Baxter - BJ1441 B3 1673

6to Nt~nb.14. 5· Pf~l. '3.i·' & If. 4· &!6.2,J. Juk. 19 8. Pfal. e1. 10. Sacramental MeditatiollS. y. 55· 7• When the Mm1ficr appl~eth hrmfelf to God by Prayer, for tl1e dlieacy of this 5:: ment, that in lt he w1ll g1ve us Chnft and h1s Benelit$, and pardon and juHitie u" and us as h1s rcconctled Ch1ldun, )Oyn hearttly and earnefily m chefe requefis: as one that kno\Vet~cc;~~ ntcd and -a•ortb of fuch a mercy. . ~· 56. S. When the Minifier delivercth you the confecrated Bread and Wint look up h' the mdfengcr of Chrill, and hear him as if Chrifl by him faid 10 you Ta~ 'thu "0' bon~ 1 ~ ~s and blaJd, and ficd on it to tvcrlaftiuf!, life : and tak,_c n~itb it my lcatcd Cov£1fant a,.:dtnl 0 .~ the Jca. 1 cd tcjfimony nf my Love, and tl>e [ealed pardon of yo11r jinJ, and a [taledgift oj Jfi 1 Jtre;~ fo be it you unfeignedly conflm unto ~:Y Covmant, and give up your ftlvu to me a; my i r1rnll J otter. Even as in delivering the po1TdTion Gf Howfe or L!lndJ, the ddiverer giveth a Kr t wJc twig and a t~rfe and ~aith, .Ideliver ynu .thi.f IJou[e, and I deli~er you thH fo doth ~~e ~1ni~ fier by Ch_rtlts authowy dchver you .Chrtt1 and pardon :1nd talc m eternal lift:. Here is an I of a facrihced Chrill of Gods own 3ppointing, which you may lawfully ufe : And more thamage Image; eve::n an lnv(ftilt;! htftrument, by which thtfe highcfi mercies are folcmnly delivered tonyan in the name of Chrill. let your hearts therefore fay wirh 7oy at1d TIHnkfulHtji with faitb a 0~ Lovt, 0 matcblcfJ bounty hj the eternal God 1 what a gift H tbH ! and Unt9 what uwwordry fi~tncrJ ! A~rd n·.iU Gfld ftoop fo low to man ? and come fo n(tr him ? and tiJJtf rtconcilt bH 'R'Ortblcjl tntmrCJ ? .ur,y he frtely pardon aU that _I have dme? and tal{t mt into his family 4 nd love, •nd fttd "" nmb the j1t0J and blood of Cbrij! 1 I btlieve ; Lord htlp mint ttnbelicf I humbly and tb:z,tlifitUy .accept thj• .gifu !. Open. thou my he~trt, th.zt I may y.rt mort joyfully and tb.znkfufly acape 1hem : Swng God wzO glor~fie hH Love and mt~cy by {ttch mcomprthenfible gi[tJ M theft behold L'flrd a tvrctcb tbat needctb aU tbU mercy ! And {ulng it H the ()J[rr of thy Gr<Zct and C(JvtJ;ant, m; foul doth f.ladly t:1k._e thee f or my God and Fatbtr, for my fav:oHr, ami my {:mCtifier : And htre I give up my folf unto thee, M tky Crrattd, Redumcd and ( I bope ) Regenerate one ; M th.) Own, tby Subjra and thy Child, to be favtd and Jan/Jificd by thtt, to ·b, bdmd hy thtt 4 nd to Love the.e to cverlajfi11g _: 0 foal up thiJ Covenant a~d p.Jrdon, by thy Spirit, which thou {ealtjl and delzverrft to me Jn tiJ'y Sacr.Jmmt :, wuba11t rrfcrve, I mt~y be entirely and for ever thine ! 9· 57· 9· Whtn you fee the Communicants receiving wirh you, let your very hearts. be united to the Saints in love, ·and fay -HmJ goodly are thy tentJ 0 Jacob ! Hotv amiable H the family of tht Lord! H'w gnod and pltJ[~JJtl i; the un~ty t;{ brtthrm l H,:r• dear ~o mt are thl prttiouJ members of my Lord 1 thougb they b.;vt )'it aU thtrr {pots and weak._Hrffes, whzch he p.Jrdamtb, and fo mufl ·we. ~ r,oodmfs 0 Lord e:xwtdttb not r~nto thee ; bHt untrJ thy SaiHtJ, tbe txcellent one.s on tartb, in whom i1 my delight. What portiMt. of my t(late thou rcquirtft I williHj!,ly give unto the poor, and if I havt rrrongcd t~ny m11n, I am n>iUing to nftore it : And {tting thou hajllQ'Ved mt an mcmy, and[orgivm me fo great a debt, I /utJrtily forgive thoft that bavt rkne mt wron~, awl ltJvt wry tntmi(J·. 