Baxter - BJ1441 B3 1673

Of the Lords-Prayer, and df Forms. So that it js apparent that the Method of the Lords Prayer is Circular, partly Analytical,-and partly Synthetical: Beginning with G 0 D, and ending in God: Beginning with fuch Acknowledgements as are prert:quifite to Petition, a11d Ending in thofe Praifa. which Petition and Grace-beJlow~.:d tcn.d to: Beginning our P(.[itions tOr Gods Inrere£1: and the pubhck Good, ac~or?ing to the order of Efi1~ mation and Intention, till we come ro the meer Means, and then begmmng at the towell: and af~ cending according ro the order of Execution. As the blood p.1ffing from the greater to the. fmal... Jer gumerous Veffcls, is there received by the like, and repaiferh to its fountain ; Such a cucular Method hath Mercy and Dttty, and confequently our Oefires. Tit. 2. Some !J.!!eftiom abottt Prayer anfwered. 59l THe refi of the general Directions about Prayer I think will b·ebefl contrived into the refolving of thefe following Doubts. 9· 1 • ~ell. 1. Is the Lordr Pr(lyer a Direlfory only, or a Form of wor4r to be ufid by m in !J<!!eft. r. Prayer l An[w. 1• It is principally the 1:\.u/e to guide our inward dcfirer a~d outward exprdlions of them, hoch for the M.mcr, 'trJhat we mutt defire, and for the Order, whzch we mull Defire firft and moft. 2· Buc this Ru~e is given in a Form of word1, mofi:: apt to txprefs the faid Matter and Order. 3· And this form may titly be ufcd in due {f:afon by all, and more neceffarily by fome : 4· But it was never intended to be the only words which we mufi ufe, no more than the Creed is the only words St~~m in Eury:. that we mull ufl: to exprcfs the Doctrine of faith, or .the Dccalogue the. only words to exprefs ~;;g.~~~:.~;: our Duty by. lhew~th th.:lc before EVIL the Jews pr:~ycd w~thom Forms, :mll th:u E{ra and t~eE1ders with him,comf?fcd th~~ aForm which h2d eighreenpc_neditlions and Pl!titions; rh:u i,, the three hrtl :~nd the three !an f.,r the G!onfy;ng GoJd, and the rd mtcrmcd!Jte for pe1fona.l and bendits. Andpag. 48. d12t they might omit nouc of th~fc) but mtght a.dd 01hers. 9· 2· Q;.efi. 2· What nt<d i< there of any ;ther wordr of Prayer, ·if the Lordr Prayer'bt PerfdJ? ff<!!rft. 3• An[w. Becaufe it is only a Perfect S~tmmary, containing but the gtneral Heads: And it is need~ ful ro be more particular in our ddires : For univerfals exill in particulars : And he that only narneth the Gtntral, and then another and another General, doth remember but few of the Particu· larr: He that fhall fay, [I have tinned, and broken all thy Commandments, J ·doth generally con· ftfs every fin : But ic is not true Repentance, if it be not Particular: for This, and That, and the other fin ; at leaH as to the gre(ltrr which may be remembred: He that iliall fay, [I believe all the Wold of God, or I believe iftGod the father, Son and Holy Ghofi ], may know litdewhat is in the Word of God, or what thefe Generals fignifie, and therefore our Faith muft be more Particttlar: So mu£\ Defires aftuGrace be particular alfo. Otherwifc it were enough to ask for mercy in the general. If you fay, that God knoweth what thofe Gmeral w"dr fignihe, though we do not' I an· ' {wer, This is the Papifis filly Argument for Latin Prayers: God knoWeth our Dcfircs without any exprdfions or prayers at all, and he knoweth our wa1:11 without our Odires. But it followeth not tha-t pra}CrJ or d(fires are unnecdTary. The exercifc of our own Rrpemancc and Drfire cloth make m perfons tit to receive forgivcncfs, and the Grace defired : when the Impenitent and thofe that de– fire it not are unfit: And it is no true Rcpent(lnct, when you fay 1 [I am forry that I have finned, J but you know not, or remember not, J.Yherein you have ji1mtd, nor what your fin is: and fo re"~ pent not indeed of any one fin at all. And fo it is no true Defirt, that reacheth not to the pani· cular nccef!ary GraceJ, which we rnufi defire: Though I know IOme few very quick comprchenfive minds can in io a moment think._ of many particulars when they ufc but General words : And I– that fomc fmaUer ltfs nece.ffary things, may be generally pafl: over : · and greater matters in a tune of hafte, or when we befides thofe Generals, _do alfo ufe particular requetls. 9· 3· Q ueJt. _3· Is it _lawful so .pray in a [tt,[orm ofwordr? · !J<:!eft. 3• An[w. Nothmg bur very great 1gnorance ~an make you really doubt of it. Hath God any where fol bid it ? You wi~l fay, 1h"'t itt enough that he h.:~th not comnzanded it : I ar.fwer, That in general he ~ce Scldt• ~bi bath commanded tt to all w.hofe edihcation it tendeth to, when he cornmandeth you, that all be Jupra, provm~ done to editic.Hion : But he h~rh give.n no particular ~ommand, n?r prnhibit~on :. No more he hath ~~~\t~~-!e:f not comm~nded you to pray 111 Englijh, French or L~:Jtm: nor to fmg Pfalms m th1s Tune or that; pr 3 rer ftnce nor afccr th1s or thilt Vnfion or Tradlation: nor to preach in this Method panicularly or that : nor E\ra's time: alwaycs to preach upon a TlXt _: nor to u!e written Notes: nor to compofe a form of words, and rhe~efore ~t learn them, ana preach them alter they are compofed, with a hundred fuch like , which are un- ;~~e1~ ~~;~~; • doubr~dly lawful; yea, a.n~ needful to. fome, th~ugh n~t to others. If you make up all your prayer :mdltis Apo·.' ofScupture fentences, thts IS tb pny m a form of prefcnbed words, and yet as lawful and fit as any lll:=~s joyncd ofyour own : The PIalms are moll pf themforms of Prayer ur Praife which the Spirit 'of God indited wnh thcm,_anJ forth~ ufe of the Church, and of particular pnfons. It would be eafic to fill many Pages wirh larger d:;erdcon.rJ– reafonmgs, and anfwns to all the fallacious ObjeCtions that are brought again[\ this; But I will not bJ:~~e/~hem fo far weary the Reader and my fdf. - fodorms. G g3g ?· 4•