Baxter - BJ1441 B3 1673

mike a good and loving Wi!e. Make them not frow.atd by Y?ur froward ca~rbge, and · then fJy; Tf/e c 3 ;motlove tbem. 12· Gtve them examples of ,;m1.Jh~vujs 111 y_our ftlvt$ :. fet cherr~ the plrr_ern of a prodcnt, lowly, loving, meek, felf denying,_ patient? harm le~•. holy, helvenly life : Try t~ts a while and fee whdhet it will not (hame them from thetr faults, and nukt: them w:~lk more amllbly themftlvcs. ' . · §· 4 • Direct. 2· Another Dutj o/ Hu1hand.r an~ TVivn is_, ~ob.Jbit~ti~n ~nd. (where_age prohibitetl\ Din•ti. 2. not) a fobtt' .Jnd mod~{t conj:maiolt j i1r ptocreatum: Avotdmg . Lfctvtou{uels, unfealnnablene~, and whatever renderh to torrupt the mind and mlkc it v1in and n!thy, anJ hinder it from holy cm~ ployment: And therefore Lujt muH not be cheri01ed in the nurricd i ~ur the_ mind be brought .to a moderate t:hal\e and fober fraine: and the R(medy mull not be turncJ mto an n~crclfc ofthe d!f(.:afe,but uftd eo cxtinguinl it : For if the mind be lcfr to the power of Lull, and o11ly marri.1gc tr~He? ~ofor rhc cure with many it will be found an infutficient cure; and Lujt will uge Hill as it did btlore, and will'be fo much the more defperate and your cafe the more m\fcrable, as your tin {m:v1il::th again!\ the remed)'• Yet marriage being appointed fOr a remedy agai~1H luft, for the avoiding all un!J.wfu~ congrefs, rhe Apofile hath plainly defcribed y~ur _duty, I Cor. 7• 2,3, 4• 5· _[It i1 go~d fo~ d m.m not to tjucb a J?IJman : Ntvcrtlu ltji to avoid formcatlonl Ju every man bave bu own n.·ife, and let wcry woma 1 zbrJve ber own /m;ba11d: Let tbt h:uband render unto tbe wife due benevoltnce ; and li/.(twij.-: a/fl the wife untotbe husb.J11d: 1be wife ·b.J.tb not power of her orv1t body, but t_ht' husha11d: and Jik._crtijC alfu tl 1 e husband batb 11ot po1vcr of his own body, but the wife. Vt{raud you not one the 9thtr, cxcrpt it be with confont f or 11 time, tb.u ye tn.l) give your felvtJ to {Jjling and prayer, and come tolf.rthet ag 1i11l tb:~t Sat:m tempt you uot for your i~tcontincncy.] Therefore thole perfons live co~trary to the n.uure o£ their relation, who live a great part of their lives afunde.,r, as many do fbr worldly refpcCh: when they have [evcral hQu[es, poffeffions or trades, and the husband mufl: live at one and the wife at another for their commodity fake ; and only come together once in a week, or in mlny weeks ; when this is done without great neceffity, it is a conllant violation of their dllties. And {0 it is for men to go trade or live beyond Sea or in another Land, and leave their wives behind thtm ; yea though they have their wives confent ; it is an unlawful courfe, except in a cafe of meer m:- cdlity, or publiclt firvicC"", or when they are able on good groupds to fay, that the Berietits are like to b(:greacer to {Qul and body than the lofs; and that the)' are contirmed againft the d.mger of in . continence. The offices Which Husband and Wife are bound to perform for one another arc fuch ;ts, for the moll part, fuppofe their Cohabitation: like the officcs.of the members of the body for eJc!I other, which they cannot perform if they be difm~mbred and divided. ~- 5• Dinlt. 3• Abhor not only .Adultery it {tlf, but aU that tmdttf:J 19 uucbaflmfs a11d tbe vi:latiiJII PfJ~cur Dirrll. 3· Marriat..t-Covtnaltl. Adulttry is (Q contrary to the conjugal bQnd and £late of life, that though d1. M: t. 5-lt,;:. fallo it do nor ad:ually diffolve the bond, and nullifie the mirriage, yet it fo b.r difobligeth [he wrong~ &. h1Y· 9· · ed innocent party, that de jure it is to fuch a fufficicnt ground to warrant a divorce. And God l'J AJ~1~;/· required that it be puni!hed by death, Lev. 20. IO· When lu{l is the chiefefi caufe of marriage, a1Hl Hd>. 