Baxter - BJ1441 B3 1673

Du-erlions to Dye tomfortabb. many things, and therefore two or comfortable promifc:s, to be fiill before his eyes, may be the mofi profitable matrc:r of his thoughts: fuch as thofc three whkh I named before. (f he be moft troubled with the grcatnefs of his !in, let it be fuch as thefe: ]oh. 3· 16. God fo loved the world thae lu ~ai•e hM onf.y bfp:,ortCit S011, tbo~t wbofnever be/iweth ilt him Jhould not perijh, ~ut have cvtrlafting_lifi. ACt. 13 . 3 9 . Andby bim r:tU tbut believe are jujfijied from all thing1, frrJm wh1ch y_e co1tld no_t be ju)fi– ficd by tbt Law of Mofes. Hcb. 8. 12· _For I n 1 iU bt merciful to t_bcir unrighteoufmfi, and t~czr {inl ~nd iniquitieJ wiU 1;-emembcr m more. If H be the weaknejJ of h1s grace that trouhleth h1m, let hun choofe fuch paffJ.gcs as theft:, Ifa. 40. 1 r. Hejh.1ll J!.Otber the lamb! with hU arm, and carry tbem in hi4 bofnm, a1tdjh.1ll t,ently lead tho{e tbat are wit!~ yormg, Gal. 5· I?· 1he flcjh Jufteth agai1rft '.he fpirit, a 11 d the fpirit againjf the jlc{h, and thc[e are contr:zry one to the other, fo that ye cannot dJ the thmgJ that. ye would. Matth. 26. o~p. 1/u (pi~it if willing bnt the jle{h M. w:aJt, Jo~. 6. 37· AU tb:Jt the f.:~ther givetiJ me jh.1ll come to me: and Jmn tb.Jt ~ometh to. me, I Will tn no wife ctJjt om. Luk. I7· 5· The Apof/lu jjid unto the Lord, !11crea[e om f.Jttf... If 1t be rhe fear of death and Hrangcncfs to the orher \.VO~ld that troubltth you, rc:mcmbLr rhe words of ChriJl bLforc cited, and l Cor. 5· r, 2, 4, ) 1 6, 8. For we kn 11 w tiJ.a ifvur earthly bvu[e of tbif t.Jbtrnacle were diffolved, we have a building of God, an houfe mt made ~·dtb b:JndJ etern.zl i1t the He:zvcm. For ia tbU we groa11 earnc{ily, dcfiring to be clJ4thed r.p.m witb ottr bmfe wbich M fro n Hc.;vcn : For we tb.Jt are in th~ tabernacle do f..Toan beiHg burdened, not fur th.Jt we would be smcloatbcd,. but clo4thed up m, tbat mJrtality might be {w~lluwed ttp of life; - we arc co1zjident, and willing rather to be abftm from the body, and ptt{ent wub the Lord. Phil. 1 . 2 3. For I am i;t a jlr.tit bawtcJt two, bavinf!. a defire to dep.1r1 and to be TPith Chrijf, which U f:~.r better. Rev. 14• I 3· Bleffed arc the de.1d wbic!J die in tbe L~Jrd, from henceforth : )Ita. faith tbe [pi· rit tbat they may r.jl frorll their /;bourJ, and their workJ do foUorv them. I Cor. J 5• 55· 0 De.zth, wh'tre U thyjting! O .~ravctvhercilthyviaor;•1 Act. 7· 59· Lord JejuJ receive mJ•fpirit. Fix upon ~me fuch word or pwmifc which may fupport you, in your cxrremity. ~- 6. Direct. 6. Look,. np to Gcd, "'" i<tbe Glory of Heavm and th< Lit iJt and Lift and Joy of[onlr, Dirc/J. 6. andbelieve tb:zt ;•ou are going to fie bi-t fr.~ce, and to live i1t the perfe[i cverl.zjli~tg fruition of hM fullejl Love amoHJ!. the glorified. If it be ddeCbble here 1.0 know hM work,}, what will it be to {i:e the Call{e of all? All Cn:atures in H~aven and Euth.conjoyned, c~fford fuch conrent and joy to holy fouls, as God alone! 0 if we /Qterv bim whom we mun ~bold, how weiry ihould we be of this dungeon of mortality? and how fervently 010uld we long to fee his face? The Chicken that comcth out of the 0H:11, or the IPJant that newly cometh from tht: wemb, into this il!uminltcd world of .hum1ne converfc, receiveth not fm:h a joyful change, as the foul that is newly loofed from the fl.fh, and P' lfeth horn this mortal life to God. One light of God by a blc!fcd Coul, is worth more than a!