Baxter - BJ1441 B3 1673

Sacrammtal Meditatioli>. Fivfrr of coNfl-rlati,m! ye11 happy U\'t r:Phom thou -haft called from our Jar~{ 4HJ mi{erable jft~t~, af!tl madt 111 /uirl of felicity, a1td paJihr;,ers to it, and ixpe8anti of it, u11der the conduCt ~f fo fure aguide i 0 then we jhaU Lvvt thee without thefe flnful[t1 and difellt ! ire another meafure, mfdanother m4n... mr than now we do : when thou jhalt revtal and communicate thy attralUvt Love, in tSHothtr me•.. [ttrt and manner than now 1 'fill then, my God, I am devoteJ to thte : By Right and Covenant I ""' thine ! My fool here beareth wirnr{r ag•i•J! my_Jiif, t~at "!Y drfr8t •f 4;'• have no excufe :. Th•• deftrveft •U, if I h•d tht lerve ·of aU thr Sarntt '" H""'" and Earth to grvt thtt. What bath thit 'tl'nrld to d~ Jrith my ~tjfcfrions i And ft.'hat if this fordid corrttptibk Jltfh, .tlut it1 Jefiru antl plt41" furu jhould eaU dowH my foul, and ttrnpt it tu ntglell my G,d 1 What i1 there in aU tbt [ufftr• ings that man can lay upon rnf, th•t I jhould not jryfuliy •ccept thrm for hi< fok.f, , thll harh Rede<meti mr from Hell, by Jitch unmatched vol•ntary fuff<rings l Lord [eeing thau regareleft, aHti fo rtgardcjf, fo vile a worm, my heart, my tongue, my hand conftfs, that I am w!JoUy thine: 0 let me live to nont liHt thte, ,znd t~ thy fervict, .snd thy {tbtt.t •n eart/1 ! And 0 In mt no mort rttwrn unto iniquit~ ! nor venture on that fin that kjlitd my Lord ! Anel now thoN h.1jt cho[tn {o low a dweling, 0 b1 not ftrange ta the Heart that tbotl h4jf fo frttly chofln ! 0 mak,! it the daily ref drncr of thy Jfirit ! fkicl;!n it by thy ~race · : adorn it with thy giftt : employ it in thy LotJt ; delight in it1 .stttHdance on thet : refrcjh it with thy joyu and tht ligEt of thy countmance : ~nd dcftroy tbjt '"'"ality, [tlfljhnefs and unbelit[ : And let the world fee tbtJt God will malrJ a Pa/ace, of tbe lowejl heart , Jf'hen he cbuoftth .it for tbt plact of hi< •wn abodr. ' ~· 59• Dircd. s. 1Yhen )0'11 comt home review the nurcy'TPhich JIU have rtceit~trl, and the duty v· l1 s· , TPhicb you have dane, and the Covenant you h•ve made : AHd, J , BaakJ your [elvu to God in Jrt • • Pra1jt and Prayer for the perfe[ii~g nf hit work_: and,. 2. 7'ak._e heed to J PJ!T hearts tbat thry grow n11t c~ld. and that things or divtrting trijfer, do nvt blot out the Jacrui imptf/i011t, which Chrijl baeh made, and that they cool not quickly into their former duU and f/eepy frame. 3' lfml fee that yo~r Lives be a~uated by the gr:~ct lh:Jt !o" have here re~eived, th,jt eve~J ihey that you c.mol(rfe w1tb may perctJVt that you have bcrn rPuh God. Erpec!aU}' when Temptations would draw you again to fin; and when the iojuric:s of friends or enc:mies would provoke you and when you are called to teHitie your loyc to Chrifl, by any cofily work or fuffering; remembe; theri what was'fo lately befote your eyes, and upon your heart; and what you rcfolved Ol'l 'and What a Covenant you made with ~od. _Yet judge not of the fruit ef your Receiving, fo' much by [reling, as by f•irb : for more IS prom1fed than you yet po1fefs. . , ' . CHAP• •