Gildrens duty to 6od. final defperation. EccJef. 12· I· Remember now tby Creator in the dayu 11{thyyouth, while the evil d.1yts come not, nor tbe years draw nigh when thDu jhalt fay ( of all things here below ) I b.Jve. no ]leafore iH them. • . . ~· 3· DircCl. 3· Remember tbat you have .corrupud Naturuto he cured, and that Chrijf t1 the P~y- Dzre{J. 3• , jicim that muft cure them, and the Spirit of Chrijt mujl dwell nfithin you, tJnd maJte you holy, and gzve 2 Cor.~. 17. you a new beart and 11at11re, which jhall L•vt God and Heaven above aU tbe honowr and plta[ures of t!u ~ohm. 8 9·'-~· world: Rejl not tberefore tiU )'DU find tb:~t you; are hflrn anew, and that the Holy Gh~ft bath ntade you v n ~'3' 5 ) • boiy and qttick,_ned your heartJ witb tbe Love of God a11d of ya~tr dear Redeemer. The old nature loveth the things of thir world, and the plea{iuc:s of the fktn : but the Nol' Nature love(h the Lord that made you, and Ri!dccmed and Renewed you, and the cndkfs joyes ofthe world to come, and char holy life which is the way thereto. ~· 4• Dire(}. 4· -'Tak§ becd of loving tbe pleaforeJ of the jl.flJ, iu cvtrnmch eating , or drink,ing or Direll. 4• pi:J.y: S::r nor your hc:arcs upon your belly or your- fport : Let your meat, and 11eep, and play be moderate. Meddle nor with Cards or Dice, or any bcwitchi'ng or riotou$fporrs: Play nor for money ; IeH it 11ir up covetous dcfires, and tempt you to be over eager in it, and ro lye, and wrangle, and fall out with O[hCH. U [e nei{her food or [ports which are not for your healrh : A greedy appetite enticceth childnn to devour raw fruits, and ro rob [heir neighbours Orchards, and ar once to undo foul and body. And an excetlivc love ofphy, doth caufe them to run among bad companions, and lofe their rime, and dellroycth the love of thdr Books,and their duty, and their P.uenrs rhc:mfelves, ancl all 1 Cor. to.JI. thm good. You mull eat, and lleep, and phy for healrh, and not for ufclels hurtful pleafure. · 9· 5· Direct. 5· Subd~te your own rviUt and defires to thewiUofGod 11nd your JuperiourJ, and be not Dirtll· 5• eagcr!.J• jet upon auy thi11g rvhichGod or your PartntJ dodeny you. Be not like rhofe felf-wiUcd fofhly children, that arc importunate for any thing which their fanlic or appetite wuuld have, and cry or are di[content if they have it nor. Say not that 1rnufi have this or t!ar. But be contented with any thing \\hid1is the will of God and your Superiours. le is thegreatdl mifery and danger in the world, P(,.l. sr. 10 , ro have all your own wills, and to be given upw your hearts dt:fire. 1 l, 12. §. 6. Direct. 6. 't•J;.e bted of a cuftome of fnolijh, filthy, railing, lying, or any other fi.iful Dirc{/.6, words. You think it is a (mall matter, but God thinketh not fo: It is not a jeafiing matter to fin againll the God that made you: It is fools that make a fport with fin, Prov. '4· 9• & 10.23. & 26·19• One lye, 011e curfe, one oath, one ribbald, or railing, or deriding word, is worf(: than all the: pain that c:ver your fldh endured. ~ §. 7· 'taJ;.e hetd of focb company and playfellows aJ would tntice and tempt you to aoty <f thefejinJ: Direa.7. and choofe fuch C(Jmp:my as will help you in the fear of God. And ifothers mock at you, care no more for it than for the lhakiog of a leaf, or the barking of a Dog. Take heed of lewd and wicked company as ever you care for the faving of your fouls. If you hear them rai1, or lye, or fwear, or talk lllthily, be nor alhamed to tell them that'God forbiddeth you to keep company with fuch as they. Pfa/. 119·63. Prov. 13· 20. & t8. 7• 1 Cor. 5.12. Eph. 5· 11· 4• ,. 8. Direct. 8. Tak.f heed of Pride and CovttilUjitcji: Defire not to be fine; nor to get all to D' a g your fclves ; but be humble, and meek, and love one another , and be as glad that others aro' 1rt • • plcafed as your felves. §· 9· Direct. 9· Love the Word of God, and aD g"d Book.J ..bicb woulil mal<.e you rPi[er and Dire{!. 9 • better : and read not Play·book.f, nor Tale-bo~kJ, nor L~vt-;ooks, or any idle ftoriu. When idle Children are at play and fooleries, let it be your plcafurc to read and learn the myfieries ofyour falvation. 9· to. DircCI:. to. Remember that you k,!ep holy theLordJ Day : Sp~nd not any oflt in play or idle· . ne(s: Reverence the MiniHc:rs of Chritt ; and mark what tfley teach you, and remember it is a D~refJ. 10 " mdfage from God about the faving of your fouls. Ask your Parents when you come home, to hilp your underftandings and memories in any thing which you underfiood not or forgar. Love all the holy <X<rcifes of the Lords Day, and let them be pleafanter to you than your meat or play. ··· 1 ~· II• DireCt. Jl, Be IJJ cOreful to prt~llife .u, 81 to hear and read it. Remember all is but Direll. u. to make you holy? to love God, .and obey him: Take heed of fioning again£\ your knowledge, and agamH the warnmg-s that are gtven you. §... I 2. DireCl:. 12· Whm you grow up, by the dire[Ji,n of your Part1ltJ, cboo{t [ucb a Trdt or C.J/- Dirtll. Jl .• ling, as t~lloff!rt~ you tht greatejt helps for Hea~en, 11nd hatb the feweft· kindrtJncu, 11ndin whicbyou may be mojl ferweable to God before you dye. If you will but practife thefe few Dirccrions ( which your own hearts mull fay have no harm in any of them ) what happy pcrfons will you be for ever! Bb bb • CHAP.