Baxter - BJ1441 B3 1673

Tf,e (}(eafam af at£r Wa1jhippi11g Gad. by the Bady ~lone wi~hout the concurrence of the Hrart, is nor true w11rjhip, but an Hy~ocritical Ima ~ }~n1!1"th;~r!l.t or ~lCW of tt, (cqUivoc<~.Hy called JVorjhip.) The inward wor01ip of the Heart alJnc, 1 fuve fpok~n God wilt of 111 the forme~ ~omr. _The ~ltlward or_ cxprlffirt w~rfl~ip, is fimplt or mixt: fimple when we en!;· in– mcer wo:J<, ten? Gcd1 n·orfh:P unmcdratcly m theaC!'10n: And thts IS foLmd ch~dly in_ Praij(J. ar~d TIJ.Jnl,._sgi<·int. and crremowht~h therefore arc t_he m~H pure and frmplc fort_o~ rxprcffiveworfhzp. M1xt worftup rs that in '1-\- h:ch ~~-{c:'n~f/i~~~. we }Oyn f~r~e other. Jntumon, for our o~n bcnr:ht m th~ aCl:ioh : .(\s i~ Prayer where we WOIOtip werefo ferveJ ~od by fe~:kmg to hun for mercy.: ~nd tn _reverent luarmg or rtadmg !us /Yord, where we wor!hip the.: fe!vt=s, hun ~y a ~1oly;e upon Ins mfiruCbo_ns and ~omm:mds: And m his Sacraments whLI"c we they 111 i~hc wodl11p l11m by Rccczvmg and ac~ron·Ic4ging h1s benehts to our fouls ; Ar:td in Oblations where we be fil~nced haven fpeCl ~lfo to the ufc: of the thing offered: And in b 1J~ Vows and Oaths; in .whic;h we ac. with Ari(lip· knowkdgc lum our Lord and Judge. All dv:fc arc aCts of Divine Worjhip, though mixt wirh r::ctbi~f ~fs. orhcr ufc!. Ji!:llbr.try :ud fumptuum fare , Si ''i!ll!"l<'r.tn1!unl :~it. ho: e!i:t, in cclebr;tatibu~ deorum profd-10 ll"JII fierct. Crunk.nn;f~ only in the f-calh o:· IJ,z~eh II. l.aat. i11 .1ri{!if1. . 9· >·. It is not .only worjhjpp;ng God, when eur aclznorr>ledgemtul! (by rr>ord or deed ) are directed Jmmcd~ardy w h1rnfdf? Put alfo \~hen we di:ea our fpeec;h ro others, if his PrtJifts be the fubjtli Gf them, and they are mtended dHrctly to Ius Honour: Such are mmy of Davids Pfalrns of Pra1fc. But where Gods Honout is not the thing directly intended, it is no d~rcct worOtipping of God, though all the fame wordsbe fpoken as by others. Virc€1. l• ~- 4· DirLCl. 2· VnderJI~md tbetn~e End! and Re3fanJ of our rvorjhippi»J',. God; lejl y~u be dc~·ciz,eJ by tbe impio;(J wbo tak,_e it tube aD }n v.zi1t. When they have imagimd fome falfe Ii.rJfom to th\ m· ielves, they judge ir vam to wor!hip God, bcc.tufe thofe Reafl1ns of it are v1in. And he that undcr– !bndcth not the true Reafons why he fhould worlbip God, will not truly rvJrjhip him, but be piO– f>hanc in negleel'ing ir, or hypocritical in diff.:mbling, and heartlefs in performing ir. T nc Reafons then arc fuch as thcfc. §· 5· 1. The tirO: arifeth from the Vfe of all the wiJrld, and the natrtrc of the CretJture in. fpeciJI. The whole world is made and upheld to be exprcf!ive and p1rticip.1tive of the Image and Benefits of God. God is mofi P"fe[/ and blcjfed in himldf, and needeth not the world to add 10 his fel icity. Bur he made it to plea{C his blcff...:d Will, as a communicative Good 1 by conummicationand ap– pu r;nce: that he might have creatures to ~n •11' bim, and to be happy in his Ligbt; and thofe ercaR d t-.