Sigm of a 13ackjlider, aud DireHio11s againft it._ ;ore u~willing--;o-;hlo-k~d~th, or to prepare fo~ i~, and ~xpc~ it, and a~e lcfs in love with the coming at Chrill, and are ready to fly of thJs hnful He m Adh, It IS good to be here. All rhcf( ouc: figns of a declining ]fate ; though yet you arc no.t come toa~o{hcy. . . 9· 1 5 • Bu£ the figns of a mortal d,;mnablr }late indeed· are found 1n t~e~e fotlowmg ~cgrecs. . . 1 • \Vhen a man had ruher have worldly profpcrity, than the favour and fruttlon of God m Hea~ S1gns of .2 • vcn. 2· when the intcrefi uf the fldh oui do more with him, than the imcrefi of God and his foul, &ractlefs fbte! :md do more rule an<l difpofc of his heart and life. 3· When he had rather live in fenfuality, than in Holincfs : And had rather have leave ro live as he lift, than have a Chrifi and Holy Spirit to fanGtific and cure him : or at leall will not be cured on the terms propofed in (he Gofpel. 4· When he lovcth not the means thzt would recover him (as fuch): The nearer you come to this, the more dangerous is your cafe_. , . ~· 1 6. And thc:fc following figns are therefore of a very dangrrous figmfi,auo~. r. When the DJng~rot!s pleafure of finful profp~rity and dehghts, doth fo far over·top the pletfures of holindS, that lign~ of ~m-: you are under trouble and wcarinc:fs in holy dut~e~, and at ~afe and me~ry when you have your fin~ pcmtmq. ful ddights. 2· When no perfwafion of a Mm!ltcr or fnend 1 can bnng y~u fo throughly to repent of yom open fcandalous fi!ls; as to take lh.ame to your fdvcs in a free confdh~n of the~ ( even in the open.Alfemhly if you are Julily called to tr, ~ to conde~n your fdves and g:~e warnmg to .other~) and gloririe the moll Holy God; But you will not bcheve that any fuch d1fgraceful confeffion 15 )'OUr duty, becaufe you will not do jr. 3·. when you cannot hrmg· your h~arts to a full Re_folurion to let go your fm ; but though Conlctcnce worry and condemn you for J~, you do but fleJghtly purpofe hereafter to amend, but will not prrfently rcfolve. 4· When you will not be perfwaded. ro confent to rhe ceceffary efftctual means of your recovery : as to abfiain from the b<~it and temptation and occafion of ltn. Many a Drunkard hath told me he _was willing to be reformed : but when 1 have ddired them then to confent to drink no Wine or Ale tor fo many monrhs, and to keep out of the place, and to com[))it the Government of rhemfelvcs for fo many months to their Wives or fame other friend that liveth with them, and to drink nothing but what they give them, they would >rot Confem to any of this, and r., fhewed the hypocrilie of their profelfed willingnefs to amend. '5· \Vhen fin bt:ccmerh eafie, and the Confcience growerh patient with it, and quiet under it. 6. When the judgement taketh part with it, and the tongue will plead for it, and jufiitie or fxtenuate it, infieJd of upcnting of ir. Thefc: are dangerom fig~tt of an impenitent. unpardoned miferable foul. And che man is in a dangu oJM way ro this, •· When he harh plunged htmfelf into fuch eng"gtments to fin that he cannot leave it, but it will coft him very d~ar: as it will be his fhame to confefs it, or his undoing in the world to forfake it, or a great deal of coil and labour muil qe loll, which his ambicious or Covetous projetls have coft him ; le will be hard breaking over fo great difficulties.. 2· When God letteth him alone in fin, and profpereth him in it, or doth not much difiurb him· · or afflict hjm : This alfo is a dangerous cafe. 9· 17. By all this you may perceive that thofe are no fignes of a backfliding ilate, which fame F•lf•· figns o/ poorCtuifiians are afraid are fuch. As, r. When poverty neceffirateth them to lay oat more of declining. theittime and thougbts and wordo.bout the labouu of their ca11ings than fame rjcher perfons do. 2. When age or tickndS caufeth rheir memories to decay; fo that they cannot remember a Sermon fo well as heretofore. 3• when •ge or fic~nrfs taketh off the quick,.nefs and vigor of their fpiriu, fo thar ther have not the lively afftllions in prayer, or holy conference or meditation 01.· reading or hearing as formerly they had ; But ( though they are as much as ever Refolved for God, againil fin and Vanity, yet) they arc colder and duller, and have lefs zeal and fervency and delight in holy exer~ cifes. 4· When age or weak.,nr{l or mdancboly hath decayed or confounded their Imagin.atkns, and ravelled rheir Tboughtr, fo that they cannot order them and command them a$ fOrmerly they could. 5· And when age or md•ncholy hith w"kened their partJ and gifeJ, fo that they are of 11o<ocr underjlandiugt, and unabler in prayer, or preaching or conference:: to cxprefs themfclvcs than heretofort. Allthefe arc but bodily changes, and fuch hinderanccs of the foul as depend thercon, and not to be taken for figns of a loul that dcdineth in holinefs, and is lefs accepted of God. ~· 18. Direct. 2· Whtnyou l(_now the Mark.f of a Backjlider, come into the light, awl bt wiUing to Dirttl. t . k,now your ftlvu whether thU be your conditie1t or not, and do not foolijh!J covtr y(Jilr difiafo. Enquire whether it be with you as in former times, when the 1ighr of God did Chine upon you, and fOll delighted in his way<l ; when youhated lin, and loved holinefs ; and were glad of the company of the heirs of life; when the Word of God was plcafar.t to you ; and when you poured out your fouls to him in prayer and thankfgivings; When you were glad of the Lords day, and were quickned and confirmed under the teaching-and exhortation of his Miniil<rs: when you took worldly weolth and plcafurcs as childifh toyes and fooleries, in comparifon of the contents of holy fouls : when you hungred and thirilcd after Chriil and rightcoufnefs ; and had rather have been in Heaven to enjoy your God and be free from linnin_g, than to enjoy all the pleafures and profperity of this World. And when 1t wa! your daily buhuefs to prepare for death, and to live in expelh.ti6n, of the cvcrlafling Rei\ which Chrill harh promifed. If this were once your cafe, enquire whether it be fo fiill ? or what alterations ate made upon your hearts and lives ? . §· •9· Direct. 3· If you find your felve~ in a Backj/iding cafe, b)'•Umta>U endravour the all>ak,.tn– rng of yo•r foulr, by IIJt fertouJ confiderauon rf tht danger and mifery of fi~eb a jlm. To which <nd I fhall here fet {ome fuch awal;§ning thoughtJ beforeyou (~or jicurity is your greatdl danger ). 9· 20. 1._ Co~lidor that to fall bac~ from G~d ~"the lm of the Devils ; They aJe AngilJ tbal Dirttl•' 3: Jttpt ttol lhitr firjl t}l.ttt, but left tht~r ow.1 hab1tat1ont, a1ul are now rr{trveJ in chains under d.trk.,– nr[s,