Baxter - BJ1441 B3 1673

Barv to get Skill and Wilt fur Family.,grhimmzmt. ~· 16. Direct. 2· Be fiere that you lay up your treafitrt in Heaven, 11nd ma~e the tnjo)mtnt of' Gr·d in DittO. Z• Glory, to be tbt Hltimate commanding end, botb of the affair! and. government ofyour family~ and aN. , things elfe with which you are emrujlul. Devutt your felves and all to God, and do all fot hull:. D<>( all as pa1fengers to another world, whofe bufinefs on earth is but to provide for Heayen,_and promoc.e , their <Vcrlafting interdl. If thus you are fiparattd unto God you are J",m[Jified: And the~ you wi11 1 jep.Jratt all that you have to his ufe and fervice} and this, with his acceptance~ will fand:ihe all. ~ ~· •7• Direct. 3• Mainta!lt GodJ authority in your family more cateful~y than yosr own. Your own Direll. 3• is but far bu. More !harply tebuke or coma them that wrong and di!honour God, than thofe that wrong and difhonaur your fclves. Remember Elits fad example : Make not a fma\1 m~tter ,of any of the iins, efpedally the Grw jinJ, cf your children or fervants. It is an odious thing ro flight Gods caufe, and put up all with [It i< not wtU dom J, when you are fiercely palfionltC for the lo(< of feme fma\1 commodity of your own. Gad! !Joii<Jur mull be grtattft in your family : and his fenicc mull have rhc preheminence of yours; and fin againft hi~, muft be the inofi iutoler.a.ble offence. 9· 18. Direcr. 4· Let Jfiritu61 Love to your family be prtdominant, and let your cart bt grtate}l for DireU tbt faving of tb<ir fouls, and your campaJiian greattjl in their jfiritual miferies. Be firjl cardul to prb- •~· vide them a portion in Heaven, and to fave them from whar{Oever would deprive them of it: And never prefer the tranlitory pelf of c~rth, before their tverlafting riches ; Never be fo c~tmbered aboul many tbingJ, as ro tOrget that ont thing if ntccffary ; but choo[e fo.r your {elves and them the luk. 10 · ·P~ better part. 9· 19· Direl.l. 5· Ltt your family n.itber be.~ept in idlent[s •na Jl•lh·pltajing, nor ytt ovm~btlnud Dirt/1. 5 • with fmb 11 multitude of l~Hfinr[i, IH jhaU lakJ up .,nd dijfra{l tiJtir mind1, di:~trting a;;d unfiuing tbtm far holy thing!· Whelt God layeth on you a necef!ity of exceflive labours , it mull patimtly and chearfully be •tndergone : but when you draw them unntctjfarily on your felvtl , fur the Love of Riches, you do but become the Ttmpttrs and 1urmtntors of your felves a~d orhcrs; forTi 6 . getting the terrible examples of them, that have this way fallen oiffrom Chri!l, and pierccdthcm!dv<s 1 •m• · 10 ' 1 through wirh many farrows. §. 20. Direct. 6. As ,mcb Ul is pnf!ibli, fettle a coH]lant order of aO yo~tr bujinlffis, tb.Jt t'ZNry ordin.:-. Pirt{l. 6. ~y wor'~ may k,.now its time, and confuji.m may not jhut out God!im[t. It is a great a1{iltat;ce in cvny Calling to du all in a.fet a11d conltant order: le rnaketh ic eaJie: It umovteh impcditnmts; and prornoruh fuccefs: Oifiratl:ion in your bufincfs caufcth a diUrad:ion of your minds in holy dury. Some Callings 1 know can hardly be call into any order ar.d mtthod; but orhers may if prUdwct and. diligence be u~. Godr fervice will thus be bencr done, and yo11r JJ'Jrlt will be better done 1 to the eafe of your fervants' and quiet of your OIVn minds: Fartjighl and tkjUfulln•fi would fave yoll abundance of labour and vexati01:. Uuu CHAP~ ' \