{>66 A Form for [oniforting the 6odiy at 1)earb. ' heavenly Wifdom, Love and Power? ar.d is a witne£5 of his fpecial providence? and conuineth his own Image upon the foul ? And lhall we th(n qud\ion the Author of the feal, wht.n we fee that th S· l~ge and fuperf:ription ~hich it i1~1printeth is Divine?. And ha~e you not had fuch t"Xperiences you~ felf of the fulfiUufg of this word, m theanfwer of prayers, man1feli borh on mc.11s fouls and bodies which are enough to confute the Tempter, that v.:ould fi1ake you.r faith, (when he fceth you in you; weakndS, unfit to ~all up_ all ~hofe Ev,dences, wh1.:h at another ume you h.tve di!Cerned)? For my own part, I mufi bear this wumfs to the truth, that I have known, and felt, and ftcn, and heard fuch ':"onders wrought ~pon fer_vcnr prayer) as hav_e many i: ~i'_Tle convinced me of the truth of the pr01mfcs, _ar.d t~lt: ~ptC!al pt?v1d_encc of ~od to h1s poor pe.tu10ncrs. I have oft known the Acute and Chromca\ D1feates of afflicted ones relltvcd by vnyer wuhout any natural mean£. · Some of th rr.oll violent cured in an hour, and f1,rr:e by rno:e_ flow degrees! Bdidt.s the dfLCls -upon mc:nsf l.:e .and dLaes, and publick atf ... iis, which plainly demonllrat<d the means and caufr. And !hall a ou ., 6. mifc thus C~a.!ed to U! 1 be ever quellioned again ? Nly, have you not the lf'itnrf! in ycur /cif 1 John 5· 1 o, 11, 12 . Even the Spirit of Chrilt, which is the pledge :and earneft: of your inh~·ritanec ' 7 . and the La! and mark of God upon you? In a \YOrd, it is an unquetiionable truth, dut the ration:i wodd neither H, 11or et-·tr w,Jf, nor can be governed agreeably to its nature, without an End to move ar.d r"/e them, which is bLyond this life ; and without the Hoprs and fe.:JrJ of a Rtw:zrd lnd PUnijh– ment hcre::;.fttr? Were this but taken out of the world, man would no longfrlivelike man but as the rnolt od:ous noxious creature up,on earth.- And it is as fure that it agreeth not with the odmipotence Wifdorn and GoodnetS of God, to Govern fo noblc,a Creature by a lye, and to make a Nature tha; muji be fo governed. And it is as certain that all other Revchuion iS' defective, and thar Life and 1 iim. " 1 ?· Jmmortaliry, the end and the way; were never fo brought to light, as they are in the GofpeJ by Chrill and by his Spirir. · ' S1y then to the malitious T(mprcr,_ 1b~ Urd re_buk..e thee~ 0 _Satan! even¥tbe L()'fd that bath cbofm Jerufalern rtbuk.,t thee. Ztch. 3· 2. 0 fttU pf aU [ubuity )nd mlfcbuf! thou enemy 11jGod and rieJ;teor~(nefs! 11/_ilt tbou not cta{t tobet! ljing Spirit, an~ to pirvcrt the tru.rh 11nd ri~ht wa)'t'J of tbe Lo ...d l Ads i3.zo. L1ft up your foul to God, and fay, I br!teve,Lord help mtne Jmheluf! ThQugb Satan }land torrfljt'me llt my ri7,ht hJud) am I not a br,;md p!ttc~t out of the fire? Am I not thine l mrd have.! not rcfij!,md tbif }Jut tothee? and didjltbGu 11ot accept it in tby holy_Cove;:ant l 0 tben defend it as thine own! Pitad tbou my (:1u{r, ar.d co11jirm tby W.rJrk, a11d jufUfie botb tby trutb a,;d me, a;:ninjltbe malitiotts wemy of both. 0 let Z~!ch. 3 , ;, ..,, the interuffit.n tif my Saviour prt"Vail, that my j:zith fail not. And ta~e away the filthy g:Jrmv1t1 from me and caufe mine ~niquitieJ top~fs away. And though my fiu~l he troubled, wh:Jt fhuU I fay l Father: Juho~l2.lh jave me from t/uJ hour ? Em th.en n·hat pafJ.Ige fh~Jl I have tnto thy prr[t.nce? 1W.IJ.~or~" n:orta/ 1~igbr, • 1 7, z8. ar.d go bm the waj tlf aJl Generattons b.1ve p.;rme brfi,re me; and follow my Lord 1tnd au hr1 S.ztJtfJ: Father J~nn 17· r· rcceit·e a11d glerifie tl~y flrzhJiJ.I, that thy firvant ma;• glorifie thy name for ever ! Receive 0 Father t!J.t jiml ~ . which thuu baft nude! Receive 0 Saviuur the foul which thou bajl fo dearly bJut,bt, and loved totbe death: · s 7 " f?