p.S Conjugal ~ies. his bofome, bccaufe Che will be eafily be believed, as being fuppofcd to know him better than any other. Di~e/1. IO• jl'. 35: Dirett. IO: It ir a/~ a ~reat parto( the duty of HU<bandr an~ W!vn, to be bdpful 10 one 1 T1m-J-4,12. another m the cducattoH of th~tr Chtldren, and m the government of the mfenorJ nfthe family. Some Gen. 18. 19. men cafi all the care of the ChJldren while they are young upon their Wives: And many women by f /r. a~·&c. their pafiion and indifcretion do make rhemfelves unfit to help their Husbands in the GoYcrnrnem ei~ pfJ.·I~i~,;· ther of their Children or S~rvants : But this is one of the greare11 parrs oftheir employment. A~ ro the M~ns part, ~o govern hts ho~fe well, it is a duty unquefiionable. And ir is nor to be denyed of 'theWtfe. I Ttm. 5· If· [Iw1U that tbe younger Womtn marry, bear Children, ;,uide the houfr. J Bathjheba taught Solomo1~, ~rov. 3r. 1. Abigail took better care of Nabal's hou[e than he did him~ (elf. The~ that have a JOmt interefi, and are one flcl11, mull have a joint part in governmem ; a!~ though thcl[ power be not equal ; and one may ~ettcr overfee fome bufinefs, and the other other bufinefs ; yet in their places they mull divide rhe care, and help each other: And nor as it is with many wicked perfons, who are the moO: unruly put of the family themfclves, and the chitfefi caufe that it is ungoverned and ungodly; or ont: p.uty hindreth the other from keeping order, or doing any good. Direa. 11., • 9· 36. _Direa. I I· Another Pil_rt of their Duty i1, to help each_other i1t work_J qf charity and ho[pita~ H,b. ·~· '· ltty• While they have opportumty to do goodto aJI, but efpemiJy to them of the houlhold 0 ff,irh: Gen.l8.6,&c. and to fow to the Spirit, that of the Spirit they may reap cvcrlafiing life: yea, to fow plentifully Rom.u. r;· that they may reap plentifully, G&l. 6. that if they arc able their houfes may afford relief and emer~ ~u~~~·!."9." tainment for the needy; cfpecially for Chrifis fervants for their Maflers fake; who harh prOmiftd, J Tim ;. ;:,. that [He tiJ.Jt receiveth a Prophet in the name of a Prophet ]hall receive a Prophet! rtw11rd: and he tb.1t & 5· 10. rtctivtth a riglncous man in the II.Jme of a rlghttoltl man, jh.J/1 receive a rightecus ma1u reward: and .Prov. It· :~· whofol'vcr ]hall give todrinJt untoone of tht[e littli ones, a cupof cold w"ter, in the name IJf aDifcifle, Nc-b. 8 . 10~ · z•erily I .[ay Ultto you, be jb~JJ in no wife loft bU' reward• .Matth. ro. 41, 42. J The woman of Sbumm Prov. '9· 17 .? loft nothwg by the emerramment of Elijha, when the fa1d to her Husband, Behold, now I pfrceive that Job29. '3· tbU iJ an huly man of God wbicb pafftt!J by Uf continnaUy: Let Ul maJ« him a .little Cb.1mber 1 pray & :P· :o. tbce on tbe wall, and let 1ti flt for him there aBed, and a Table, andt~ Stool, and a Candlcjlicl(: :md Atls 20 ' 35· it jhtJll be r.Jimt he cometb tour, th,;t he jha11 turn in thither: 2 Kings 4· JC. BLit now how common is it for the people to think all too'little for thernfelves; and if one of them be ~ddictcd to ~arks of charity, the other is covetous and is alwayes hindring them. ~·uc ~fJ• 1Jirtll• 12· 9· 37· Direct. I 2· L:1jlly, It if a great part of thf duty ofHmbaHdJ and 1Yhtts, to be htlp~;J")p}d comforttrr of each othct in order to a {afi and happy death. 1. In the time ofHealth, you muU often and ferioufly remember each other of the time when death will ma.ke the feparation ; and live toge~ ther in your daily converfe, as thofc that are fiill expecting the parting hour. Help to awaken each mhers fouls, to make ready all tho(e graces which then will prove neccffary, and to live in a confiant preparation for your change. Reprove all that in one another, which will be unfavoury and ungrate· ful to your review at death. lf you fee each orhh dull and flow in your preparations, ·Or to live in vanity, wotldlinefs or floth 1 asif you had forgotten that you mufi lhortly dye, fiir up one another to do all that without delay which the approach of fuch a day requireth. 2· And when Deatb is at hand, 0 then what ~bundance ot tendernefs, and fcrioufnefs, and skill, and diligence, is needful for one, that hath the lafi office oflove to p:rform, to the departing foul offo near a friend? 0 then what need will there be of your mofi wife, and faithful and diligent lfelp? When nature failcth, and the pains of flefh divert the mind, and temptations are Hrongcfi, while the body is weakell ; when a languiihing body, and a doubting, feaiful, troubled mind, do call for your compaflion and help, 0 then what skill and holy ferioufi1efs will be neceiTary ! 0 what a calamity is it to have a carnal un~ fandified Husband <Jr Wife, which will neither help you to prep.uc for d~ath, nor can fpeak a £Crious word of counfd or comfOrt to you at a dying hour: that can do nothing but fiand by and weep over you., but have not 01. fenfiblc word to fay, about.the life that you arc going to, nor about the duty cf a departing fcul, nor again1t the terhprations and fears which then may be ready to over– whelm you. They that arc utterly unprepared and unfit to dye themftlves, can do little to prepare or help anothtr 1 But they that live together as the heirs of Heaven, and conve1fe on earrh as fellow– travellers to rhe Lmd of Promifr, may help and encourage the fouls of one anot!.cr, and joyfully part at death, as txpecting quickly to meet again in life eternal. f· 38. Were it not Jell I be over tedious, I Chculd next fpeak of the Manner how Hllsbancjs and Wivc:s muft perform their duties to each other: As r. That it fhould be all done in (uch entire Love, as maketh the cafe ofone another to you. as your own. 2· That therefore all mufi: be done in Pati~ ence and mutual forbearance:. 3· And in famili.uity, and nor with flr:mgenefs, difiance, fowerriefs,.. nor affected complement. 4· And in foerefie: where I fl1ould have Chewed you in what c.afes fecrefio may be broken-:- and in whar not. 5· And in confidence of each others hdebty, and nor mfuf~ICJ?n, jealoufie, and dillrull. 6. And in prudwce eo manage rhings aright, and to forcfec and avot~ un– pediments and inconveniences. 7· And in hoJinrfr that God may be the firjl and /:ifl, and all m all. 8. And in conftaHcy that you ccafe not your duties for one another until death. But nrcdfary abbreviat!on alloweth me to fay no more of Ihefe. . CBA P.