0 Jt...up mt ill thy family aU my d.zy1, f or a dfJy in thy Court iJ better tb.Jn a tboufand, and tbe tioor·J<.rtptrJ in thy ho 11 .fo $rt bppier th.Jn tht moft pro{ptr91H of the wick._td. 9· 58. JO. \·Vhen the Mmiller rcturneth T'ha1tk.J and Prai[t to God, llir up your fouls to the great– cl\: alacrity; and fuppofe you (Jw the Heavenly hofis of Saints a~d Angels Praifing the f1me God in the prcfence of his Glory ; and think with your fdves, that you belong w the fame family and fo– ciety as they, and ue learning their work, and mull lhordy arrive at their perfection: Srrive there– fore to imitate rhetn in Love and Jlly; and Jec your very fouls be poured out in Pr~ifes and Thankf J!.iving: And when you have the next lcifure for your private thoughts (as when tlie Minifier is eX– hortins you to your duty) rxereire your Love andThank.! and faith and bpe and {tlfJenyal and Rrfo· JruitJn f9r fmure obcdieHce, in fome fuch breathings of your fouls as thefc: 0 mygrado~M God, tho..u haft [urpo1ffed aU humane comprclwrfion in thy Love ! b tbiJ thy 11{age · ll/ un~orthy prodigaiJ ! 1 fearid le{l_ thy wrath aJ a umfumi»g fire lvou/d h,;ve dtv~urcd fuch a gHilt; {onl ; and tho1~ 'tJ'Oli!djl h~tve charf!.ed ttpon mt aV my f olly : B•t whilt I condtmncd mY Jilf, thou ha}! 'Jorgivrn and jujlified me ; ad fur– prized me with tbt fwettrjl embracemcnJJ of thy Leve I~ I fee nuw tlhlt thy thoughts art above qur tho~tghtJ, and thy wayeJ abave Ottr n:ayu, and thy Love txceUetb the Love of man, tvtn moTe than the HeavrnJ art above the eartb. JYith how dear a price baft th()u Redumed a wruch, that defirvtd thy tver– lajiing vengeance ! witb hor.f prctiouJ and [wert a feaft l.oaft tbo111 entcrtaintd me, whodeferved to bt caft OHt with tht 'W(Jrk._ers of iniqrJit)l! SbaO I evermQrt flight fuch Love i!.! thit l JhaU it not ot•tr;ome my rtbrl'ioufnejJ ; fJnd mrlt dowlf my cold and hordemd brArt l jhaU I be (Jvcd from HrU~nd not be thank.,– frtll Ant.rlJ art lllJmiri~tg tiJt[t miraclu ·of LoVe? and jh.JU not I admire tbrm ? 1/Jeir l~ve to ut d,tb c.zuft them to rrjoyct, n:hi/r they ftand by and jft our beavtn/y fcafll And jhould it n!Jt bt [weettr tu uJ tbat are tbe gucjf1 that [ttd HfOit it ? my God IJow dearly }J.:Jjl thoH purrbfid my Lave l How firangcly baft thou dcfirvcd and {ought it l Nothing is {o much .my grief and .fh. mzr, a.J that I can an– f~cr fuch Love, n-itiJ }tO more Jerv(nt fruitful Love. 0 wbat un addition rroult.i_ be to aJJ tbis prrti(lu; mercy, if thnu wottldjl givt me a Ht~~rt to anfwcr theft tbint int•itat.irms, 1bat aJj!f'Lol!t tbu-r ponred. nut, mip,ht draw [llrth mi 11 e, and my fo"Hl might jlapzt b)' itJ approacbmg unto .J..h.4e thy jlrJmtJ ? and that Love drawn out by tht fc"~<fe of Love, might beaU my life l 0 tbat I Ct,u[d if..ove thee aJ much at I wcsdd Love tbrel Yea aJ much 11.1 tbou wouldft have me Love tktt l Ettt thiJ is too f,rt/Jt a hap– pinrjf for cartb l But tlhu haft jhcwed mt tbe place rrhrre I may auui~ it 1 My Lord is there, ~n j1tll prffrffion: rrb., b.1th lift me thcfi pledgu, till he come and fttch 111 to hmtfe/f, an~ feajf u1 rfJrre m our MajfmhY: 0 blrffid place ! 0 bJppy comf""Y that fct hiJ Glury, and arr jiUrd mth tl>t JlrramJ of thoft rnur1