Baxter - BJ1441 B3 1673

The Groans and J oyes of a departing Saint. h:;ve been with the voice fl[ joy and praifo: How oft have I cr)'ed unto thee i:t my trouble. and thou IJJft delivered me nut of ~y di{frcffes i' JVhtn for my fi'Uy mtd tranfo.r('Jlion I was afjlWed , thou broughtjl me oHI of dark.ntf! and thefoadowof death, <fhou renervedft my a1,e a1 Hczekiahs, , and caufedjltbejha- . ~ dow (Jf myDytJl to go bqck._! and haft Jet me at Jibert)•, to praift thee for thy Goodnt{f, (md·decl.Jrt thy p~Ql.lo7.8.11 trork.J to the children ofmen. In thed;y of trouble I calhd upon thee, and tbcu didji deliver me that I Pia!. 5°· 1 5· might glorifte thee. <fhott ca~Jtdjl me to recrive the fentenet of deat!J, tbiJt I mig,ht trujt i;z God ~r.~or.l-9•10• rai{tth the dead. My Shcpheard hatb led mt? i;t hi1 pleafant pafturu, by the filmt Jlre~ms : He reflored Pf~l: ~~~. 17, my foul, ar.d condulJed me iit tbepaths ofrighuou[neft. How pretious are thy tboughu unto me 0 God! . 18. how great i1 the fumm of them·? If Ijhould ceunt thrm, they art mort in n"mbcr than the {and. And H h. 1 3· 1· r:riU th.zt mercy now forfak! me, which bath aboui!dcd to me, a11dJitpporttd me fo long? Thott l.Jajf [aid, ?,fht '3· 1 • I will never fail thee nor forf.J/ze tbce? Having loved thy RIVH, that art in the n 1 orld, thou wilt love tbem IGl~. !;·~o;: ta tbemd: For tl1y-mercy it great llnd reachtth to the .Heavens, and it endurctb for ever. 0 therefore f. & w1. 11• .,bm I arPa~e, let me be with tbte ! And as thy loving k.jnd~o~ejs i1 bettet tb:zn Life; and to depart and be & _1]6. with Chrift, iJ ftJr better than tbe bcft coudirion·upon earth; [o let thy {ervant dtp.Jrt z, peace, hU rye of~~-~~ 6;. 3· foitbbchv/di,tg thy folv:ztion: And n·hen my earthly bo11[e of tbM tabernacle is diffulved, In me have that Luk; :~ ~!:3o. building ofGod, tbe luu{e not made with hands, eternal in theheavms : Lrt »ry prcfent burdtn offin and 1 Cor. 1• 1., h JuffcriHJ!, mak._e me m,re rarnejlly to grnan, not tobe unclotbcd, but tobe cl.:Jthed Hponl mortality m.2y •b 5, 7, S. be [waUowed rrp oflife: tllot bein7 abfent from the body, I may be prrfent with tht Lord. And feting thH Cup may not p-1Ji from mr, and I mujt not look._ for the Cbariot ofE!ias, to carry me rmt!} Heavm; let . thy 1J1iU be done, and let me rrft therein, and let death br! tile gain and advaltttlJ!.Y"f my foul : And Pht_l. 1 :u.. n·hile tbisoJttward m.Jn is peri~Jing, lttth'e inner man be renewed from d:Jy to day;/ Fur :r'h"t am Ibetter ~ ~~:~~·~~:~~ rhdn my Fathers~ and all tby S;.JintJ, ond the generations of man~ind, that I fh.mld tbznk,. of a;~y other paJfagt, tb~tn tbl& of Dea1h, to tbe world of immortality? 0 let this f.:Jinting heart be glad, a;zd let my glory rejt!)•ct, and in Love and JfJy, in Th:znkfulaefi and Praiff, let me pa{s into the world of LrJVe and J oy, where 1har.k.Jgiving, andvPraifo jh.JU be my nJork.. fur ever. And though my jltjh and heart wiO fail, Ph!. 73· 1.6. be tbott tiJt jirength of my heart, OGod, and ~y portion for ever. 1."haugh I rmljt lV.Jl/t through tbe vall~y A Dj the jhadow of death, let me fear no evil: But be thDu Jiill rritll me, and let me be comforted byth;• rod 1',;~].:) ..; s,r.. and jf.,jf: Let the goodneji and mercy r,;hich btb followed me thu! far aD my d''J'es, receive