Baxter - BJ1441 B3 1673

Generali>irefliom for W01Jh!P· to b!! undone, if God lhould bid them, Depart from me ; worjhip me, and lovt me~ and praife m~ no mort• They would be weary of the world, were it not for God in rhc world; and weary of their lives, if God were nor their Life. ~· 1o. 6. The right Worn1ipping of God prcp.1rrth tM [or Heavm, wher'e v.·e are to b~hold him, and Love and wor(hip him for ever. God bringerh nor 1mprrpared fouh eo H~avtn: This life is rhe time that's purpofely given us for our prrp.uacion; as the Apprcnticdh1p is the time: to learn your rudes. H.:aven is a place of alii.?n and fruition, of perfect Knowledge, L~ve, and Praife: A11d the fouls that will enjoy and PraifeGod there, mull be Difpt~[ed wit hen:, and therefore they mull be! much employed in his Wor!hip. , , §• 1 I· 7· And as it is in all thcfc refpc6b nccrffuy as a me::m, fo God lurh nude it mcdT:~ry by P{ 1 1 • H· 1 r. hiscumnund. H.: hat.h m~de it onr duty to wor~1ip him confbmly ; .and .~e kr:owcth the rcafm uf his :)/~:: ~~:;: own commands. It t1 nmtte1t, 'Tboujh,2Jt worjhtp the Lord thy God; a1td lum on{y {h.;/t tbJu{crvc, M1trh. P[J!. 9 s. 6, 4 . 10 , tf God fhould comma_nd us nothing, how is he ou~ Governour and .our. God? And if he Pfu. 99· 5, 9· command us any thing, what 01ould he commmd us more hdy than to wor!h·p hun ? And he that will not obey him in this, is not like to obey him well in any thing: For there is nnthini tlilt he can with lcfs!hew of ReaCon except againfi: fccing all the Rea.fon in the world mull confds, that rvorfhip is moll due to God from his own Creatures. . §· 12 • Thefe Reafons for the Worfhip of GJd b,ing undenyablc, the Oojecrions of the infidels and Ob]rl:/. ungodly arc unrea[o1uble: As, Obj. 1. 1hat our worjh1p dor!J ug good to God; for be barb no netd of it. , A 1 ifi.v. Ir pleafetha:nd honoureth him)as the m.tking of the world, and the happimfs ot man dorh: An[w. Doth ic follow that there mufl be 110 wJrld, nor no m.111 h.zppy, b::caufc God h1th no need of ir, or nO addition of felicity by it ~ It is fuffi.;ient that it is uecfff.Jry and GJod for m, and plr,zfing umo God. §. 13· Obj. 2• Prmdmen ate un!i~·{l unto God: and it i1 the Ptoud tiJ.Jt /rJ1Jt tJ be honowui a;,d Objtl1. praifod· Anfw. ~ride is t~e. alfdl:in~ of an ".11due homttr, or. the unJ.ue affc~ing o.f that hono:1r Anfw. which is due. Tnereforc 1t IS char dus affe&at1on of honour m the Creature IS a Jm, becJufc aft hunour is due to God, and none ro the Creature bur dcriv.ltlvcly and fu~!erviently. For a fubjetl to a.lfed: a>1y of the hJnflur of his!Git.~, is diJloyalry: And to. atfdt any ot the honour of his fo/1 0,.., [ubj~[fs is injufticc. But God rr:quirtth nothing bur what is abfolurely his d:u. And he hadi commanded us even towards men to give fear and honour to whom they are due, Rom. 1 3· 7• §· 14 . Dirdl:. 3· LabJur f ot the trzuft Jt:wwledge of the God whom y:m w.,rfoip. Ler ic not be faid Dirc[1. 3· of you, as Chrill totht: Sam1rir.m Wom1n, Joh. 4· 22· Ye w~Jrjhip ;•e ~nowmt 'wh.zt: nor as it is [aid of the Athenians, whofe Altar was infcribed, 1o the tmk_ntJwJt God, Act. 17. 