'Dire[lions to tkGod~ for aJafe 'Departure. ,. 4· Dir~c:t. 3· Rentrr your f.;.ith in Jt[uJ Chrift,_ and c~ft yOur {ou/1 upoJt hi1 Merit~ and. Me- Direll. 3· ·diatirn : S.ulsne 110t your ftlves that you have a habu of Fatth, and that formerly you d1d BrltttJe; but fly to your trully Rock and refuge ; and 'ontinue the cxercife of your faith, and ag•in give up your fouls to Chrill.- 9· 5· Dired. +· !vl.;.ke it your chi!f work to ftir up iJt your HeartJ tiJt LIJV~ of God, and a defire to Direa. 4 • liye n itbChrijt iu glory. L t t thofe comfoning and encouraging objects which arc the inllrume~ts of this) be lliH in your thoughts ; And if you can do this, it will be the (urefi proof, of your wle to the Crown. ~· 6. Direct. 5· If )'Oil have wronged a•ty by word or dud, ht Jure that y 1u d; your bcft to right DircfJ. 5· tiHm, and m;~e them [atUJatfion: and if )'OU have fallen ()Ul with any, be rec,nciltd to tlxm. Leave nor orher 'men~ govds to your Htirs or Executors: Reftore what you have wmngfully gotcen,bc::forc you leave your L ·1pcics to any. C·nfcfi your fau~ts where you can do no more : And ask thofc forgivulefs whom yuu have injured; and leave nor mens names, or ejbtcs, or fm!J,under the dfc.·C'ts of your tormLr wmn~~, fo far as you are able to make them rcpuation. . §. 7· Din et. 6. BtjliU taken up i;z ) 'OW' dut}• to God, evcn tbat which he now caUctb you to, tiJat DJrtD. 6. )''1t m1y not be jurmd idle, or i11 the {im of ,lJmifJioll; bt~t m.;.y be. muji hdy and fruitful at the lajf. Though fi.:k~trfi call_you n~>t to all the {;me dtttiu, wh1ch were mcur~benr on you m your health; ycr think not thncfore rhar there is 1to duty at aY expc.Cl.:d from the hck. EveJy fcafon and fiare hach its pcw/j.;r duticJ ( and irs pewli.u mtrciu ) which it much concerneth us to know. I fhall anon tell you more particularly wha.t they are~ 9· 8. Dirdl. 7· Et JPcciaUy fortified and vigil.:znt at,ainfi the m1:{l d4ngtrouJ 'temptation! ofSatan, by DirtD. 7• which he ujith tQajJ.Jult the fick. Pray now c.fptcially, that God would n.,, lead yo1t into Tempt a~ tion, but dclivrr ;•ou {tom tbl Evil om: For in your wcaknr/i you may he lcfs lit to wreHle with them than at another rime:. 0 beg of God, that as he hath upheld you, and preferved you till now, he would not forfJkc you at bft in your tXtrrmity. Plrticularly, §. 9· Tempt. I· One of tlu mojf d.mgcrouJ Ttmptatio»l of the e11tmy, is, to take the advantage ofa Tempt. t . Chriltians bodily weakm(o;, to Olakc his faith, and qucfiion his found.uiom, and call him to difpure Hie b.bor el~ over his principles again, Whether the foul be immortll ? and there be a Heaven and a Hell? and tremu~, kn~ .whether Chrill be the Son of God,and the Scriptures be Gods Worc:i? &:. As if this had never bem ~;t~mv~~~~m que{\ioned, and f,anned, and refolved before! lt is a great deal of adv:mtage that Satan expcCh:th by efl. Virg 1 /, this tnJ.licious comft:. If he could, he wculd draw you from Chrifi to infidelity : But Chri!t pray~ cth for you, that your f.tirh may not fail : If he cannot do this, he would at leail weak._en your faith, and hereby weakmc.very grace: And he would hereby divert you fJOm the more needful thoughts; which are fuitab!t: to your prefent fiate: and he w0uld hereby dif\ra6t you, and deJhoy your cornforts, and draw you in your perplexities to dilhonour God. Away therefore with thc:fe blafphemous and unfcafonable motions: C1ft them from you with abhouence and di£Ciain : It is no time now to be queftioning your foundations: You have done this more fea{Onably, when you were in a fitter cafe: A plined languilhing body, and a dillurbed difcompofc:d mind, is unfit upon a furprize, to go back and difputc over all our principles. Tell Satan you owe him not fo much fer vice, nor will you fo call away thofe few hours and thoughts, for which you have fo much better work. You have the witne{I in your ft:lves, even the Spirit, and Image, and Seal of God. You have been converted and renewed by the powtr of that word, which he would have you oueHion ; and you have found it to be owned by the Spirit of grace, who hath made it migiJty to pull dOwn rhe firongefi holds of fin: Tell Sl.tan you will nor gratifie him fo much as to turn your holy heavenly ddires, into a wrangling with hun about thofe truths which you have fo often p.roved: You will not queflion now the bting of that God who hath maintained you [o long, and witndfed his being and goodnefs ro you by a life of mercies; nor will you now qucf\ion the being or truth of him that hath Rcdumed you, or of the Spirit or 1Yurd that hath fanttitled, guided, comforted and confirmed you. Jf he tell you that you mufi prove aU 1biug1; tell him that this is not now to do; you have long proved the truth and good– ncfs of your God, the: mercy of your Saviour, and the power of his Holy Spirit and Word: It is now your work to live upon that Word, and fetch your bopes and t'omfortJ from it; and not to que– Jtion it. §. 1.0 . Tempt. 2· Another d.angerous Temptation of Satan is, when he would perfwade you tO 1emp. Dt[p.Jtr, by ca~fing you to m1f-underfiand the tenour of the Gofpc::I, or by thinking too narrow~ Jy and unwort!uly of Gods mercy, or of the fatisfaCl:ion of Chrill. But becaufe this Temptation doth ufually tend more eo J,fcomfort the foul, than to damn it, I tba!l fpeak more to it under "fir. 3· §· J I· Tempt. 3· Another dangerous Temptation is, when Satan would draw you to trJtrloo~yQttr Tempt. 3· Jim, .md ovcrv.Jlue your g1'<1CeJ, and be proud of your good wo~k.f, and fo h.y too much of your corn~ fort upon your ft/";Jt:J, a1~d lofe the [en[e of )our nad of Cbr~/f, or ufurp any p;~rt of hiJ office, or hU boncur• . I tl~all afterward ~1c:w .you ho:W far you mujf look at any thing in your fclves; But certainly that whtc~ bftcth you up m pr,de, or mcroachcth on Cbrijii Office, or would draw you to ttnderva· lue him, ts not ot Ged..There~ore keep humble, in the fcnte of your finfulncfi and u»wortbiHe{t, and catt away evc.ry motton wh1ch would carry you away from Chrit1, and make your [elves, and your wot ks, ~nd nghtcoufnefs, as a SlViour to your fdves. , §. 12. Tempt 4· Another perillous Temptation is, by caufing the thoughts of death and the gr~ve Tempt. 4· and your doubt! and fears about the world to come, to overcome the Lov~ ofGod, and 'c not only th~ N n n n 2 comfortJ,