Tnjlm8ions [or_,tiJe Unconwrted in Sicknefs. 9· 6. Direct. 2· Tf by a due examination you find your fdf un{an/Jified, bnbink,.you [trioujly of your DirtiJ. •·. !'.2'f both yrm lu":'e done, and wiJat acondition you art in, till yott are truly humbled, and willing of F_or Hum1ha· a~y' condition! that God jhaU offer you for your deliverance. Confider how foolijhly you have done, tiOn :1nd Re.. how rtbclliorifly, how :mthankjut'y, to forfake your God, and forget your fouls, and lofc all you·/ time, pentancc. aod abu{~ all Gods mercies, and lcaveundorie the work that you were made and prcfnved and redenned for ! Ab.s did you never know till now that you muft d;•e? and that you had all your time to make preparation, for an endlefs life which followeth death? Were you never warned by Minificr or friend ? Were you never told, of the neceffiry of a holy heavenly life; and of a regenerate fanCh.. fb.te, till now? 0 what could you have dor.c more unrvifely, or wick.,rdly, than to call aw'ay a life-that eternal life fo much depended on? ;1nd to rcfufc your SJviour and his grace and mercies, till your lafl extremity ? Is this the time tO look afrcr a .nrn,-lfirth; a.Qq__ to b~iJJ your life, when. you :ue at the e11d of it? 0 what hal'C you done ro delay fo gre~t a "''n~""'Wi~ ? And nov.: If you die b,fcre you are rc~tnerate, you are loll for ever. 0 l~umb1e your fouls before t~1e-~rd ! La· mcnt ycurfolly ; :md preiently condemn your [dvcs before hun, and make out to Hun for met' while there is hope. ... v· l1 ... tft. 7 , DirtCl: 3· Tf'hrn )'rz' art hm~blcd for your .fin a11d mifery, a11d .wiUi1rg_ of m_ercy t~Jton anyttr;tu, Fo:':,ith ~~ brliet•e )'tt ;•our e~{e u ffOI Rerncdzltji, but that Jrfos Cbrljt b.Jth gwcn l~zmfelj to God a f.:crifice Cbrift. f or )'~r fim, and U fo f!tre a~d all{ufficient a.Saviour, that y~t 1tothiug ca11 hmder y~u fmm p.rrdm fal;,.ation, bur your ow.t fmpemtena and unbclufl C9me to hmz therefore tlf 1he S,;vJazu of foulJ, th.Jt be may Teacb you tbe t:t·ili of God, and RtceJttcile yott to hH Father, an"d- p.zrdo, yaur jin1, and renrrv y"u by I i1 jfirit, a11d acqu,;int J?U with hif FatherJ LtJ1)t, and fave JOH from d~mJza.tiJ~t, snJ make )'Oil . ~ hrirJof life eternal. For all th1s may yet poffibly be do~e, as fhort as your umc ts hke to be: And it wdl yet be long of you if it be not done. The Covenant of Grace doth promife pardon and falvation to {Very Pcniwu Belit1·cr, whep ever they truly turn eo God, without excepting a~ry hour, or any pcrfon in all the wmld. Nothing but an unbelieving hardened heart, r£[tjfiJtg his grace, and un– wiLi,,g to be Holy, can deprive you of pardon and falvation, even at the l~fi. h was a rnofi foolilh wickc.:dnds of )'Oll to put it rdf till now; but yet for all that, if you are not yet faved, it lball not be IQr.g of Chri]i but )O": Yet he doth rrecly offer you his mercy ? and he will be your Lord and Sa– viour if you will not rtfl1fe him; yet the march flull not break on his pare : fee that it break nGt on )'Our p.zrt and you lha\1 be favtd. Know therfforc what he is, as Gcd and M.zn, omd what a bldfed work ht hath undcrt:1ken, to Red<.:, m a flnful miferab\e world, and what he hath already done for us, in his life and drdrine, in his death and fufferings, by his Rtfurrection and his Covenant of Grace, and what he is now doing at his Fathers right hand, in r.'laking intcrceffi.on for penitent belitlltrJ, and Heb. what an endldS Glmy he i~ preparing for them, and how he will fave to the uttt:rmofi, all .that Rom.s. come tu God by him. 0 yet let your heart even leap for Joy, that you have anaUfufficient wiUing gr~t- ,;~111 StlvitJur l whofl! Grace aboundeth more than fin aboundeth ? 