· and wajhcd iu tby blood! Receive tlufoul which tbou br1jl- rtgeneratrd byt/ry Spirit,andin{ome nuajitre q11ic~- p[JI. J9· 5, 7, mdby the immortal foed. Behold thou baJi: made.my dayes as an hand hrtadtb: my age before thee M.H Pf.,J. 31 .~1 , 21,~: notbiug : a~Jd every man at his btjf rfl-ate iJ v:mity: When thy rebuk._u correti UJ for iniquity, thou ma!zrjl Rom. 4 • 7 , 8. our bearay toc.mf:emetu a moth: Ar.d nowO Lord, n·hat wait I for l lJ not my hope alone in tlue.? De· r l'f· liver me from my tra~tfgrrffi1J111, and_impute_n?tt? _mrthe fins_ rrhich I have dam. Remember 1101 again{f P ~1. )~. 7· ~ me the fins of my youth ; and forgrve the tmqmtus ofmy npcr years: Char1,e not upott me my grieving ~)~~~·:.9::~~~)' of thy Spirit, and neg/clls a11d rcfijlanceJ of thy gr:J~e / Forgive ~y [r111 of ig1~orance and ~f k;rowledge, my M:atth. ,,, 1 , fim of jl'lthfulnefl, rajhntfj and prt{umptton, efpecJa~y tbofe winch I have wtlfuUy commmrd, a1,ainji'thy H<"h. 9· 26. warnings and tbc warnings of my Crmfcience. TYbo c.:m underjfatld hH errors? c;leanfe thou mefrom [t– J[:. q.Jo, 3, CletfmJ, 0 pardon my unprojit.Jblouji, nnd abu{t of ti}y merciff, andm,yjlugy,i}h lrji of pretiaJM time! 4· ~~ 7• 8 · ~ 'hat I bave [trvtd thee no baur, aild lovfd tbte nomort, a1rd imp,·o'Z.·~d no better tbe rit~y nf/!,race! Though ~~~~:& 3 1 !~; 8• fuL'y a11d fin h<~vt d..,rk._nrd my ligbt, and blemHhed my m']l holy forvicts, and my tranfgrrffio1JJ bave been R?lll·~· 1,2,_;, muhipi)•CCl in tlry figbt, yt it the Sacrifice [ttjficient which tbvrt bajl accept!d {lom our grt~ll Hig,b Pritjf, 5, 10. wbam 3 de his foul an offering for fi»• In him thou art 'O'cUpleafcd : lie Mo:tr peace: In him I trujf: He ~~r. 1 ' 14· w:z; holy, harmhji, undtfilcd and[rparalt from jinncrs: Ht did 110 i~tiquity : HefulfiUed aU)\igbteoujiuji: \;:;~1 ~'e. axdby uttce vffcring of him{elj, he IJ.Itb perfc[Jcdfr;r ct·erthnn t!Jat are fauliifitd: He it able to fave to tht Hb 'J..26·H· utm'ljl them tbt come toGod by bim,jiein1, be eocr iivrtb tiJ mak._e ilttercrffion for them. Accept nu, 0 Fph~~. 1. 6, 7, F"tbcr, in him thy wdl btlcvcd: Let my finful ftJUl be healrd by hUjlriptJ, n-hobare oH;.. jinJ in bi1 body 11 ' 'J· on the Crnfl· Let mebe f vultdht him, 1101 bving any LcgJl rit,hteou[nefi of my OWIJ, but th:tt which il ~'1~:~~-,~~:~·o, through the [Jitb ofChrijl, that being made.coHformablt u}lto h~ death) I may att.'lilt t~ the Rcfurrd.firm ''· rf the dead; tJi.d may by him be prcftr.tcd wztiJoJlt fp(t o;· blemijh. A·{y God, thou baft wcvttr.z~oed nry Eph. 5· 16,17. fearful foul, by the mulzi1ude of tby mcrcier, ar n•eU df by thy promiflJ, to trujl thee, and Jield it {tlf to l'fal.l39· I6, thee. ~lb:Jtl hajf fiUed 11 p aU my dayeJ n•itb m(r_cy! Every place.that I b,,ve /iv:d in 1 and fVlry rtlati ·n, rfa\.~~.7;,J ;: atzd aU that I have b.1d ~o diJ witiJ i1t the world, are the n·im1§eJ of thy Lov~ and.mercy to me. 1by eytJ Na'. 65". 9· beheld »~y fHbjlance hCing .Yet imperjt{f, aud all my n:embcrJ wue rrntten m thy Book._: N~ p.1rCJttJ lY:~.J. 4(1, 4· were injlruiJed by thee to educate nu, a11d allthingt commandrd by thu tofrrve f11r my pr~fervalloitl com- \~~1. •12· .b "l· f ort .md folv.uion. 1hou bajf brought me JortiJ in a_J.jnd nnd ageoj mercieJ, and ca!tftd mt to!Je<~r and ~f~~: ~~~ ~:· fee tbe thingJ n·bicb otbcrs b.Jvc not jCen &r he~rd. 1 helil~et J~:Jve fJCt:Jt to me in p!rafom pl:~ee.! :_ !Vly Jvhn 1 , 1 :.--, 1 J, /ife"b~Jth not ban JPent i,: a bowling wildernejt, nor i;: b.wijhment from tby S.wl7~.zr:_y, or tf,•c comrmmum~ 1-'l· thy SaintJ; nor b,;th it been J:t"boLY con[i1med in d.sr~nrji, and f,rrorv 1 and mzfcrvzceable b.Jrrcnr.ejf. But Pfal. 41 • 4· 1 ~ oftm have I beJtd the jo)ful fomul, and I b.:Jve grin~ with tbc multitude to tbe IJOtljc r{ God, and the_re b,nJC f,~2l' 1 "'7·6· ,. [cm the light of thy countwanct:, &nd dr.1uk._ of tbc Rivcrs of thy plofur,•, tven of the n>.11err of life; and ... 107·~~: IJ.l'Vt