A Chrif1ian Diretlory. TO M. Ill. Chriflian .Ecclefiallicks. CHAP. I. Of the Wo1jhip of God in general. §. r. AT God is to beWor!hipped folemnly by man, is confdfed by OJ•i toros dies all that acknowledge that tbcre is a God. But about the Nl.Jt J>rec 2 bantur tcr ·and Manner of his Worlhip, there are no fmall dHfcnGons and & immo!a... contentions in the world. I arn not now attempting a ncondfbnt'- ufib~u~ . liation of thefe contenders : The ficknefs of mens minds and wills ~erfi:t~ ~r-udoth make that impoffible to any but God, which elfe were not ft>nt, Suprrfti.. only poffible, but ea[ie·, the termt of reconciliation being in them- tiofi ~unt ::ap– felvcs fo plain and obvious as they are. But it is Dirtliions to pella.u' qu?d thofe that are wiUing to worfhip God aright, which I am now to give. ~~flee: ~~:t:s~t omnia qux :1d. cultum Deorum pcttinerem, diligenter pertr.t&:arent, & unquam relegerent, runt dicti R~ligiori, ex ~~e~d~t~ ut eleg~mcs e~ eligendo, i diligendo diligemes, ex mrdligcndo intclligenres. Superllitioli & Religiofi, alterum vitJi nomen, alterum laudis. Ciur. mtt. De(Jf.lib.2., pag. 7;, 71• 9· z. DireQ. r. Vnrkrftand what it i; to worjhip God oright, lt/1 you offtr hi"' Vanity and fin for Dirtl!. I• · Worfhip. The worfhipping of God i1 the dire[/ aci(.nowlcdging of hi< Being and PcrfeWonJ to hil honour. lndird\ly or confequential!y he i$ acknowledged in ev<ry obedimtiot a[/ by thofe that truly obey and fcrve him : And this is indireWyand participatively to wor!hip him : And therefore all thing; arc Holy to the Ji,J/y, beoaufe they are Holy in the ufe of all, and Holintfr 10 the Lord is as it were, written upon all that they poffefs or do (as they are Holy:) But this is not the worfhip which we arc here to fpeak of: but tl;at which is Primarily and Dir.[l/y done to glori~e him by the acknowledgement of his excellencies. Thus God is worlhipped either inw.rdly by the foul •lone, or alfo outwardly by the body txprtffin;, the worfl1ip of the foul. For that which is done Rrrr 2 by