam~ witb thank.fgiving. Col. 3· 17• whatfoevtr )'t d; in word or deed, do aU intbe name of,,t?e Lord,JefuJ; giving tb~nkJ to God and the Fat/m by ~im. PhiI. 4• 6. Be careful for nothmg, but In e.vtry thing by prayer and fl~pplicarion rvilh thankiz,iviHg, let yot~r requtjh be ma5e known to God~ It is ~afie for. 3: man that is wil~ing to fee, that le[:; than twice a day, doth not anrwcr the command of pi-afin'g wi~hoHt ceajing, co1itinUaUj, in evtry thing, whattvtr ye do, &c, The phrafes leeming to go much higher,.. . .. . ,. . . . . . Arg. 't• Daniel prayed in his hm[t thrict d d•y i therefore fcfs than twice uiidei ihe Gofpel is to us unrcafonable; · A:rg. 5~·