\ the Kingdoms of the earth. lr is pleafant to the eyes to behold the Sun: But the Sun is as darknefs and u{tkCs in his Glory. R(.v. 2 1. 23. And tbe City had no need of the ·Sun, nor of tbe Morm to jhine in it: For the Glory of God did li;,httn it, and the Lamb Mthe Light thereof. 3, 4 , 5· And there jh<11l be 1t1J more curfe: but the 'l'hroneo[ Gud and of the LambjhaiJ be i1t t, tt'liCl bif fcrv.mtJ }hall ferve him: and they {h,;U fee hM fact, and hM name fh11U be iJt tbeir foreheadJ: and there jhaU be m nigbt tbcre; and they nud no candle, mY. light of the Smt ; for~ the Lord God givetb them Light, a~td they jhafl reign for ever a~:d ever. If David in the Wildernds fo impatiently thirll:~ ed, to appear btf'·reGod, tbtliving God, in his Sm&uary at Jerujjlrm, Pf:Jl. 42. How earndlly thoutd we long eo {(:e his Glory in the H:avenlyJerufalcm? The glimpfe of hi.s back~parts, was as much as MofeJ might behold, ExrJd. 34· yet that much pur a !l1ining giOiy upon his face, v. 29, 30. The fight that Suphtn had when men were ready to Jlone him, was a ddt&abk lighr, AtJ. 7· 55, 5 6. The g,limpfc of Chrifi i~stransfiguration ravin1ed the duee Apollles dut blhcld ir; Mat. 17 . 2 6. Pa:rls vilion which rapt up into the third Heavens, did advmce: him above the reil of m;;;nki~d! But our Bcatifica\ light o · he Glory of God, will very far excell all this. When our perfeCted bodiu ih1ll have the perftd Glflrioiu BrJdy of Chrijt to fee, and our perfected fouls 01al! have the God of Trurh, the melt pc:rrect uncrcated Light to know, \~hat more is a created underilandiug cap 1 ble of ? And yet this is not the top of our felicity:, For theVnderjhmdi11g is but the paifJge to the Htart or 1YiU; and 1ruth is but fubfervicnt to GoodJicjJ: And therefore though the Vnderjlauding be capable of no more than the Beatifical VijioJt, yet the .M:zn is cap1ble of more ; even of receiving the fullell communications of Gods Love, and feeling ir poured out upon the heart, and living in the returns of ptrfe[i Love ; a_n~ in this entercourfe of Love will be our high~H Jo_yu, and this is the top of our heavenly fel!cuy. 0 that God would make us foreknow by a hvely taith, what it is to behold bim in his Glory~ and £O dwell in p::rfect Love attd Joy, and then death would no more be abl~ to diCmay us, nor 01ould we be unwilling of luch a ble!fed challge! But havingCpokcn ofthis fo largely in my Saint! Re(i, 1 mull Hop here, and refer you thither. ~· 7· D:nCl:. 7· Loo4_up·to the Bl~ffid Society of Ai1gel!, and SaintJ with Chrift, and rmumber their Dire'lf. 7 • bhJJed,JcjJ and jn)•, and I bat )'OU aljo belong 10 the j"<J11tC fociety, and tJrt gring to be nun:bred witb them. It will gr~a.tiy over,c~ me the fc.ars ot ~earh, ro fee by. fait~1 the ]oyes of rhem that have gone before u$: and W!l:lall eo tmnKof thc.:tr relatton to us: As tt wtll encourage a man that is to go beyond $;;a, if the far grtareli pan of his dearefl friends be gone before him, and he hearcrh of their [le: omival, and of rh..:i1.}oy and happintfS. T hofc Angds that now fee the face of God are our fpecial friends and gu.ud~o~.oc;, and entirely Love us, better than any of our friends on earch do! They rejoiced atom Convcrlion, and will rejoice at our Gloritication : And as they are better, and Love m better, [o therc~or<: our Love fl1ould be we111er to them, than to any upon earth, and we ihould more dcficc to be with them. Thofe blc!fcd fouls that are now with Cbrifl, were once as we are