1 J. .q. when married perfons live not in the fear of God, but pamper the fle!h and live licenriout1y, no Prov. 21. '4• wonder if marriage prove an infufficient remedy againfi ti.1ch chcrifhed lull. Such carnal beallly per~ ~.or. 4· 1 >;. ions are flill cafiing fuel on the fire; by wanton unbridled thougf111 and jpeecbu, by gluttony, drink- ~rC: _ 2 6 .. 7: ing, fportsand idlenefs; by vain enticing company, and not avoiding occafions, opportunit:e; and· r ~~~. temptations, they burn as much when they are married as they did before : And the D::vil that M:tl. 2. 15. bloweth up this fire in their Aefl1, doth conduct and accomm_odatc them in the fatisfying of their Pruv. 6. Jl, lufis: f~ that their bruitifu.concupi[~ence is _like a. fi~e burning in the Sea: water it _felf will not Le. t. 13 . 2~'i· quench Jt. One Woman Will not fat1sfie the1r pcafhalny. And perhaps they lOath thetr onm wives, hv. 1 1. 9 , and run after others, though their own (in the eye of any imparrial man) be the· more comely and & 18. d. amiable, and their . Whores be never fo .deformed, or impudent tilthy ]Qmps of dirt. So that one Numb. :); 9· would think t~at the~ hadn~other rca~?n,:o ~oveand fol!ow fuch _unlovely things, but only becaufe [3;~.5/~:,:.· that God forb1ddeth Jf : As 1f the Dev1l dtd 1t to fhew h1s power over them, that he can make them &c. do that,as in defpight ofGod, which elfe they would abhor thcrniC:lvcs. \\'hen once their fc:nfm.lity Gen.,_.. 1 7 • and fo~faking of God, ha~h. provok~d God to f~rfaka them, and give them up to the rage of that 1 :.1n·. !J.l!. fenft~altty, an 1mcleaJJ [pmt fomet1mes takes poffeffion of them, and wholly enclineth them to wal- ju5J~1•1'1~~·~:~· low m uncleannefs: _The~ can ~carcc look a comely perfon in the face, that is of the other Sex, but Jer.~;- , 1 _ uncl:an_thoug_htJ arc :1!ing m theu hearts ; They tbinl{ of filtMntfi when they arc alone ? They dre,.zm of hlthmefs m the noght : They talk of filthineft with others : The tongue; of the dogs that licked LazarJH.hlS fores, were n_ot ufed m fu~h a.filthy employmrnt as theirs arc. 'Ibe;• are ar fed Horfe 1 ;n themor:mn~; every one netgbeth dfter lmmtgbbour.r wife: Jer. 5· 8. "ihey declare thtir fiit a.r Sodom: and bt~e rt nut~ Ifa. 3· 9· And ufullly when they are given over to this filthy fin, i~ utterly dcbaucheth theuConfcJenccs, aud maketh them like blocks or beafl:s, infcnfible of their mifery and !he wra 1 h ~f ~od, and_given OV(r roall other Vil!anies, an~ even to hare and perfccute Godlinefs·, if not Civi:-1. l~ty ~t felf:. Some few_Adultcrets I ha_ve knOWn that fin fo much ·againfi theirConfciences; that they' ~1ve m contmual dcfpa1r ; tormented m the fenfc of their own unhappinefs ~ and yet frnning flill .. astf t~e DLvil would mak~ them a ~e!i!io~; A~d y~t thcfc are the better fort, brcaufe there is f~rne ~:::. ;.r~:_t~fitmony for a better hfc~ .r:mammg m the1r ~mds : Bur others of them beiitg pajl feeling, b.:lve 1 Po:. 1, t<.h gtven tlmnfolvcs ovrr to l~tvzoufmfl, to worJt aU nncleamu{s with grccdi.mfi, Eph. 4 . 19 , 1bey haVe 11, 14. l)ltJ full af Adulttry tb.Jit cannot ctafe from fin--- .A.1 natttraJ bruit bcajt.r that arC 1 1J.ldcto be ta~flt -~e-'d b:(crc , and dejtro)'eds 2 Pet. 2· to, I 1, I~· Take heed therefore of rhe caufcr of th'is odious fin, and 0 ( alf ;:;/;.c;i·t~~- X X X 2 appMranc~