Baxter - BJ1441 B3 1673

68• ------- ----- indiac to the judgement of the u~tgodly multitude, who never knew what it was ro worlhip God in The di[.ld– Spirir and truth : Con£idu_ the great difad~anta~cs of r_h~fe men .!o ju~ge ari??t in ii.tch a caf~: :~~:~fs ~en 1•They r:mH judge then Wllh~ut _rhar_ tea7hmg of rh~ Spa1r, by wh1ch th~ngs fpmtu~l ate to be d1t: in judlng of ccmed, 1 Cor. 2. 13, 15· He tnat 1S blmd m lin mull JUdge of the myHenes of godhnefs. 2· They ho:y vooriliip. mull judge quire coocrary ro their natllres and i11clinariont, or againfi the difeafed f{abits of their Wills; And if )'OU call a drunkard to judge 'of the evil of drunkcnnefs, or a whoremonger to Judge of the evil of fornication, or a covetous, d'r a proud, or a paffionate man to judgo of their fevcral fins, how partial will they be ? And fo will an ungodly man be in judging o( the duties of godlinefs. You fet him to judge of that which he hatctr. 3· You fer him to judge of that which he i's 1macquaintc~ with: It's lik,_e he nc~cr throughly ftud)'Cd it : _bllt its ccrtai? he_neverferi ?uf!y tryed i_t, nor hath not, the txperiencc of thole, that have long made 1t a g~eat part of the bufinds ol the1r Jives. And won!d ycu not fconer take a m:ms judgement in Phyli.:kl that hath made it the fiudy and pradice of his Wfe, than a fick mans that fpeaketh ag:J.infi that which he ntver lludyed or practiftd, mccrly bccaufc his own Homach is it? Or will you not fo~ner_rake the judgement of an amient Pilot about Navigation, than ones that never was at Sea? The dJtfaence is as great in the pnfcnt cafe. _ 9· 4· 2. And I fpeak this alfo to warn you of another error, that yo_u pufer not the Judgement of aSell or Party, or fome few godly people, againft the common fenfe of the ge1u,.ali.ty of the faith– ful; For the Spirit of God is )iklier to have fotfakcn a[maU part of godly people, than thegenerality, in fuch pJrticular opinions, which (Vcn good men may be torCaken in: Or if it be in greater things, it is moreunrl'll[nableand more uncbaritablt for me to fufpcct that mtifi thlt feem godly are hypocritcJand forfaken of God, th_an that l party, or forM few are Co.. _ 9· S· Ditdl-. 4• let do not abfolmely give liP your {elves tothe Judr,ement (If any in the worjhipping Dzrc{l. 4• fljGrJd, but only u[t tbe advice fl[ .,un in adue fubordination to the TViU of GQd, and theTeaching of Jt{m Chrijl. Ochcnvifc: you will ~et man in .the pla~e of G~d, .and ':"ill_ reje~ C~rill in his Propbelic.Jl Office, as much as ufing co-ordmate Medrator~> IS a rC)edmg h1m m h1s Prujlly Office. None .mull: be called Mafter> but in fubordination to Chri11, becaufe he: is our Nfajfer, Mauh. 23:8,9 1 ro. §. 6. Dirdt. 5• Condemn not aU th.zt in others, which you d.Jre uot dv your felveJ ; and praUife not pirel1. 5· a1l that ) JUr j(/veJ> n•bjcb you d.;re UJt cmdcmn in other!. For you arc more capable: of JUdging in See r4. your own cafes, and bound to do it with more exactncfs and diligent enquiry, than in the cafe of &1 f.& J Cor. others. Ofr-timcs a rarional ~oubt may neceffirate you to fufpc:nd your prailice, as your beli'tf or · 8 · J3. judy,cment is fufpcndcd; when yet it will not allow you to condemn another wh.ofe judgement and praCTice hath no fuch furpcnti6n. Only you may doHbt whether he be: in the right, as you doubt as to your fclf. And yet you may not therefore venture to do at you dare not condemn in him; for thm you mua wilfully commit all the ijns in the world, whteh your weakncfs lhall make a d.ubt or contrOl'l'rjit of. .. 