Baxter - BJ1441 B3 1673

Dirtl1. IJI· D-irea. 20· VirtU. ,, DirtCI. z, Of Educati11g C!Jildrm. is moll powerful with children both for good and evil. If they fee you live in the fear of God it will do ft'JUch to perfwade ~hun that it is the moll: nccdfuy and excellent courfc of life, aad. c'hat they mull do fo too: And tf they fee you live a carnal, voluptuous and ungodly life, and hear you cur{C, or fwear, or talk tilrhily or railingly,it will greatly embolden them to imitate you: Ifyoufpeak never fo well ro them, they will fooncr believe your bad lives, than your good words. 9· lJI• DireCt. lJI· Choofe fuch • CaUing and courfe of life for your children, aJ tendeth moj! to tho faving eftheir foulJ, and to their puhlick.. ufrfulnejf for Church or State. Choofc not a Calling that is mofl lyable to temptations and hindennccs to their falvation, though it may make them rich : but a Calling ~hich allowe~~ them fome l~ifure for che remembring the t~ings of everlafiing confe~ qutnce, and tit opportumues to get good, and to do good : If you bmd them Apprentices, or Servants, if it be poffible place them wirh men fearing God ; and not with fuch as will harden them in t~r~ . 9· 20. Direct. 20. TJ/hcn they are marriagtable, ~tnd you ji11d it Jrttdful, louk out fi~eh for tlum aJ art [uitablc bnimrs. vvhen Parems Hay too long, and do nor their dmies in this) their children often choofe for thernfelvcs r<J their own undoing : For they choofe not by judgement, but blind affection. Y· 21· Having rhus told you the Common duties of Parentl for their children) 1 fhould nexr have told you what jprci,Uy belongerh to each Parent; bur to avoid prolixi<y, I rhall only defirc you to remember efpecially thtfe two Dircdions: I· That the Mothtr who is fiill prefent with children when they are young, be very diligent in ttaching them, and minding them of good things. When the Fathers are abroad, the Mothers have more frequent opportunities to infiruct them, and be fiill fpc:aking to them of that which is moll ncceffary, and watching over them. This is thegreatefi fer· vice that moll women can do for God ;·n the world: Many a Church that hath been bldfcd With a good Miniller, may thank the: pious educu-1on of Mothers : And many a thoufand fouls in Heaven may thank the holy care and diligence ~f Mothers, as the firfi cffc?tual means. Good women this way ( by the good education of rhcir children) _are ordinarily great bl~ffing~ both to Church and Sratc. ( And fo tome underfiand 1 Tim. 2· 1 5· by CIJiid-bearbtg, mcamng bringing up children for God; but I rather think it is by M•rie; bearing Chrij! the promi[td feed. ) 2· By aU mt~~nl ltt childr:en be taught to read, if JOII ~tre never fo poor, and what ever fhift you mak_e; or clfe you deprive them of a fingul<~.r help to their inllru{lion and falvation. It is a tho•f:lnd pitieS th<~.t a Bible fhuuld fignitie no,more than a Chip to a rational creature, as to their reading ir thern– felves : and rhat fo many (Xccllcnt Books as be in the world, fhould be as fealed or inf~niticant to them. . ~· 22. But if God deny you children, and fave you all this care and labour, repine not, but be thanktul, believing it is bdt for you : Remember whu a deal of duty, and pains, and hcarrs grief he hath freed you from, and how few fpecd well when Parents have d?ne their bl"tl: \~hat a life · of mifery children mua here pafs through, and k~w fad the fear of their fin and damnatton would have bct:n to you. CHAP. ...