Baxter - BJ1441 B3 1673

How to profit by,Sic/tiujs.. tween thofe that {me God,and thofe that fuve him nor, Mal-3-t7,J8. Now judge whether a loofe and worldly life, or a holy heavenly life be bctrcr? and rcfolve accordingly. ~· 7 . Direel:. 7• Yo.u have alfo now a,very great help t_o difmn ~he folly of a voluptuo~t lift, and Dire{/. 7· to mortitie' rhe dttdJ·and dtfiruof theflejh: when God u mort1fymg us n.tural dejirer, Jtmay help you in mortifying its finful delires: Now judge what Lufi, and Playes, and G.tming, and Fcafiing, and DrunkLnnefs, and Swaggering are worth? You fee now the end of all fuch plealures : Do you think them.bcrter than·the ]oyts·of Heaven, and worthy the lofs of a rrians falvacion to attain them?- Or better than the pltafures of a holy life? · §.8. Direct. 8. Alfo now you have a great advantage, for the quickningofyour hearts that havc·loll, Dire{/. 8; their Zeal, and are cold in Prayer, and dull in Mcditati"n, and rtgardlefs of holy conference: If everyou. will proy tonujll,, furt: it,will be n<:)W: If ever you will talk ferioufly of the mattcr.s of falva· tion, flue it•will be now. Now you do better.underHand· the reafon of fcrvmc pra.ycr, and•ferious· Rcligim 1, and eircur:nfp,!ft walking t:han ;:ou before: And you can eafily now conftHe the fcorns or ra:ilings nf. tl)e l0l){e .ung~JI~ e.nem1es oi holmcfs; cv.en as you confute the dotageof a fool, or the nvings of a man bcilde htmlelf. . ~· 9 • Dir«~t. 9· You have a greao advantage more fcnfibly to pcrc<~ve,your Dependance upon God v;;ea. SI.• alone; andtwhat reafon you have to~pteafe him before all the world, and ro regard his·tavour or difpleafUre more, than all the things or perfons upon earth: No~ you fee how vain a thing is man! and how lirtle 1hc f:avour of all the world; can Hand you mficad m your grcatcfi necclftty: Now you fee that it is God and God alone thafis to be at !all : And ther,efore it is God-that is to be obeyed and plcafed, what <ver become of. a1l things in t.he world. .\nCt 1,0. You have now a great adva~tage to ~l[cern the Pretloufnefs ofTime,and tofee how VitrO. xo. caretully ir {hould be redeemed', and to p::raeJve the dtllractednef$ of thofe men, rhlt can wa.fie it in p1t\imts, and cutiofit): of drdlinf.S, and needlcfs c~mplc:lmems and viftrs,. and a rnuJtitudeof fuch vaniries 35 rob the w,orld, of 1hat which i$ more prcuous than Gold. or treafurt'. Nbw what think you of idling and playing~way your Time? Now ~o you not think. t~at iris ~ifer· to fpcnd it in a holy preparation for the hfc to come, than tQ caH u away upon chtldJ{h foolencs, or any unnecdfQry, worldly things> §. 11 .Dircdt.JI· Alfo you luve now a.fpecial·hclp t.o be more fcrious than e.ver in y(}ur preparation!for DirefJ. 1t• deatiJ, and in your·rhoughts of Heaven; aud fo to be readier than you were betOre: And i.f fiCknefs help you to be readier tO· d.yc, and more to fet your hearts above, whether you live or dye, it will be a protitable tickncfs to you. · . . §•I%·Diretl:.x2·L~t your fiiend; about .roube the wnneffes ofyour open ConfdTions and RefoJurions, Direll. 12 • and engage them it God fhould rcllore you to your health, to remem,bcr you of all the promifes which you have made, and to watch over y.ou, and tell you of them when aver there· i$ need: By theft means ficknrf! may be imptovcd, and be a mercy to you. 9· ~'3• I mighr next have given [qme fpccial Dirc:d'ions to them that are Re.covtrttl from ficknefl: DireCl:ions ro But bccaufe I would nor be needlcfly tedious, 1 refer fuch to what is here faid already. I· Let them them that re– bur took over thefe twelve Dircdio1_1s, and fee whether thefe bentfits· remain upon their hearts : cover. 2 • Let thtiU call to their lively remembrance, tht: fenfe which they; had and the frame rhey were in when th<:y made thtfc Refolutions.. 3· Let them remember that ficknefs will come again; even i ficknefs which will have no.cure, An.d 4• Let them bethink thernfdvc;s, how terribly Confcience will be woundrd, and their fouls dihnayed, when the next ficknefs com~th, to remember that they were unthankful tOr their bH recovery, and how falfly they dealt with 6od in the breaking of their pro~ mifc:s: Foref~::e this that you may pievent it.