9· 7• DireCl-. 6. OJftr God 110 r:vorjhip that i1 clearly contrary to his nature snd perfdlions, but foch Direll. 4. 41! Mji1itcd to bim aJ be Urevealed to yott in hi1TYord. Thus Chrill tcacheth us, to worChip God a; l ev. •9· 1 • & be i1; and thus Go~ often callcth ~or H_oly ~orJhi.f,_ becaufe he M Hnly• . I· God ~ a Spirit; therefore I Pet. I. ~~:7• they that worjhip IJtm, rnujl worfh•P hu>L 111 Spmt and 'trmh ; ( whteh Cbna oppofeth to mecr external Ceremony or lhadows); John·4· 23, 24· for the Father flek_eth [uch toworjhip him.- 2. God • IncomprehmfiU~, and !Jtfinitely dillanr from m : Therefore worfl1ip him with Admiration, and make not c_ither 1•ifible or mental_ Image: of him, nor dcbafe him not by undue tLft"mblance of hirn The td'Corn– to any of h1s creatures. 3· God 1s Omntprefcm, and therefore you may every where lift up hgly hand1 mandmtnt. to. him, I Tim. 2· 8. And you muft a1way,s wor01ip him as in his fight. 4• God isOmni{cient, and Ciuro dt Nat. knoweth your Hearts, and 1hcrcfOre let your Hearts be employed and watclud in his worfhip. 5• God D:"· i. 1 ·P·46. is _moft wife, aud t~1ercf~re nor to ?ewm(hipp~d Iudicrollily wid.1 toyes>as children are pleafed-wirh to ~;~d;nj~1l~e~ qu1et them, but wnh w1fc and rauonal worfh1p. 6 God IS mojt GrtM, and therefore to be wortl1ip- tiCved thlt ~ pcd with the greateH reverence and ferioulneij ; and not prefumptuoutly, with a cudefs mind, or Epic:mu wandrin_g thcughts> or rude cxprcffions. 7. God is moll Good and Gracious, and therefore not to thought there be worfl1ippcd with backwardnefs, unwillingnefs and wcarinefs, but with great Delight. 8. God is ~lS no GoJ, ~ofi Merciful _in Chrill, and therefore not to ~e worChi_pp~d defpliringly, but in joyful_Hope. 9· God r::~!~ttp:J~ JS 7'me and farthfit!, and rherefore to be wor!h1pped be/zcvtngly and confidently, and not m d1Jlrutl and him by de~ unbelief. Io.God is moft Holy, and therefore to be woi(hippcd by Holy per[onr, in a Holymanmr 1 and fcribing ~in' not by unholy beartt or lip1, nor in acommon mamur, as if we had to do but with a man. 1 J, He js_ likej ~ui:dlc the Maker ot your Soulr and Boditr, and therefore to be worChipped both with foul and body. I 2· He ~,~b~c~ \c '· is your Redeemer and Saviour, and therefore to be·wor01ipped by you as finncrs in the humble fcnfe w~uld not of your fin and mifery, and_as Redeemed ones in:the tba~kful fenfe of his Mercy, and all "in order to hlVc done/ your further clea~fing, ht:~hng and f:\ecovery. I 3· He 1syour Rcgtneratcr and 8anUifier : and there~ ~~e~~d::~~~~\t fore to be \\'Orfhtpyed not mthe cor,hdence of your natural [ufficiwcy, but by the Ligbt, and Love and Go·~. Lift of the HolyGhoa. 14· H: is your Ab[olurc Lord, and the Owner of you and all you have: and therefore: to beworfhipped with the abfolme rljignation of your folf and aV, ·and honoured wirh your fllbtl:ance, and nor Hypocrirically _with cxc_eptions and_ refcrves. _1 5• H~ is your Sovcraign King, and therefore to be worfh1pped accordmg to h1s Law~, wuh an obtdtcnt kmd of worfhip, .and not after the Traditions of ml:n, nor the will or wifdom of the fl.efh. 16. He is your Huvcnly Fathtr, and thercfote ail thcfc Holy di[pofiti.onJ, fhould be fummed up inro the jfro 11 gejf Love) and youfhould Mlt,If.z..,},6Jun to ?i_m with t_he wcarcH readinefs, and Rcji: in him with rhe gi-eatdt 'joy, and thirji: afrer the ~~~:7;!~: -:t full frUitiOn of hun wnh the greatefl: of your Deftres, and prefs towards him for himfdf with the :12, Sfffz moll .,