H()UJ to find Matter enough for Prayer, a11d to kup ttp FerlJmcy; 597 ----------- Covenant, and Grace of Chrift ;· and he nee~ not want matter for prayer or praife : A very Child if he (cc: but a Pedlars pack opened, where there are abundance of things which he dcfireth, will learn Rev j .,,lJS. without-book to lil}, [ 0 Father buy me this, and givt methat, &c. J: So will the foul thatfeeth the ucafurics and riches of Chrifi. 4· Let him know the extent of th~ Law of GoJ, and the meaning of the un C~JmmandmtniJ : If he know but what jin1 are forbidden in each Commandment, and what duties ai"C f(quircd, he may find matter enough for Cunftf!ion and Petiliun: And therefore the view of fuch a brief Expoiition of the Commandments, as you may tind in Mr. Brinjley's Tnt,.. 1Patch, and in Dr. V oWnamJ and Mr. Whatrleyt Tables, will be a pref~nt furniture for fuch a ufe,_ lfpccially in daycs of humiliation. So it will alfo to have a particular underfiaudh1g of the Creed and th~ Lord! Prayer; which will furnifh you with much matter. 5· Smdy well the Temptations which you carry about you in your flejh, and mec:c wirh in the world, and arc: fuggeJled by the Tempter; and rhink of 1he many dmitJ yo~ have to do, and rhe ~any d.mJ!.Cfl and fHJferi?t.S to undergo, and you will ncvtr be unfurniflltd for matter for your ,prayers. 6. Obferve the da1ly plffat:;es of Providtnce; to your fdvcs and others: Mark how things go with your fouls every c;by, and hcarkc:n how it go::th wi1h the Church of God, and mark alfo how it goerh with youtn(ighbours, and fure you wi!l lind maltcr enough for prayer. 7· Think of the Heavenly }oyes that you are going to and the Sneers of the New J crufalemwill be large enou_gh for faith to walk in. 8. Fo! word; be acquainted with the phrafc: of Scripcurc, and you w1ll find provifions for all occafions. Read Dr. Wilj,Jnt Book called 1he Gift of P"yer, or Mr. Brinjltyes Watch, or Mr. El. Par's Abba Father : 9 • Kerp ttp the hcan in a reverend ferious lively frame, and jt will be a continual fpring to furn!lh you wirh Matttr. When a dead and barren heart hath a dry and fleepy tongue. 10~ ]OJn as oft as you cm with thofe that are full ami copious in_prayer: For example and u[e will be very great help<. 1 I• Quench not the Spirit of God that mull affill you. 12.ln cafe of necdfity, ufc thofe Books or }'orms which are more full than you can be your {elves, till you come to. ability to do bettt:r without them. Read funher the Dincrions 'tom. I· Chap. 6. 1it. 2• tor more. .. , 9· 31· ~,ll, 3I· Howjhnuld a Chrij!ian ~trp up an ordinary ftrvency in prayer? ~,fl, 3 1 ; Anfrv. 1. Sec that k.!zow!edge and faith provide you Matter: (''or as the fire will go out if there be Hew ro ke~P not kwell; fo fervency will decay, when you are dry, and fcarce l{_nflWwb.Jt to fay; or do not well up fervency in belirve what you underHand. 2· Clog not 1he body either with overmuch eating. and drinking, or prayc.'f. over-tiring labours: For an active body helpeth much the activity of the mind: And the holidl perfon will be able but po01ly to exercife his fervency, under a dull or languilbing body; 3• Rulb not fuddcnly upon prayer, out Qf a crowd of other bulindfes, or before your !all worldly cares or difcour{es, be walbtd clean out of your minds. In Study and Prayer how certain a truth is it, that Nonbene fit quod occupato animo fit ( Hicron. Epi!l. 143· ad P•ulin.) That work is not well done, which is done with a mind that is prepoffdf,d, or buli~d about other matters : That mind mufi be wboL'y fm from all other prefent thoughts or bufinrfi, that will either Pray or Study well. 4· Keep a tender heart and con{cienct that is not fenftlefs of your own concernmet:lts: For all your prayers mufl needs beJltrpy, if the heart and confcience be once hardned, feared or fallen aflcep. 5• Take more pains with your bearu than with your tonguts. 1\.emember that the fuccefs of ypur work lyech mofi on •lum· Bear not with their fluggilbnels : Do by them as you would do by your Child or Servant that fleepeth by you at prayer: You will not let them fnort on, but jog them till you have awaktned them. So do by your hearts when you find them dull. 6. Live as in the continual prefence of God : but labour to apprehend his JPrci•l prt{tnct when you are abom to fpeak to him; Ask your hearts how they would behave thcmfelves, if they faw the Lord, or but the lowell of his holy Angels? 7· Let faith be called up to fee Heaven and Htll as open all the while before you; and fuch a light will furdy ke~p you lcrious. 8. Ketp death and jHdgrmrnt in your conticual remcm~ brance and expectAtion: Remember how all your prayers will be lookt back upon. Look not for long life : Remember that this pray<r for ought you know may be your la!\ : but certainly you have cot long to pray. Pray therefore as a dying man lbould do. 9· Study wdl the unfpeakablentctf fity of your fouls. If you prevail not for pardon, atld grace, and prefetvadon you arc undone and Iofi for ever. Rcmtmbcr that nttcf!ity is. upon you, and Heaven or Hdl are at the end, and you are praying for more than a 1houfand lives. 10. Study well the unfpeakab1e cxccUency of thofe mer· cies whichyou pray for: 0 think how bldfed a life it would be, if you could know God more, and love h1m mere, and hve a blamelefs heavenly life; and then live with Chri{\ in Heaven for ever? Study thcfe m<rciestill the A,mes of Love put life into your prayers. ll· S;udy well me exceeding eoc?uragtmcnrs that ~ou have to Proy and Hope : If your Hope decay ycur fervour will decay. Thmk of the unconcctvablc:: Love of God, the aUoniil1ing mercy {hewed to you in your Redeemer ·a'nd in tl\e helps of the Holy Spirit, and how Chrill is now interceding for you: Think of thefc tili faith mak.f glad yout hmt : And in this gladnefi let Praife and tha11Jvgiving have ordinarily no fma!l tbare in your ~rayers: for it will tire out the heart to be alwayes· poreing on irs own difiernpers~ and difcoura~e Jt to look on nothing hut irs intirrniti'e5 : And then a fad difi.::ouraged temper will 11or he _fo h~dy a rempc~, as a thankful 1 praifoful, joyf~tl temper ~s: For Le1i1ia loq:eax res cjf, atq; ~fltntatrzx fuJ: Gladnt{r u a very expr ffive thin~, and apt to jhcw Jt filf. Bur trijle 1 n~m elor.Hentu Symm1uh.Ep!ft. font: maxime fi &d. egriludintm animi accedat corporis .egritudo. Hieron. Epi!\. 3I· ad Th~oph. )l.l.1.adA•·. Alcxand. Sad mm are fe/dome eloquent: tjpeciaUy if tht body be fief(, tK wcU ai the mind. a. Let f~< the Image of a Praying and a blecdiHg Cbrijl, ~nd of his_praying Saints be (not on a wall bdore your eyes, buc) cn~raven on your mmds: Is 1t nor dehnble to be conformed to them? H:~d they 1nore o<ed to pray unportunately thac you ? 13. Be l'<ry cautclous in the ufe of[orms, ldt you grow · d·uu