me at tbe l.,ljf, that I may dwell with thee for ever. For it is the wiU of my Redeemer, tbut tbo{e which thart hajt gh·en him, be witiJ him wbere IJt ir, tobehr:ld the i,lory wbich thou b4l givm him! And tbat hi-f ferv.Mts John '7· 11.' jhould f oUow him, that where he ii, tlure al[o m:zy hi-f forvant! be. Amen, Lurd Jrf:u! GfJOd Uthy 1Jiitl ~~n n. ~o. and the fYord which thou h.:jt[pok,fn ! Imo thy h3stds I commend my Spirit whicb thou h..1ft Redetmt•d. Re- lu~/; 5 • 9 •• · ceit•e it, tmd let mi! be with thee in P.lrJdijC : 0 thou tbat h.1jf called z.u thy Errtbrcn, when th3u d;Jft af- John 1~ ;;. crnd to thy Father and our F-tbcr, and to thy God and our God, tak.,t up tb~ poor unwortby foul, to tiJtm.:~n. }oh. I4o1,2,J• {tons which thou b.r~ji preparedf or ttJ, tb:tt I may be witb thee where thou art. And though thi-f flejh muft Pfsi,I6.u)u. peri.fh,. let it rejl jn hgpe, and be but {owed ,n a graiJt ofwheat ; tiU thy powerful CaU jhaUraife it from tiJC duft, and this corruptible jhall put on·incorruption, and tM1 mortal jhaU put on immort.Jlity, and tbM I Cor. rr.r;; , nawral bodyjhaU be raijid a fpiritual body, and death jhaU be [waUowed up in Vi[fory. Far though I be S<, H· dead, my lift M hid with Cbri.jt in God: And when thou appearrjt wh~ art my Life, tbm let me appear with the~ in glory. (}.haft.m that appe~rance, a;Jd come r11itb thy haly glorio_Uf A~gtiJ, to be gLorified in thy ~!h:ci:~:4;~; S11t111J, and adm~red m. and by Bcluvrrs. 1Yhen thou wilt change our vtle b:Jdtes, and m.zk.._e them lik.f to 11• thy GlarioU< Body, by the mighty "'arltJng, by which thou canj! {ubdue even aU thing< to thy fllf. H'f! !'bil.;. "· tbiU not ]aid, Behold] come quicRlJ! Even{o Come Lord! and ht the great Nf;rti.Jge d.Jy of the Lam!J R:v.:u.2o,17 mak.! bafte, when thy Spo,fe jhaU be pre{cnted [potleji, mtblamab/e and glorious ; and tbe glor) 1 ofGod j;z E~·1· 16> '-1• tbe New Jerufalem, jhaU he Ret·ealed t!J aD hi.J hsly ones, todelight andglorifie them for n•er. In the mfl:m ~a or. ~f·"f5• time, Remember Lord thy promife: Becaufe I live, therefore [haU ye live nl{o: And let the dead that dye in J0;,~3,~. ' 19• thee be birffed: A~d tbuu !hat art made a quicJt~ting Spirit\ and art the Lord and Prince oftife, and hajt Rer.14. J J• faid tbat not tt ha1r of oztr headtjhall pcrijh; Gather our dcp.:rting fouls unto thy ftlf, into the Heavenly M:~1uh. lu. )O. Jerufalcm and Mount Zion, Jbe City of the 'living God, and tutbe Myriads ofholy .11ngels, and totbc gene- ~u~eti..J8. ral AjJtmbly and Chttrch of the firjt born, and t~ the perfeDed Spirits of tbe jujl; where thou wj/t m.11{_e M R;v:~::t''"> Kings and Priejls toGod, whom we }hall See, attd Love a11d Prai.fe for ever. For ofHim, and thrqugb Rom'. n. 36. Him, and toHim are all things: aJJd for his plcafure tbey a, e, and rrere created. And0 tho:e tbe ble{- R·,·. f. 9, t o. ' fed God of Love, tht ~ atlur of Spiritr. andKi1tg of Soint!, re_ceivl tbiJ unworthy M_ember of thy Son, into ~~:·. ~·1" _ 1 ~' 8 • the Juave~ly Chore wbtcb fing tby Praifo! who rejf mt [_ay~;,, nig~t and d.1y, Holy, Hvly, Holy, L1rd Htb 11• ~. · God Almzght)', whoIs, and TYat, and Is to Come! For 1hme 11 the Kmgdom,tbc Porvr!r and the Glory, for Mattn. 6. IJ· ev€r and ever. Amen. The End of the Second T 0 M E.