Dirtll· 19· Direll. 20· Direa. 21o DirclJ. 22. Direa. 24· How [hildrm and Ser1Jantl muft be Taught. to contemn them. But fcafonably ana prudently done, their promifes will lay a great engagement on them. 9· 19. DireCt. 19• Teach them how to pray, hJ formu or without ar ir moft foitable to their cs[e and parts : And either your felf or fome that may inform jou Jhould hear them pr~y fometimt that yo~t may l;.'Ow their JPirit and how they profit. 9· 20. Direlt. 20· Put [uch Boo/{! into their hand1 as are meeteft for them, and engage them 19 rtad them wben thry are alone : .Antl ilrl<, them rf'hat they under~and and remember of them. And . hold them not without necdfity fo hard to work, as to allow them no time for reading by them– felves : But drive them on to work the harder, that they may have fome time when their work is done. 9· 21· Direct. 21. Cau[t them to teach oHe another 'n'htn they lire together. Let their talk be pro– fitable-. Let thofe that JCad bell, be reading fometime to the rdt, and infiructing them, and furthering their edification : Their familiarity might make them very ufeful eo one ano– ther. ~· 22. DircGt. 22. Tire tbtm not out R'ith too much IZt once; but give it them AS they can receive it: Nmow mourh'd bottles, muil not be filled as wider vdfels. §. 23· Direct.23· Labour to mak! .U fwm and pleafant to them : and to that end fometime mix the re•ding of fome profitable hi~") : as the BDDI\. of Martyrs, and Cl•rk!s Mar<yrologie, and his Li~s.. . ~ 24· D'rect. 24. L.ftly, Entict them with kJndntjftt anti. ""'ards : Be lc!nd to your Children when t11ey do well, and be as liberal to your fervants as your ConditionwilJ allow you. For this maketh your per[ons acceptable firfi, and then your infiruCiiens will be much more acceptable: Nature teacheth them to Love thofe that Love them and do them good, and to hearken willingly to thofe they love. A fmall giti now and then, might lignifie much to the further benefit of their fouls. · 9- 25· If any !hall fay that here is fo much ado in all thcfe directions .. that few can follow them. I intrcat them to confult with Chri!l that dyed for them, whether fouls be not pretious, and worth all thi• adoe. And to confider how fmall a labour all this i•, in comparifon of the everlafting end : And to remember that all is Gain and pleafure, and a delight to thofe that have holy hearts: An4 to remember that the effed:s to the Church and Kingdom, of fuch holy Govern· meet of familie<, would quite ovtr-<ompenfate all the pains. CHAP.