rDireEJions f.or aoubting [br.iflians. and Arminians are without any Certai;,ty of their falvation : becaufe they think it ~annot b~ bad : And all tbofe Janfcnifis , or Protcflants that are of Auguftintl judgement are with· out Affurance of {alvation, though they may have atfurance of their ]uflification and Sanctifica• . tion : Becaufe their judgement is, that the juftifitil and fan[/ified ( though not the Elea ) may fall away_. i\.nd of thofe that bold the Do<'.l:rine of Perfcverance, bow few·do we find, that can ~ fay, they are certain of their finccrity and falvation. Alas, not one of very many. And yet many thoufands of thefe do Hve in fame peace ofConfcicnce, and quietnefs, and comfort,•)n the hopt· fulne[t and probabilitiu to which they have .attained. . . 9. r8. DireCl:. 9· Fo.e[olve to be mut/, 1n the great dtligbtful duties of 1ban/vgiving and tbt Dirt8. 9• · Praife of God : and to fpend a confid.,able pm ( ordinarily ) of aU your prayers herein : efpe· cioUy to fP!nd the Lord,! J?ay principally in .theft. And thus you will. have three great advan· uges : · , , ~he very ~thngs uf Love, and Thanks , and Joy , wrll help you to comfort in a nearer way, than arguments and fdf-examination will do : even in a way of fuling, as the tire maketh you warm. 2. The cuflome of cxercillng thofe fwec:reft graces, will habitu•te your fouls to it, and in rime ~wear out the fadder irnpreffion. 3• God will mofi own you~ in thofe • bighefi duties. 9· 19• Dintl:. 10. M.r~ weU how far your doubtings do help or hinder you in your fanllifiwi· Dirt[/. 10 ; on : So far M they turn your heart from. q od, and from the Love and fweer.-[t of a hsly life , and unfit you for thankfulnefi and chearful obedienee , fo far you may be fort that Satim jj gr~- tified hy them, and God difpleafid, and tbcrefm they Jhould be rt{tjltd : But fo far as ibey k.!ep you hum~le and obedient: , and me~/(! yoil. more tenderly afraid of fin , anrJ quicl<,en yoUr defiru of Chrift and grace, fo f•r G,d ufeth them for your oenefit : And therefore be not too impatient under them , but wait on God in the ufe of his means , and he will give his comforts in the 1ittefi ftafon. Many an one bath fwett affurancc at his death, or in his fuffering$ for Chritl when he needed it mofi '· that was fain to Jive long before without it. Efpecially take cHe, ,, Th>t rou mifs not ol Affurance through your own neglect '· 2. And that your doubt· ing1 work no ill effects, in turning away your hearrs from God , or difcouuging you in his lervice, and then you ·may take them as a uyal of your p>tience , and they will certainly bavt a happy end. Kkkk CHAP.