--~---~---------r-------d-P~--,f-h--S---------------6~o-1-- J~~ ~ 1Je tme mtd 1 alJe Ujes; an arts D_j t e acrament.___ >'' ~rds adjoyned he mull do ; and. whofoever 1alzyth and Eateth and d~inkph the bread and wine, cloth actually profefs thereby that he Tak_eth and applyeth Chnll IHmfelf by fa!tb: And therefore if he: do neither of thcfe he lycthopenly ro God : And 1tes and falfc Covenants arc not rhe appointed means of Converfion. Not that the Miniftcr is ~ l..lar in his deliv.ery of it: Fo.r he dorh but conditionolfy feat and deliver Gods Covenant and benchts to the Receiver, to be hts, If he truly Repent and Believe : Bnt the Kecievcr himfelf lyeth, if he do not afruaUy Repwt and Believe as he thereprofrfftth to do. . . ~· 6. 5· Alfo it is an impious prophanarion of the Sacrament, 1f any Pnefl for the love of filtily lucre, {hall give it to thofc that ought not to receive it, that he may .hav::= hit feu or offerings: · or that the Priell may have fo much money that is bequeathed for faymg a Mafs for fuch orfuch a foul. §. 7 . 6. And it is an odious prophanation of the facrarncnt, to ufc it as a Leagne 'or bond of fad ion, CQ gather pcrfons in to the Party, and tyc them faCt to· ir, chat they rnJy depend up:en the Pridl, and his faction and intercH may thereby be Hrcngthened, and he may {eem to have many followers. §. 8. 7· And it ·is a dangeretlS abufe of it, to rece~c it that. you may be p~rdoned or fanCfi– fied or faved, barely by the work._ done ; or by the ornward exercifc alone : !"s tf God were there obliged to give .you grace, while you fl:rive not wich your own hearts, :o Jl!r them up to Love or defir.e or fajth or obeditnce by the means that are before you ; Or as tf God would pudon and fave you for eatiHg fo much bread and drink,jng fo much wine, when the Canon biddeth you ; Or as if the S1cramentconveyed grace, like as Charrnes are fuppofed to work) by faying over fo many words. §, 9· 8. Laftly, It is no appoint(:d end of this Sacrament, that rhc: Receiver thereby profefs hirnfdf certain, of the jincerity of his own Repentance and fJith: (For it is not managed on the ground of fuch certainty only by the Rwivrr ; much lefs by the Minifter that dclivererh it. ) But only he p·rofdfeth that as far as he can difcern by obferving his· own heart, he JS truly wiUing to have Chrifl and his bcnetits on the terms that they are offered ; and that he doth crmfont to the Co– venant which he is there to renew. Think not therefore that the Sacrament is inl1ituted for any of thcfc (rnifiaken) ends. §. Io. Direct. 2. Dijfin[iJy underftand the part! of tbe SacrameJtt, tbat you may diftin{lly ufc tbem, Diretl. z, and not do JDU k._nownot what. This Sacrament containeth thefC three puts. 1. ThcCon[ecration ~What are of theBread andTYine, whicq makc:th it the Reprefentative B9dy and Blood of Chriji. z. :rhe Repre- cbe puts of fmtation and Conimemoration of the Sacrifice of Chrifi. 3• The Commzmion ; or Communication by the S:t~rl-: Chrifi) and Receptjon by the people. mcnt ·. §. I r. I. In the Conflcration, the Church doth firfi offer the creawrer of Bread and TYine, to be accepudof God, to this Sacred life: And God atctpteth them, and bleJJtth them to this ufe: which he fignifieth both by the word.J of his own Inflitution, and, by the ACtion of his Minifiers) and rbtir BrnrdiCiion : They being the AgrntJ of God to the people in this Accrpting and Ble!Jing, as they .are the Agatt1 of the people to God in Offering or Dedicating the creatures to this ufe. 9· I 2· This Conftcration having a fpecial refpeC£ to God tbe ·Fathel', in it wC.acknowlcdge·his three grand Relations. 1. That he: is the Creator and fo the Owner of all the'CreatureJ : for •we offer them to him as bis own. 2· That he is Our RiglueoiMGrrvcrnour, whofc Law. it ,Jas that Adam and we have broken, and who required fatisfaChon, and hath received the facrifice and attonernent, and -·hath difpe~fed with the fhid and proper execution of that ~w ; and will rule us hereafter by the Law ot Grace. 3· That he is our Father or B-enefactor, who bath freely given us a 'Redeemer, and. the Covenant of grace; whofe Love and favour we havt: forf(itcd by fin, but ddire and hope to be Reconciled by Chrin. • 9· 13. As ChrifhAimftlf was Incarnate and true Chrifl, before he was facrificed to God, and was facrificed to God, before thatfacriftce be commUnicated for life and nouri!hment to fouls : fo in rhe Sacram~nt) Co;~fccration mull: tirft make the Cre~ture to be tf:~e fiefh and blood vf Cbrift rcprefintative; and then the {aCTijicing of that flefh and blood mUfi be reprefented and commemorated; and then the facrificed fle(h and blood commttnicated to the Receivers for their fpiritual life, ~· '4· 11. The Commrmarationchiefly (but not only) refpedeth God the So>t : For he hath or– dained that thefe con[ecratcd RcpreflmationJ !ho\\ld in their manner and mcafure fupply thC room of h_is Bodily. prefcnc~,. while ~is body is in Heaven : and that rhus as it v:erc in effiJ!.it, in rcprcfema– tlcn, he mtght be fill! Cructfied before the Churches eyes : and they •mght be alf,cted as it they had fctn him on the CroCs. ·And that by faitb and Prrtyer they might as Jr were offer him up eo God, that is, might fhcw rhe Father that SJcrifice once: made for fin, in which they trufi and for which it is that thL·y (Xped: all the acceptance: of their pcrfons with God, and hope for' audience when they beg for mercy, and offer up prayer or praifcs to him, • '§· 15. 11 I. In the Communication, though the Sacrament have refpctl: to the Fatber as the Jolq. r. principal Gi~er, and to t?:So.n as ?oth the Gift and Giver, yet .hath ~t a fpec:ial refpt:c1 to t,hc Holy 1 Cor.u. 1 2 ; Ghoft, as bemg that fpmt gtven m the fiejh and blood, whteh qlllckcneth fouls ; without which C lJ· the firjb will p>"ofit notbing; And whofe Operation; mufi eonVLJ' a11d apply Chrifls Caving benefits to G.t~·. ',1 4 ;'· us. ]ob.6.63. &7·39• , - Hhhh 2 & 4· 6• , 9· 16, Ep!. '· "·