How far Men 'ray be made SlalJes. If ~his cornc to the h1nd.:; ~f any of _our Native.s in B.1rbado's or other lflands or Plantations, wJ 10 are fa1d to be commonly gu1hy of thts moll hemous fin, yea and to live upon it, ( inrrear rh m further to confider as fol!oweth, 1. How curfed a crime is it to equal Mm and BtaJII? Is nor r~· your pn.Cl:ice? Do ~ou not ~uy the~ an4 ufe them meedy to the fame cndJ as_rou do your horft/; to labour for your commodity ! as tf they were bJfi.r than you, and made to (c:rve you? 2. Do you nor fee llow you reproach and condemn your fclvts, while you vilitie them as Savages and barbarous wretche~. Did they cv~r do any thing more favagt, than to ufe not only me 11 s bo. dies as bcalls, but their fouls as if rhey were made fOr nothing, but to actuate their bodies in y~.)ur '"·orldly drudgery? Did the veridl Cannibals ever do any rhing more cruel or odious, than ro {(:IJ fi> mal'ly Couls to the D.vil for a liule worldly gain? Did fVlf the curftdfl mifcrcan(s on canh do any thing more r(.bcllious, and contrary to the will of che moll: merciful G•)d, than to kt·cp rhore fouls from Chrifi, and holinelSand H~aven, for a liccle mon<.y, who wen: made an1l rcd-:.tmrd tOr the fame tnds, and at the fJmc pretious price as yours. Did your poor il.1ves evu commit {Uth villanies as rhefc? Is not he the blfdl wrerch and (he moll barbarous favag,e, who Cllffirnirtull rhe grearefl and mon inhumane wickcdntli '? And arc theirs comparable to thefe of yours ? _ 3· DJrh not the very tXlmple of fuch cruelty, bdides your keeping them from Chrillianity, diredly tend to reach them and all others, w hate Chrifiimity, as if it taught men to be fo much worfe thon D gs and T)•gers. i · Do you not mark howGod hath followed you with Phgues? and mJy not Confciencotdl you that it is for yeur inhumanity to the fouls and bodies of fo m1ny ? Remember the late fire at rhe Bridge in B.zrb"do's: Rcm~·mber· the drowning.;of your Governour and S •ips at Sea, and the rnn;y judgements that hav( ovcrc~krn you~ and ar the prefent the terriblemorraliry rhac is amo!lg you ? S· Will nor the txample and wan1ing of ncigbour Countreys rift up in judgement againfl: you and condemn you. You cannot bur hc:-ar how odious the Spanifh name is made ( and thereby alas the Chrillian name Jl,fo, among the Wdllndims) for their moll inhumlne Crudries in HifPaniola, Jamaica, Cub.1, PtrN, ~l,'xico and other pl..ces, which is ddcribc:d by J o[ep. a Cofta aJefuite of their own: And though I know that their trudry ·who murdered millions c:xceedefh yours, who kill not mens bodits, ycc y•>urs is of the fame kind, in the merchandize which you make with the D\., vil for rheor fOuls, whiHl you that fhould help them with all your power, do hinder them from the me;,Os of their falvation. And on rhc contrary what an honour is it to tho{i: of Ntw England, that th<y take not fo much .s the N•tiv<S Soy! from them, but by purchafe ? that they enflavc none of them, nor ufc them cruelly, bm Chew them meH·y, and are at a great deal of care and cofi and labour for their f.1lv~ttion ? 0 how much diJft.'rence between holy Matter Eliot's life: and yours ! His, who hath lab()ured {o many years to fave rhern, and hath traBflned the whole .Bible into their language, with other Books ; and chafe good mens in London who arc a Corporation for the furtherance of his work; and theirs thit have contributed fo largely towa.r4s it ; And yours that fell mens fouls for your comn1odicy? 6. And what comfort .trc you like to have ar lafi, in that meney th<lt is purchafl'd ar fuch a price? Will not your money and you perifh togLther ? will you not have worfe thanGebezi's Lc:profit: with it; yea worf(.· than Ach.m'~ death by S:oning; and as b1d as Judat his hanging himfelf, unlefs repen– tance fhall prevent ir? Do you not rem~ mber the terrible wordsin Jude u. Woe untotbtm, fur they have ?,one in the n•ay of Cain, and ran trcedily after the the errour1 of BJ!aam. And 2 Pet. 2· 3, 14, 15. Through Crrvctou{rtefi--thty m ~~.r mer-ha~tdize of you --- An heart they h.1ve cxerci{td with covetouJ pra{]iceJ ; Curfed ChiUru ( or Children of a (;_urfe) which b.Jve f orfo}?,sn the right way, aud are gMtC ajlray, foL 1 owing the w y of Ba\Jam, the Son of Bofor, who loved the wageJ of uu, ighu1!14[– ncji, but waJ rebukfd for biJ iniq~tiry; the dumb Affe fpelkjng with man1 VJice forbad the ttudnfji of tb' P>·ophet. When you fh,ll <very one hear, 7hou f"l thi, night jhaU thy flul be required of thee, , and tbcn rr-hofe ftJ:JU thofo tbingt be wJ,ich thox h ifl provided, Luke I 2· 19, 20, l I· will ir not rhen cut deep in your pe'rpttual torments, to re~embn that you gor that little pelf, by betraying fa many fouls to hell? What mw in the World doth JamtJ lpeaks to, if not to you, Jam. 5· 1, 2, 3, 1-• Go to nowye Rich men, wap and h.Jrfll for y 1ur mi{rriet that foaU come upm )DU : y.?Hr ri.chu are coroeptcd, tJnd yoHr gmmnts are mQtb-e.JUit : your g1ld and filvtr U cank.fred, and tb~ rujf of them fh:~lJ be a rdtncfi againft } "11, and jhaU t :U your fi.:fh aJ it r:rere fire: )'t have heaped tre~fure together for tbcla{r d<Jyet. Behold tbtbire of the lab11urerJ which h"vt rtJped down y ,ur fteldJ n·htch it ofyou kept back., by f rattd, cryeth, and the cry~J of them rrhich have reaped b.Jve ~HtruJ intv tht eau ofthe LDrd of S• : How much more the cry of betrayed fouls. And here we may feafonably anfwer tbefe cafes. Quell. r. lJ it lawful for a Chrifti.m M buy .a;:d ufe a maif a1 aj/.1vel 'Q;lfl.2. bitlar:v{ul to11{e tJChrijlia~t•J a{l.1vel Qull.3. TPbat diffe– rence mujl we mal:._e betn-·ten a frtt [trv.<~nt and a jlave l . To f!<..~rjf. t . I anfwer, There is a flJ.very to which fame men may be Lawfully pur, and there JS a flJvery eo which none may be put; And thtrc is a fhvery to which only rhe criminal mJy be put, by way of penalty; . I· No man may be put to fuch a fllvery as under the firfi DireCtion is denred, that. u, fuch as fiull injure God1 intereft and fervice, or the man1 falvation. 2· No ma_n buc as a JUH punt!11~enr for his crimes, may be fo enfiaved 1 as robe deprived of rhofe liberties, benefits and comforts, whtch bro– therly love obligt:th every man to gram ro another for his good, as far as is within our power, all thing$ confidercd• .That is, the lilmc man is a ftrvant and a brother, and therefore mult at once,be ufed as b.orh. 3• Though poverty or nmiliry do make a man confcnt to fell himfelf to a life of ."ITer .Rlifery,