Baxter - BJ1441 B3 1673

6o:t §. 16. Tlufe three being the parrs of the Sacr•ment. in whole, as comprehrndi,g that facred All-:– an-d par1ici~a1ion whic~ is. dfwtial t~ ir, The mater it.~/ PflrtJ. called the Reltne and correlate ~~~ 1. Suhfbnt1al and <E.ahratJv~, 2·. All~ve and p.:J[Jivt. J,. The hrfl are the Brtad and /Finr as figns and the B''d)' and ~loud o! ChrzJI. wuh h1s_ graces and ben~tits~ as the things fit,nified and f{iven. Th~ fecou~ a~c the ACttoJu ~~ Brt11k.jnK, Pnurt~g ?ut and Delwc~mg on the ~inillcrs part, ( aher the Con. ~ccratJt?ll) ~n~ the T~k.J"g; ~~~tmg an~ I!rmk.!ng by the R_cct~vc:,s ~s the f1~n : ~nd the ~hing fignified 1~, the Cruc1fymg or _Sacrdicmg of Chnfl.' and r.h: Deltvcrz_ng hunfllf WHh h1s benefits to the be. btve~, and the Recuvers thankfu_l ~~ccptz~g a~d ~1lmg the f.11t\ gift. To thtfe add the Relativefurm fnJ themd1, ;md you have the dchnnwu ot [his SJcrament. bf which fLc more in my Vniver~' c ' cord. P· 46 &c . J' Oit· Dire[!. 3· §. 17. Din et. 3· Loolt upon the ft1inijhr a, tbe Agewt or Officer rf Cbrijf, wbo i1 , b bim ttJ ]Cal awl adiver to )''" the Cmmum and Zu benefit!; And tak._e the Bread and TFine a 1 if 'J hcJrd Cbri{l bimfo'[ fJJ•ing to you,. Tak..e "ry .Bvdy, and Blaod and the p:mhm, and Grace wbich i.1 th;:;: b)' purclnfcd. le IS a grcar hdp 111 the applJcation, to have Mercy and pa:rdon brought us by the hand of >eoll)milliontd Ollicer of Chrill. VirtU. 4· §. 18. DireCt. 4· bt your preptJr~tion be_ft,re hand, toJ:..e herd uf tlu[e two extream1 : I. That ynu come n~ prnph.mely tJnd carclrfiJ', rvtth common hvrtJ, a1 to a commnn fl!ork.,: For God will be f.mCl:i– t1rd in thlm that draw near bim, Lev. ro. 3· And thly that cat and drink unworrhily, not difceming ~i~a":L a~ the Lords Body from common bread, bur eating as if it were a common rntal, do eat dearh to ~~~n ;rv~t~: thcmfdve~ inflcad of life. 2· 7'aJ:..e bee~ l_rff yu;n m~/l.t~n of_ the JtatNre of tbi 1 Sacr~mrn~, fhould pof quXus Angc- fifi you rvllh firch [t:lrl ~~ unfl'orthy.rtcewmg_and the foUowmg da.ngtrJ, ar may q:~t!t difcompnf} and lorum p3nis unft~ yn:er [oult f~r tbe ;nJful txercifiJ "f f.mb ~~d L?v: and Praife and 1han'<fg1Vt11g, to wbtcb yeu prxbutur, fa- are mvmd. Many .that arc fcrupulous of Rccetvmg lt m any favc a feajling gcjlure, arc roo little ~c:rdomm carrful and fcrupulous of Receiving it, in any fJve a /eajling frame of mind, !~~;t~mconrerThe flrll rxtrc:am is cau(ed by Prophancnt_fs and negligenct, or by grofs ignorance of th: nature of fione)c:rccrifq; the Sacramental work~ The I.Her cxtream JS frequently c~ufi:d as follo-:vnh: 1. Ey {etwzg thi 1 S.;– per(pettis ju- cr~nm11 at a gretttcr dt;fame from olh~r partJ of G(ldr. wsrflnp than (here JS eau~~: fo that the cxcdi diciumefio, ol ·Reverence cloth owrwhelm rhe mtnds of forne w1th cnrours. 2. By fiudymg more the terrible Acofb. 1.6. words of ettling a1ul drink.jng dJmltation tn rhtlll{ef;HJ, if they do it unwortiJily, than all the cx– P· 519. prdTiom of Love and mercy, whid1 thac blfifLd ftatl is furnilhed with. So that when the Views of infinite Love OV'uld ravi01 them, rhey arc: fludying wrath and vengeance to tenitle thtm, as if they came to Mofu and not. to CIJrijl. 3· By not underllanding what maketh a Receiver wortby or unworthy,. bllt taking their unwilling infirmiti's for condemning unworthinds. 