1f the Devils and poor damned fouls in Hell w'ere yet but in your cafe, and hadyouro.ffersand your hopes, how glad do you imagine they would be ? C;;~fi your fdves therefore in Faith and Confidence upon this Saviotlr : Trull your fouls upon his SJcritice and Mcrir, for the, pardon of yOur fins, and peace with God; Beg of him yet the renewing grace of his fpirit; Be willing to be made holy, and a new Creature, and to live a holy life if you OJOuld fuivive; Refolvc ro be wholly ruled by him; and give up your felf abfolutely ro him as your S1viour, to be jufiified and fand-itied and fuved by him, and then trufi in him for everlal\ing happinefs 10 happy foul, if yet you can d1) thus, without deceit. 9· 8. Dired:. 4• Believe now and confidel' what God Uand wiU be to your foul, and rrhat Love he Dirtll. 4· 1Jath fhewed to Jllt by Cluijl, and wh.u endlt[l Jey and Glory JOlt may b.we with him;,, He 1ven for Fan new ever, natwitbjtandin;, all the fin.J that youhave dcne : AndthinJ?..Jvhat the world and the fiejh bath done for heart and the you, iJt comparifon of God : 'Think._ of this till yo1e fall in Love with God, and till yonr /,tarts and hopu lo;e ~ ~}d~ ;:re [et on Htavw, and turned from thM world a11d jlejh, and tiU you feel yortr {elf i1t Love with Holi- :i:n :or~ h~y ncji, and till yort are firmly Re(olved in the flrtnr,tb of Chrift to live a l1rdy lift, if God obedieotlife. and then you are truly fonllified, and }hall be faved if yott die in thi-1 condition. Take heed that you take not a Repentance and good purpofes which come from nothing hue E'tllr, to be fufficient: If you rc,over, all chis may dieagain, when your fear is over; You arc not f1n6tified, nor God hath net your beart;, ritl your Love be tO him : that which you do through [t'r:lr alone, you had raJher not d:J if you might be excuft:d : And therefore your Hearts arc Hii1 again!\ it. When the feeling of Gods unfpeakable Love in Chrill, doth melr and overcome your hcarrs ; when the infinite Goodnefs of G.:d himfdf: and his mercie1 to jOur fouls and bodiu, do make you take him as more Lovely and defirable than all_1he world; when you fo believe the Heavenly Joyes above, as to defire them more than earthly pl~:afures; when you Love God better than worldly profperity, and when a life of fuch .(::1 Love and Holincls feLm:.::rh beucr to you, rhan all the merriraents of finners, and you had r:uher be aSlint, rhan the moll profperous of the ungodly, and are firmly refolved for a holy life, if God re· cover you, then arc you indct.:d in a flate of grace, and not till then: This mull be yeur cafe, or ye u afe undom: for Lvcr. And rh::reforc medirate on the Love of Chrifi, and the Goodnefs of God, and the Joyes of Ht•ven, and the happinefS of S1inrs, and the mifery of worldlings, and ungodly men: mcdirate on thefc till your eyr.s be opened, and your hearts be touched with a holy love, and Heaven and Holincfs be the very things chat you defire above all ; and then you may boldly go to God, and bdicvc that all your fins are pardoned: And it is not bare terrour, but thefe believing thoughts, of God and Heaven and Chrifi and Love, that mull change your hearts and do the work. ~nnn ~· 9• Thefc