The Seafml m~d Order of Sacramwtal'Dtlties. - --,-,--- have you {l~ew your Love to himfelf. IO· And to excite your Rcfoluti~J"' for future Obtdirnce, you fee his double Title to the Governme-nt of you, as Creator and as l~tdeemer ; and you feel the obligati~ ons of Mercy and Gratitude ; and you ar& to renew a Covenant with him to that ~nd ; even openly where all the Church are wimeffcs. So that you fee here are powerful obJects before you to draw out all thefe Graces, and that they are all but (uch a< the work requirerh you then ro exercife. 9· 49· 11 !. But that you may be the readier when it cometh to practice, l Chall as it were ]ead _you by the hand, through all the parts of the adminiOration, and tell you rrhm and hoJJ' to exercifc every grace, and thofe that arc to be joyned together 1 Oull rake together, that medlefs dijfinl7neji do not trouble you. _ 1 • When you are called up and going to the Table of the Lord, exercife your Humility, Dc(lre and 1hanJifulne[s,and fay in your hearts, 1Yhat Lord, Mft thou eaU [uch a wretch riJ I? What! me that have jo oft drfpifcd thy mrrcy 1 and wilfuVy offrndtd tlm, and prt[tmd tht filtb ofthii ••orld and tht pleafurtJ of the flrjb before thee l Alas, it is thy ntralb in HeU that is '!'l d11t : But if Love Jltlilf choo[t [Hch an unwortby gucjf, and Mercy wiU be ho11oured upon {uciJ fin and mijtr)' 1 I come Lord at thy c;U: I gladly come: LN thy will be done; anrl let that mercy which invitetiJ me, mak.f me acceptqble, ami grati– oujly enttrtain me; and /et me not come without the weddi~ggarmeirt, nor unreverently rujh on h61J thing I, nor turn thy mercin to my bam I · 9· 50· 2. When the Minifler is confdling fin, prof\:rate your very fouls in the fenfe of your unwor.. thinefS, and !er your particulJ.rfins be in your eye, wirh their. heinous agguv.uions; The whole need not the Phyficion, but the fick. But here I need not put words into your mouths or minds, becaufe the Miniller gocth before you, and your hearts mufi concurr wirh his ConfdlionS, and put in alfo the fecnt lins which he omitteth. 9· 5'· 3· When you look on the Bread and Will< which is provided aod olf"cd for this holy ufe, remember that iris the CreattJr of all things, on whom you live, whofe Laws you did offend; and fay in your hearts , 0 Lord, how great Umy offence? who havt brok.._m tbe Laws of him that ,ude me, and oH wbom the whole Creation doth depenJ l I had my Being from thte, and my dairy bread: anJ jhouid I_ have rcqHittd tbte with difobedienul F<Hher,I have finnedagainfl He.,'Dtn and btfort thee, and ani no more wartby to be caUrd 1hy Son. -., 9· 5'· 4· When the words of the lofiitution are read, and th.e Bread aod Wioe are folemnly Confe– crated) by ftp.uating themw that facred ufe, and the acceptance and blcRing of GOO is dcfired, admire the mercy that pr<plred us a f.<.edeemer, and fay, 0 God borv wondtrful i1 thy Wifdom and thy Lovt! How (lr.,Igtly d.j! thou glorifit thy mtrcy over thJji fini th.t gavt thct advantage_ to glorifit thy jujlict 1 Even thou our God whom wt havt ojftndtd, haft out of thy orvn trca[ury f•ti.sjied thy •wn jHjfice, and l!,iVen M a Saviour by fuch a Mir.