23. You mu11 k._wJw wbom you worjhip ; or tlfe you cannot wor01ip him with."' the heart, nor worih1p him lin~ cerely and acceptably, rhough you were at never fo great labour altd cofl. God harh no plrafure in the facrifice of fool!, Eccl. 5· 1, 4· Though no mm know him pcrfcWy, you mu!t know him truf;•. And thou&h God rakerh not every m1n for a B!aJphcamer, and denier of his Auribntes, whom con~ . tentious pievilh wranglers call fo, becaufe they confcquentially croCS fom.: c:fpoufcd opinions of .theirs; yet real mif~o~nderHanding of Gods nature and arrribures is dangerous, and renderh ro cor~ rs'pt hi~ worfhip by the corrupting of the Worfbippers. .fo'or fuch as you take God to be, fuch \\'orfhip·you will offer him; For your worjhip is but the honourable acknowledgement of his perfect~- ons: And millakingly to praife h!m for fuppofCd impcrfcl1ionJ, is to Jifhonour him and difpraife him. If to k,.now God be your etcrJJal lif;:, it mull needs be the life of all your worOup. Take: heed there:~ fore ot ignorance and errour abnrd God. §· I 5· DireCt. 4· Vnderfland ,he office(If Jrfiu Chrijl ilf our Great I-figb. Pricft bJ. wh {e Medi~tion Dirtfl. 4• #lone we ~z:tJl have accefr to G;,~· \ there 01ou\d h~vc been Jny Pndlhoo::l tor [Jcrift~e or in~ H~b. 8. 3• ttrcrffio;z tt there had been no hn, the Scrrpture te\lerh us .rlot exprefly; but we: have grt:at reatOn to conjeCture there would have been none, becau[c there would not have been a.ny reafons for rbe rx~ ercife ot fuch an office. But fince the fall, nor·-only the Scriptures, buc the practice of rhe whole world doth tell us that the finful people are umncet immediatfy thus ro come ro God, but that rhcy muf\ come by the Mediation of the Priefi, as a Sacrificer and IntercdJuttr. So that eithn N.Jture teacheth finners the Necetlicyof fome Mediator, or the Tradition of the Chmch hath difperfed th'! Knowledge of it rhrough the World. And certainly no other Priefl buc Chrill can procure the ac~ ceptan~c of a tin~ul people upon his own.account; nor be an effdhul Mediator for them ro God, Hcb. 7 , 17,-tR. unlefs 10 fubfervtency to an dftdual Med1ator who can procure us accefs and acceptance for his own Hcb 9· 26,t8. fake. l:or all other Pridls are finners as well as the people, and have as much need of a M.:dia· tor for thcmfelves. r. Sre therefore that you never appear before God, but as finnrrs, thar have• 10 • offended him, and have deftrvcd to be cart out of his favour for ever, and fuch as are in abrolute H , ::r, ' 2 • neceffity of a Mediator to procure their accers and acceptance with God: Come not to God wi:h· n 10 13 / 4 • out the fenfe of.Ji~t andmifc~}'• 2· Seealfo rhat you come as thofe th.u H.1ve a_ Mediator in the Hch.6.:o. prefence of God ~ even Jefus our High Priefi who appea.reth before God continually w m-ake in- Heb.7. 1~,16. terceffion for us: Come therefore with holy boldnefs and conhdtncc and joy, hning fo fure and ~l~tth.J7. ~· power!Ul afrienci wich God, the btJovrd of the F.ztbtr, whom he hearr:th a/W:J)'es. o.>.l, 11 ' 41 ' . 9. t6. Dired:. ">: Look.. careji,i/y .to the ffate of thl jdul, tiJ~t thptt bring not an UJtboly 1Jeartto If'ut- v;rea. 5· jhJp the mojl Holy (Tnd. Come not m the Love of hn ; nor m the: hatred of Holinefs : For orh~.:rwife lhou batejt Gud, and arc h11ted of lnm, as bringing that before him which he cannot bur hate~ And it's eafie to jud~e how untir they are io wot!hip God, that httt bim; and how unlike they are to be accepted by htm whom he hateth ~ Pfal. 5· 3, 4, 5, 6, 7• M) voiceJlu!t tbou bear in the morning,, 0 Lord ;