Baxter - BJ1441 B3 1673

6oo :DireBions for Families abotlt the Lords Supper. TJ,e trtle and falfe Ufcsof it. Cl-lAP. XXIV. 'Brief 1)ire8i01zs for Families about the Sacrammt of the 'Body and 'Blood of (hrift. OMitting tbofe r_hi~gs which concer.n the pttblic~ admi,.tijlration of this Sicrament ( for the R~afons betore an.omared, Tom 2· ) ll1ull here only glVc: you fomc: brief Dirtllions for your pr1vateduty hercm. Dirclr.r. . . 9· r. DireCl. z, Vnderfta.nd weD ihe proper end! to _wbiciJ thir Sacrament war inftitllted b ~- \\ hlt :ne Chrift : and tak._t hted that you u[e tt not to endr for wb,ch tt "ever WaJ appoi-nted. The trllt enJs ~~~ ~~cdr~~f are. rhefc, '.'To be a folunn commc~or~tion ~f the Drat~ and Paffion of Jc:fus Chrill, to keep it Jn(n· ) as lt were 10 the Lye of the Church, mh1s bodJiy abfence rtll he come, I Cor. r t. 24, 2 5, 2 6. 2 , To M:urh. 26,1!L be 1 folemn renewing of the holy Covenant which was firfi enrred in Baptifm be-tween Chrill and tb~. 1 .;· 1 4· the Re('eiver: And in that Covenant ;t is on Cl1rifis part a folcmn delivery of Himfil{ firfi and 1 ~~~~.-; :.o-~<. with.J-!imfllf the Benefits of Pardon, R;econ~i/i;ri.on, Adoption, and ~ight to life eternal: And on' mans Het-, 9 , 15 , 16, pa_r~ 1t IS our folcmn acceptance of Chrlf1 w~th h1s Bcnchts upon h1s terms, and a Deiivaing up our 17, JS.· fcives to Him as his Redeemed oneg, even to the Father as our Rt'conciled Father, and to che Son as 1 Cor. 10 • ,6, our lord and SJviour, and ro rhe H?ly Spiri' as our Sanctifier ; with Profeffed Thankfulncfs for fo }o;. 6 . 3,~•· great a bemfit. 3· h is appointed to h_e a lively objdlive means by which the jfirit of Chrifi 35 , p , 5 s. ll1nu!d work to jlir JtP a_nd txerci[e .and t~creaft ~he Rcpent~nce,. Faith, Defire_, Love, Hope, Joy, 1hank~dm[J_and n_ew-obcdunce of Bduvers; by a: hvely R~prefcn~at1on of the evtl of fin, the infinite L oveoj God m Clirijt, the firrm:rj! of the Covenant or promife, the greatne[s and {urenefs of the mercy givCJt, and the h!tffe~nifs purchafe? and promifcd to us, and the great oblig.ati?ns that are laid upon 1 Cor. 11 • 2 i, us. An:d that hcremBtlzevtrs m1ght be foltnmly c:~:lled out to the mofi fenous excrcifc of allthefe >S. 29 , J'· graces,and might be provoked and aflincd tollir up thcmfelves ro thisCommunion with God in Chrifi 1 Cor. to. t6, and to pray "fOr more as through a f:~.crificcd·Chrifi. 4• le is appointed to be rhe folemn profeffio~ 1 ~ "· ~ of Believers, of their Faith and Love and Gratitude and obedience to God the Father, Son and Holy 1 or."· :.: Gholl, and of continuing firm in the Chriflian Religion. And a badge of the Church before the 2 \or. 6. 14. world. 5· And it is appointed to be a figne andmeans of the V~tity,Love and Comm11nion Of Saints Ptl: 1 4 1 , 46. and their rcadinefs to communicate to each other. • & '"· 1· 9. 2· The falfe mil\ak<n end• which you mull avoid are thefe: r. You mull not with the popifis think that the end of it is to turn Brtad into m brtad, and Wine into nowine, and to make them Really the true Body and blood of JelilS Chritl. f or if fenfc (which telleth all men that it is fiill Bread and wine ) be nor to be believed, then we cannot believe that ever there was a Gofpe1 or an Apollle or a Pope or ·a man, or any thing in the world. And the Apoflle exprdly callcth it Bread thrre times in (hree ver(fs together, after the confccration, 1 Cor. 1 I· 26 , 27, z8. And he tdleth us that·thc ufc of it is ( not to make the Lords Body really pre[ent, but J " {herr> tbe Lords dearb tiU be come : that is, As a vifible repr<fenting and commemorating fign, to be injlead of his bodily pr<· fince ti/Jbe cnmc. 9· 3• 2. Nor mull you with the Papifis ufe this Sacrament to f.crifice Chrijl again reaUy ~nto the Rom. 6 . 9 . Father, to propiciatehimfor thequickanddead, and eafefeul~ tnPur~atory and deliver them out J Cor. 15·J· of it: For ChnH having dyed once dyeth no more, and wuhour killing him there is nofacri2 Cor. 5· :4, ficing him ; By once offerinr, up himfelf he hath p~rjefttd for ever the"!. t~at are fanCtificd; and 1 b r. now there remainoh 1w mort facrifict for fin : H1vmg fin10\ed the f.tcnficmg work en earth, he ~~ ~~:·.~:~6• is now p1ffed into the Heavens, to app~iit b:for~ God for h!s Redeemed ones. Heb. 9 • 1<4. 9· 4 . 3· Nor is it any better than od1ous Jmp!tty to recetvc ~he Slcramtnr to confirm fome confederacies or oaths offccrelie, for rebellions or orher unlawful defignes ; as the Powdc:r-plmters in England did. . . . . . §. 5· 4 • Nor is it any other than 1mp10us prophanauon of thefe f.cred Myfienes for the Pmfi to Non 1~fqu= co;:jlrain or fuffer notorioufiy ignorant om~ ungodly perfons to ucdvc them, ~Hher to make them– P.rvb~none & felvcs believe that they are indeed the C~uldrcn of God, or to be a means whtch un1,odly men fhould ;.:~~:~.:~~- ufc to make them godly: or which infidels or !mpmite~t perfon_s mufi u{t to help thtm to R:– p,xl1enJum pentanc:,e and faith in ChrHl. for thou~~ there, JS that m H wh!ch may Ptcom~ a mea~s .of rhetr cHC u~que converl10n, ( as a Thief that lteakth a Btblc or Sermon Book maybe convertedby tr, ) yet IS tt not to n.:-qtte . be ufcd by the receiver to that end : For that were to tell God a lyeas the me3.ns of their Conver– ~~~i~r:bu~~i fion: for whofoever cometh to receive a fealed pardon, cloth thereby profe[s rtpentt~nce, as alfo by f:::pis ell: for- . • J l ll' r . nit~(or, :1ut cJrio[~\1 :~ut iJo'is fe1viens, cum c;llftn~di c1i_1m c1bum Clpt~ v~t:lt ~poflo us, ne _um c~ e 1men l co~rnu~;· etre: f 1 itiJ a Jrj\fte fo.cofi:t \, 6.10. And ll[t<r , . Ncquc tnun ui.H perfpclb eft fuperfl_',t.wms :lntf(IU~ aut cbrwfit:u_1s~ a~Jt fredz cor.fue,u~ dml'> nurul:t, ;d sirare TnJusdrbct :tda11tH, mfi contr:tria opera il!am m:mifefie· & di.1gcutu e.lw:w. - - Chnlbams conced:ttur; fed no:l~lhnfham digui~ morrbu~ fubt1ah;m1r. p. 549· the