Baxter - BJ1441 B3 1673

:Direaions for the (j(Jch. that attend them, and fo many dilhes and r.wces to befpcak, and fo many flowers to plant, and drefs, and walks and places of pleafure to mind, and fo many Vifitors to entertain with whole hours of un· profitable talk, and fo many great perfons accordingly to vifir, an4 fa roany Laws of Ceremony and Complement to obfcrve, and fo many Games to play ( perhaps ) ana fo many hours to flc:ep, tha~ Luke 10. 40, the day, the year, their lives are gone, before they could have while to know what they lived for? 'lt, ·P·• And if God had but damned them to fpend their dayes in picking flraws, or filling a bottomlefs Veffel, or to fpend their dayes as they choofc themfelves to fpend them, it would have tempted uo to think him unmerciful to his creatures. ·7. 1yranny and opprrffion: When men are above others, how commonly do they think that their wills muft be (ulhlled by all men, and none mufi cro{Sthem, and they live as if all others below them were as their beafis, that aremade for them, to ferve and pleafe them. • . Direl1. 1 l. Let your fruirfulncfs to God and the publick good be proportionable to you~ poffedi- Dtrell. I r. ons. Do as much more good in the world than the poor, as you are better furnifhed for ir than John 1 s. S· they. Let your ferv::mts havemore time for the learning of Gods Word, and lee your families be the ~~k~ 111. 2•4~8. more religioufty infiruded and governed. To whom God giveth much, from rhem he doth expe<!l: much. Dire/1. 12. Do not only take occafions of doing good when they arc thrufi upon you ; but ftudy Dire/1, 12• how to do all the good you can, as thofe that are z ealo111 of good work.!, Tit. 2. 14. Zeal of good • works will make you, I. Plot and contrive for them, 2. Confult and ask advice for them: 3· It ~art6 s.r6. will make you glad when you meet with a hOpeful opportuniry. 4· 1t will make you do it largely, " • · ,,s,9, and not fparingly, and by the halves. 5· 'It will make you do it fpeedily, withour unwilling back- 1 Pet. 2 • • :~· wardnefs and delay. 6. It will make you do it conftoJntly to your lives end. 7· It will make you H_(b, ro. 14. pinch your own flefb, and fulfer fomewhat your fclves to do good to others. 8. It will make you Ttr. J. 8, 14. Labeur in it :s your Trade, and not only confent that others d? good at your charge. 9· I.t will Ephef.-z~ ;~,1~ make you glad when good is dqne, and not to grudge at what 1t coft you. IO· In a word, ~t will 1 Tim. 2 ro. make your neighbours to be to you as your felves, and thcPleafing of God to be above your fdves, & and therefore to be as glad to dogood, as t0 receive it. A8s g. J6. Direll. 13. Do good both to mens fouls and bodies: but alwaycs let bodily benefits be conferred in Dire&. 13 , order tothofeof the foul,and in due fubordination,and not for the body alone. And obferve the many other Rules ofGood Works, more largely laid down1om. 1. Cap. 3• Dire/1. ,·o• . Dircc.f. 14. Ask yo~r felvcs often, How you lliall wi{h at death and judgement your eftates had been Dirtll. 14 • la~d out : and accordmgly now ufe them. Why fhould not a man of Reafon do that which he know- . eth before hand he {hall vehemently wifh that ht had done? Direll. 1 5· As your ·care mufi be in a fpecial manner for your children and families ; fa take heed DirteT. 1 S• of the common error of worldlings, who think their children muft have fo much, as.that God and their own fouls have very little. When felfilb men '"" keep their wealth no longer to thcmfelves, they leave it to their children, who are as their furviving felves. And all is.cafi into [his gulf, except {ome incoufiderable parcels. v· l1 6 Direl1. z6. Keep daily account of your ufe and improve!Dent ofyour Mafiers Talents. Not ;h~t M~;.e 25: 1~,;S' you Chould too much remember your own good works; but remember todo them ; and therefore ask your felves, What Good have I done with all that I have, this Day or Week? .Dire/1. 17. Look_not for long life; ,for then you will think that~ long journey needeth great pro- Dir<D. '7' vtfions : But dye: da1ly, and l1ve as thofe that are gomg to gtve upthelt account : And then ConfCicnce 1 T un. 6. 18. will force you to ask, whether you h.We been faithful Stewards, and to lay up a treafure in Heaven f Cor. 4· I,:. and to I"?ake you frie~ds of the Mammon that othc:i:s ufe to unr~ghtc:oufnefs, and to lay up a good uke ' 6 • 10 ' fou~dauon for the t1me to come, and to be glad that <!od hat.h g1ven you that, the impwvemem of 1 Tim. S· if. whJCh may further the good of others and your falvatton : I:rving and Dying let it be your care and bufinefs to DuGood. · Mmmm~ CHAP. .., .,