E.o1v to maintain )'OtJr .lfttthority in Fami!J.Govemment. CHAP. IV. General'DircEiions for the Ho!Y Govemment of Famiiies. §.I.1"""H E Principal thing rcquilire to the right governing of F4mi:ic-r -is the Fitneji of the Go– "lJtrnottrr and the G!lvtrned thereto, which ir-fpokcn of b~forc in the DireCtions for the Conjlirmirm. But if pe1fons unfit for their_Relations)_hlve joyned thcmfttlves together in a · :Familr, their :irfi duty is to Rrprnt of thctr forme~ lm an~ raOmefs, and prcfc_ntly to tur_n to God, and feck aftc:r that fitmfs which is nccdT.uy eo the nght d1fcharge of the du_~1es of the1r fevenl places; And in the Govrrnours of Familin, thtfe three things are of ~reatcH nccdllty hcreUIHo. 1: Awlmity. I I. SkJU. I I I. Holinljf and readinefs of WiU. 9.2. 1Gen. Dir. Ltt Governaztr! m.zintai;z th~ir A:ttbJrity in their Familier. for if ohc~ that be loll Piretl. [• and you are d~.:fpift.d by rhofe that you fhould rule:, your word will be of no etftd wi[h them: Hdvt 1 o keep you do but ride without J. Bridle: your power of Governing is gone when your Authpricy is loll. up Author.tya And here: yon mufi fi,ftundulland the N.iture, U[e and' Extent of your Authority ; Fur as your Relations are different to your 1Yife, your Chilt:iren and your Servant!, fo alfo is )'Our Authority. Ycur Authority over your TVife, is but fucl.1 as is nccdfary to the order of your Family, the fafc and prudent management of your affairs, and your comfortable cohabitation. The power of love and complicated inrercfl mull do more than MJ.gitlerill commands. Your autburity over yam Children is much greater : But yc.t only fi.tch as conjLUJct with Love, is needful tO their good education and felicity. Your authority over your fc:rvants is to be meafu1cd by your contract with them (in thcfe Countnys where there are no Jhves ), in ord<.r t<) your Service, and the honour of God. In other matters, or to other mdr you h;iVC no Autho~ rity over them. For the m1intaining of this your .Attthvrity obfervc thtfi.! following S~bdi· retlions. 9· 3· DireB. I· Ltt J'Oilr family underjland tbatyuur Authority ir of G<>d, wbo if tbe God (!f Q,·~ Vircli. t. de,., and tbat in obedience to him tb~y arc obliged to ubey you. There is no power but of God : And (here is noAe that the intelligent Creature can r'o much . reverence as I hat which is of God. All bonds are C21ily broken and eait away ( by the fi>ul atleafi, if not by the body,) which arc 110t perceived to be Divine. · An illightned Confcience will fay to ambitious ufurp~.:rs, God I lH1ow, and his Son Je[us 1know, but who are ye? 9· 4· DireCt. 2~ The mort (If God apptartth upon you, in"your k,.nowlrdge aud holi~:cji and u;t· DirttJ. 2• blameablcne[I (!f lift, the grtaur will,)Our . Authority be in tbe eycr nf all y:mr infrri.lt<rl that ftar God. Sin will make you contemptible and vile : And Holinefi, bcia1g the Image of God, will make you Honotlrable. In the t)'CJ of the faithful a vile per{on i1 contemned ; but thly hunour them that fiar the Lord. Pfal. 15· 4, RighuoufnefJ rxa!tob a N11tion (and a.perfun) but fi;t U a reproacJ, to anypeople~ Prov. 14• 34· 'I'hafe that hon~Jur Gcd he wiU lnnolfr, and tho{e tb.l.l dcffriff him {haD be ligluiy tjfeented. 1 Sam. 2. ;o. They rhat give up themfelvcs to vi/( affctii~m and conv~rfadons, (Ram. s.26.) will fet:m vile when they have made themfdvcs fo: E/i', Suns m.Jde thcmfilva vile by tbtir fin, 1 Sam. 3· I3· I know men fhould difcern and ho.~our a p.rfon plactd in Authority by God, though they are moraUy and HaturaL) vile : But rhis is fO hard that ir is fcldom well done ; And God isfo fevere againft Proud oifendtrs? th~t he u[ually punifhtth them by makin~ thn~ vile in the eyes of others; at leafi when they arc dead and men dare fredy (peak of them, {heir namc::s will rot, Prov. 10. 7• TheinUances of the grcatcll Emperours in the World, both Pufloln, Roman and T.urkiCh do ull us, that if (by whordom; drunkennefs, gh.ncon}', pride, ar:d dpLci<ll!y ptdi:rur(on) rh<. y' will ma'ke themfclves vile, God will permit them by uncovuing their nakedudS, eo bLcornc che f11amc and fcorn of men: And lhall a wicked MaHer of a family think, to maintain his authority over O[htrs, while he rebdleth againllthe authority of God ? • 9· 5• Dire(}. 3• Shew not ~anr natural weak._ne{i by paf!ionr, or. impnldcm word! or dadJ. Fur if Dircll. 3· they think contemptuoutl.y of your pcrfons, a little thing will draw them furd:cr, ro ddpifc your words. There is naturally mman fo high an efieem of ReafoH, that m~n are hardly pe1fwadc-d that they ~ould rtbcl a~ainfi Rrafim to be govcrn<d (for ord~rs fake) by fo[y. They arc very•pt to think that nght~{i Rca[oi~ tl1ould bear rul.c. And therefore any filly weak._ rxpr(ffi.,n!, or any iri/Jtdin.rtc p.~fjirms, or ~ny Jmpru~rm aCtions, are very apt r~ ':"ake you contcmptibl~ in your inferiours tycs. 9· 6. D~tecr. 4• Lnfe not your Authoruy by a mglcfr of ufing 11· If you fc:lfer Chi!dron and Scr- IJjic{f. 4• .va.ms but a little while to have the head, and ro bave, and foy and do what they will, )'Our Govc:rntnt.nt · vnll bebur a n.ame or im.zge. A moderate courf: between a Lordly rigour, and a foft fubjct!iott, or negltll of rxcrcifing the power of your place, w1ll befi: prcfervc you from your i.::JCriours contempt.