Baxter - BJ1441 B3 1673

Inft' tlElions for tiJe .Aged. Direli. 10. §. 10. Dir~tf, r·o. When the decay of -Jour ftrength or memory or parts, doth maltt J•ou unable to read o~fray or meduate by ) 'OIIr folvu, [o n:uch or_fo ~ell M heret.of~re, '!'alt,e :he mort ufi of the morr live/ gijtJ andhelp of othtrs. Be the more m heann.g others, and 111 )Oyntng w1th them in prayer; that thei~ memory and zeal and utteral'lce may help, to hft you up and carry you on. Direft. 11 • §. 11· Direct. 1 I· TaJte not a decay of n.Jtttre, and of tbofe gifts and work.! which depend thcreon, .. for a decay of grace. Though y~ur memory and utterance and fervour of affed:ion, abate as your ~atural heat abateth,.yet be n~t dtfcoura~ed; but remember? that you may for all this g~Dw in grace: 1f you do but grow m holy wifdom andJUdgement, and a h•gher ejleem of God and holinefs and a greater dife{le(m of all the vanities of the world, and a firmer cleave to God and 'rruH on Chrifl, and neVer to turn to the world and fin: This is your growth in grace. Dircll. 12· §. 12• Dire6t. I 2. Be patient under all the infirmities and inconveniences of old age. Be not difcon~ tented at them, nor repine not, nor grow pievifh and froward to thofe about you. This is a com. man templltion which the Aged rhould carefully ref,f': You knew at fir[! that you had a bad·y that mull decay : If you would not have had tt ull a decaymg age, why were you fo unw1lling tq dye ? If you would, why do you repine? Blefs God for the dayes of youth and firength and health and cafe which you have had already ! and grudge not that corruptible A,fh dccaycrh. DirelJ. I3• 9· I)· D:rect. lj· Vndcrfland well that paffive obedience U tbt which God caUeth yo~t to in your age and wtaknrjj, .smd in which you mujlfcrve and honottr him in the conclufion of your labour. When you are unfit for any great or publick works, ~nd ad:ive obedience harh not opportunity ro exercife it felf as heretofore, it is then as acceptable to God that you honour him, by patient futfcring; And therefore it is agrearcrrour of them that wifh for the death of all that arc impotent, decrepit and bed~ rid, as if they were utterly unfervice:~~ble to God ? I tell you, it is no fmall fcrvice that d1ey may do, not only by their prayers, and their fecret Love to God, but by being examples of f;ith and patience and beavrnly-mindrdncfi, and conjidtnce and joy in God, to all about them. Grudge not th< n if God will thus imploy you. Direll. 14· §. 14· DireCt. 14· Letyour thoHghtJ of death, and prtparationrfor it, bt ar feriotll ar if death ll'tre juj! •t hand. Though all your life be little enough to prepare for death, and it be a work that fhould be done as foon as you have the ufc: of Rcafon, yet age and wcaknefs calllowder to you, prc:femly ro prepare without delay. Do therefore all that you would fain find done, when your lafl ficknefscomerh; that unreadinefs to die may not make: death terrible:, nor your age uncomforcable. Dired.ts. 9:15. Direct. IS· Liveinthe ·joyfulexpellationsofyour change, M becomrth onetfJat irfo Near f/J Hravw, a11d look.!th to live withChrijlfor ever. Let all the high and gl01ious thing<, which fairh ap– prehcndeth, now 01ew their power in the Love and JOY and longings of your foul. There is nolhing in which the weak and aged can more honour Chrill a~d do good to others, than in joyful expellation of their change, and an earne£\ dcf.ire to be with Chrift. This will do much to convince unbelievers, that rhc promifes are true, and that Heaven is real, and that a holy life is indeed the befi, which hath · fa happy an end : when they fee you highefi in your joyes, at the time when others arc deepefl in difire[s ; and when you rejoyce as one that is entting upon his happindS, when all the happinefs of the: ung 0 dly is at an end; this will do more th~n manr Sermons, to perfwade a finner to a holy life. 1know that this is not eafily attained; But a th1ng fo fweet and profitable to your fclves, and fo ufe~ ful to the good of others, and fa much tending to the honour of God, fhould be laboured after with all your diligence : and then you may expect Gods bleffing on your labours. Read to this ufe_the f ourth part of my Saints Rtj!. · CHAP.