4· By Receiving it fo foldum as to make it flrange to them and increafe their fear : whereas if h W(re adminilin:d every Lords day as it was itl the Primifive Chutchcs-, ir would better acquaint them with it, and cure that fear that comerh from !lrangenefs. 5· By imagining that none that want A.Jruranceo[ their own fincerity can receive in faitl-t. 6. By contraaing an ill habit of mifiaken Rcligiouinefs, placeing it all in poring on thtmfelvcs, and mourning for their corruptions, and oot in Hudying the Love of God in Chrili, and living in the daily Praifcs of his name, and joyful Thankfgiving for his exceed– ing mercirs. 7· And if befides all thefc the Body cont~ad' a weak or timerous melincholy diftem– per, ic will leave the rhi~d capable of almofi nothing but fear and trouble, even in the fwccrdl worl\s. From many fUch c;;ufe~·itccmeth to pafs, that the Sacrament of the Lords Supper is become IIlOfe terrible and uncomfortable to abundance of fuch difiempered ChriAians, than any other ordinaoce of God : And rhat which thouid moll comfort them dorh trouble rhem mofi. .£2.!ejt. 1• §. 19. Q!.efl, 1. But i; not tbirSacr{)mtnt more holy and dreadful, aHd fhould it not have more preparatioN tbJH otlm· part; of worjhip l A~tJW. For [hedrg,rtc indeed it fhould have very careful preparation : And we cannot well 'ompare it ~irh other p.zrtJ of worjhip, as Puif~, Thankfgiving, Covcnanrin3 with God, Prayer, &c. bccaufe tha( all thde orher puts are here compriud and performed. Bur doubrlcfs G11.d mull alfo be fantii– fi(d in all his other woz01ip, and his ~me mufl not be taken in vain: And when this Sacrament was rcceiv<d ev~ry lords day, and often in the wet~ bdides, Chrifiians were fuppo(cd to live continually in a llate of general prepJratiM, and not to be {o far from a dYeparticulur preparation, as many poor Chrifiians think they nr. ~cjf. 2• §· 20. Quell. 2. How aftcnjhould tbe S11crammt be now adminijfred, that it neither grow int(} C011ttmpt (lrJfrtJH}!.tmjJ? A"f"'· Ordir.Jrily in well difciplined Churches it fl10uld be fiill every Lords day. For, r. We have no rcafm1ro pruve that the Apofiles example and appointrnmr in this cafe, was proper to thofe times, any more than that Praife and Thankfgiving daily is proper 10 thtm : And wt may as well deny lhe cbligarion of orhrr inllitutions or Apotlolicll orders as that. 2· lt is a part of t.he·fctled order for the Lords days worl11ip: And omitting it, mJimttb 111:d tJ/ttretb 1be worjhip of tb: d.zJ.; and occJ!Ioncth the omitfion of the Thanfgiving and Praife, and lively commemorations oi ChnH which fl10uld be then mofl P"formed : Aod fo Chrifiiar.s by ufe grow habited ro fadnefs and a mourning mdancholy Rdigion, and grow unacqminted with much of the rvorjhip and [pmt of rhe Gofpef. 3. Hereby rhe P<~pifl.s lamtnrable corruptions of this ordinance .have grown up : evr1.1 by a:n u~.cefs of nvcrcnct· and fear, which feldom receiving doth jnc~eafc: till they .are come to Wor– fhlp Brtad as ;hdr. God. 4• By feldorn communicating, men are !educed ro ~hmk all proper Com– munion of Churches lyeth in that So1cramcnt, and fo be more prophancly bold ll1 abufiug many other pans of worthip. s· There arc better means (by Teaching and Difcipline) ro keep rhe SJCrament trom