•cle ofWJfdom, Love and Condt{ceufion. at men or Angels Jhallntver bt ablt fully to comprehend: fo didjl thou love the finful' w,/d, at to givt thy Son, tha:·wha– [otvtr believah in him, jhould Hot ptrijh, but have evtrlafling lift• 0 tbou th•t bafl prepmd I# fo fuU a remedy, a~d fo pretiaus a gijr, fonl1ifie thefe creatures 18 be the Rtprefent4tive Body and Blood of Cbrijl, a11d prepare my hNrt fur fo great • gift, and fo high and h,ly and b01zo"rable a rr>orlt.: ~· 53• 5· When you behold theConfecrated Bread and Wi>U!, difctrn tin LordJ B1dy, and rtvtrtnce it as the Reprefcnwi" Body and Blood of ]r[u1 Cl"ijl; aod take heed of prophaning it, by looking on it as commott Bread and Tf"im : Though it be not Tnnfubfi;mtiale 1 but Hill is very Bre.1d and 1Yint in its Na1ural Being, yet it is Chrijh Body .and Blo(Jd in reprrfentatian and ejfeft. Look on it as the confccratcd Breadof life, which with the quickning Spirit rnuft nom~01 you to life eterml. 9· 54· 6. When you fee the Breakj1rg of the Bread, arid the Pouring out of the }Vine, let Reptn– tanct, and Love, and Ddire, and 1han~fulncfs, thus work within you , 0 rvo1tdrous Low! 0 h•tef•l ji1t ! How merciful, Lord, ha(l: thou beeH to finners? and horv cruel bve we btt, trt our {elveJ and !het l C9uld Love jl:oop lower ? Could God be mercif~tl at a d{arer r~te l Could nry ji11- b3ve done a m>re horrid deed, thtJJt_pm to death the Son ofGodl How fmaU a matter bath tempted me to th~t, which mujl coft fo dear bef!Jre jt·wa.r forgiven l H rw dear payed my Saviortr for tiJat, which I might hllvt avoided at a very cheap r,de l At how low a price havt I valued bi1 blood, when I b:tve finned and finned 1gain fur no· thing! ThU Umy doing! MyjinJWirethethurns, tbenails, the {pear! Cana·r;mrderer D[Chriji bt 11 ;: [mall offen~or ? 0 dreadful j&t]tice ! It was I ond JUch othtr Jinntrs that deferved to b(ar the punijhmtnt whowere gHlily of the jiJt; and to I!.Jve beenJewel for the unq•enchabte ft,mu; for ever. 0 P~"ttiout Sa· crifice! 0 bJre[ul ji1t! 0 graciiJttS Saviour! H 1w c11n manJ dull attd narrow heart~ be duly affeCied witb foch tral:fc~ndent things l or Ht~vm mak._e its due imprcf{rDn ttpon an inciJ (If jltflJ ! Shall I ev2r axain' have adu.L ~ppr~/){:iJfion uf fuch Luve ? pr ever b.Jve "favour.Jble thought of fin l Or everhave ., fear/eft thougbt of ju)flce l '1 brt..JI{_ or mrlt thii bardmd beart, that it m:zy be fomeq;b.Jt conf!Jrmed to my cru4 cificd Lord1 The tc:zrs of Love and tnte lttptntaJtce, are cajier tbn the jlJmCJ fr~m which I am redumed. 0 hide me in tbefe wou,1dJ, tmd Wdjh me in tbiJ prttionr bloJd! T'hH U rbe S&crifice in which I trt1f : <fbi1 i1 the Ji.igim••foeji by which I mztf! bt jujlifitd, and favrd from the Gurfe of thy violated L>"'! At tboJe ba~f acccptt~ thn 0 Father for the world, up!Jn the Crufs.' Belnld it ftiO on the brhaif ~J[jinnerr;. and he!lr hu bloY_d tba1 cryeth Unto thee J':r mc~tzy to tiJe_miferable, and p.Jrdon ur, a 11 d ·accept UJ s thy Rccom!ilrd Clllld"n far tbt f•kt of !hJI Crucifttd Chrij! a/QIIf 1 ·Wt C#n •if" tlm 110 otlm Sacrifict for fin ; ~nd we need no otbtr;. I i i i ~