·t Hr • turcs might have a fit reprefcntation or revelation of him that they migbt k_no:v·bim. And Mm is b;t~ p~~ ,r fpecially endowed with Rea[oNand Vmr.mcc, ttut he might ~n"B' his CrcJtor appcuing in his wurks, u :Jcd J.'rovi- and might commtmidte this knowledge, and cxprcfs that Glory of his M1ker with h1s Tongue, which At:m. the inferiour creatures exprefs to him in their being. So tha.t if God were not to be worthipp:.:d , the end of man.s fawltitJ, and of all the Cre<JtiiUZ mull be much ffufirared. M1ns Reafon }s " given him that he may know hi-; Mlkcr: His will, and affi!Cl-ions, and executive powers arc given him, that he may freely love bim and obey him : and his tongue is given him principJ.lJy to ack~owlcdge him and praife him : Whom fh.ould Gods work be fervicea.b\e to, but to him that m1de it? 9· 6. 2· As it is the NamraJV fr, fo it is the Mghtft !Jonuur of the creature to wor(hip and honour hisCreator: Is there a nobler or more cxcellcnr objeCt for our thoughts, affections, or cxprdlivns? And nature, which ddirerh irs own pcrfcdioo, forbid~eth us to choofc ~ fordid, vik, di01onouublc work, and to neglect the higheft and moll honourable. · 9· 7· 3· The righ( wolfhippingot God doth powerfully tend to rn1kc us in our me1furc lil<e him, and fO to f1nC£itie and raitt: the foul, and to heal it of its finful diflempers and imperfections. Wh1r can make us Good fo cff,ctually as our K'wwJrdge, and Love, and Communion with him thac is the cbicfejl Good l N ..y, what is Goodntfs i( fdf in the creature if this be not. As ncarnefs to the Sun giverh Light and Heat, fo nearnefs toGod, is the way to make us /Vife and Good: For the con· templationof his perfedions is the means to make us like him. The worjhipptrJ of God do not ex– ercife their bare undcrfiandings upon him in barren fpeculations ; but they cxercife all their aff.::cti ... ons towards him, and all the: faculties of their fouh, in the mofi praCtical and fcrious manner, and aherefore are liketi: to have the liveliett imprdiions of God upon their hearts: And hence it is that the true worlbippers of God are really the ~ifijt and the bdl of men, when many that at a diJlance arc employed in meer fpecul.uions abou.t his works and him, remain almofi as vain and. wicked as be– fore,and profC:ffing rhemfdvcs wife, arc ( prG.ctically) fools. 1\om. 1 2 1, 22· 9• 8. 4· The right worlhipping of God, by bringing the Heart into a cleanfed, holy and obedient frame:, d01h prepue it to commtJ11d 1he bfldy, and make us updght and regular in all the aCbons of our l1vcs : For the frui, will be like theTree ; and as menare, fo will they diJ. He that honouretiJ not his God, is not like well to honour his Parents or his King: ~e that is n lt movc:d to ir by his re– gard to God, is never like to be univcrfally and conltandy jufi and faithful unto men. Expe– rience tclleth us that it is the trudl worOtippers ofGod that arc truefi and moHconfcionable in their dealings with their ntighbours. This windeth up the fpring, and ordereth and Hrtngthcneth all the c:~~ufc:s of a good converfition. ~· 9· 5· The right wo101ipping of God is the the higheft and moft rati,nal Delight of man. Though to a lick corrupu::dfoul it be unplc:afant, as food w a fick ttomach, yet to a wife.and boly foul there IS nothing fo folidly and durably contemful. As ir is Gods damning fentcncc on the wicked, ro fay, Vtpart from me, Matth. '5· 4t. & 7· 2J· fo holy fouls would lofc their joyes, and take themfe!ves ro