Dirr{l.~. Dite[/.8. Dire[i, 10• The Dmy of Hwbands. htt at home, the things which fhe uderfto?d not in rhe Congregation, 1 Cnr. 14. 3S• But if the husband be indeed an ignorant fot,Jr htve made hirnfelf unable ro infirult his wife, Che is not bound to ask him in vain to teach hr that whith he underfiandeth not himfelf. Thofe husbands dut defpife the wcrd of God, and ve in wilful igfwrancc, do not only dG.fpife their own fouls but'" their fan,ilies alfo; and makingthemfelves unable for theii- dUties, thty arc ufually themfdve; defpifed by their inferiours ; For G.d hath told {uch in his mdfage to Eli, r Slm. 2. 30. Them t/m IJJnour mt I will honour, and they thatlefj(t mt jhaU bt lightly e/l{tmcd. 9. 7· Direct. 6. '1ht HuJband "'ujl bt tht principal 'leacher of iht family. He mufi infiruct them, and examine them, and rqk t~m about the matters of God, as .well as his own {Cfvicc, and fee that the Lords D1y and Worlhiy le obferved by all that arc within his gares. Aud therefore he mull labour for fuch underllandrg and ability as is nccdfary hereunto. And if he be unable or negligent, it is his lin and will b1 his fhame. If the rrife be wifer and abler, and it be ca!l: upon her, it isbM difhonour; Buttfmitherof them do it, the fin and iharnc and futli:ring will bC common to them both. · 9. 8. DireCt. 7· •rhe Hu1band i to ht the mouth of the f.;mily in tluir d,;ily co,Junil p_~.zyerJ muo God. Therefore he mull .be aht to pray, and aHo have a praying heart. He mull be as it were the Pritjl of the houtnold, and tlttefore fi10uld be the moll Holy, that he may be ~t to lland .be– tween them and God, and to ofk1 up their prayers to him. It this be <all on the Wife lt will be his ditnonour. . 9· 9• · Dired:. 8. The Husban/ is to be the chief Provider for · the family (ordinarily): It is fup– FOfed that he is moll ablt for111ind and body ; and is the chief difpofer of the efiate: Therefore he mull be fpecially careful thatll'i[e and children \jlant nothing that is lit for them, fo far as he can procure it. . Direct. 9· TheHruband riUll be fi1ongefi in Family-patitnct ; bearing with the wtak..ntfJ and paf jiinu of the wife : not fO a. to make light of any fin againll God, but fo as not m make a great matter of any frailty as a_P.infi himfelf; and fo fo as eo prefervt: the Love and Peace which is to be as the natural remper of thcr Relation. Ditel}. ro. The man!" of all thefe Duties mull alfo be carefully regarded : As, r. That they be done in Prudmce ;nd not with foUy, raflmefs and inconlidcratenefs. 2• That all be done in conjugal Love, and ;e~demefs, as over one that is tender,. and the weaker vdTel; and that he do ilot teacb or commarrJ or reprove a wife~ in the tatl\e imperious manner as a child or fervanr. 3· Thu due fami/i(fity be maintained, and that he keep not at a diA:ance and firangenefs from hi.9 wife. 4• That LIJit be co•fidmt, without bafe fufpicions and cauflcfs jealoufies. 5• That all be done in Gentlentfir and not in P(1J!io1t, roHglmt/s and fournefs. 6. That there be no unjutl and cau!lefs concealmeot of lecrets, which tnould be commoa to them both. 7· That there be no foolitn ·"peni11g of fucb [fCrets to her as may become her fnare, and fhe is not able to bear or ketp. 8. That none of their o:vn matters which Chould be kept fccrct be made known to others. His teachiog and repr<ivi•g h<r tnould be, for the moll part fccr<t. · 9· That he be conj!ant, and not weary of his Love or duty. This briefly of the Manner. CHAP.