I 682 CJ\!tles for t/,e Manner of Holy Worjhip. --· --------------------------------------------------·------------- mofi fervent and importunate fuites. All thcfe the very Being and Perfc[ii(nu of God will tea h . in hi_s worfhip. And therefore if any cpnlroverud worfhip be ccrrainly contrary to any of dK~e rto~ certamly unwarranred and unacceptable unro God. ' VirtCl• 1 • 9· .8. D~red. 7: ~rewsd no~ toworjhip Gad b.l that which is _dejlru[livt, or contrary to tlu EndJ of wo'Jh'f· f or the: apurude o! 1t as a means to 1ts pr_op_er tKd, lS rJJen..ti~t eo ir. Now the Eitd, of wor{h~p are, I· The H~nourmg ofG??; 2. ~he Ed~[)',_ng of our fdves mHulineft, and deli;t,bJing our fouls m f'he conrempl.mon and prat(cs of h1s pCNeCbons ~ 3· The communicating fhis Kn(}wltd Holincfs and delight tO Ot~lers, ~nd t~c inercafe of his aau_al Kingd?'l! in (he World. j. Avoid th~t~ B:ut with the al_l that pr~rcnd~:d ~OI"~)IP w_h1ch_difh_onoureth God, ( _not m the opm10n _of canul mm that judge of E:ub:1.rous its hun by thc:H own m1fguJded nnagmatlons, bur accordmg to the difcovcry of himfclf to us in his orh~1·wife, works and Word.) ManyTnvel\ers that have converfed with the fobercr H~athen and M 1 homcnn S:aith :tc.ofia N_atio~s,_ t~l us, that it is n~t ~he lean ~indcrance_of their conve~fion, and co~.ufeof thdr cor.tempt the Jc~mte, of Chnfbamty, to fee the Chrtlhans that live about them, to wor0l1p God ro igrrorantly irrationally ~;r~d~r-it·(tu.anl and childiOlly a~ many of \hen~ do. 2." Atftd- moll _that r~anner of wo1~ip ( c.eurU p;ribJU) which plurimum ntt.ndeth moft to )'Our onm rzght znformatzon, and holy reft1itiJIMJ and affe8toJ:J, and to bring up your tus &ligna & foul~ inw r.car_er com~union and d_dight in God: And ~ot that whicl~ ret_1dcrh to deceive, or jl<Jtler, ~~~~~~ ~~i- ?r dLvt~t you (rom htm, nor to be m your ears as found1ng brafs,m a cmklmg Cymb:il, or as one thar rum diligcn· IS playmg ~ou _a 1dTon ofMuftck; and cendeth noc ro make-you beuer. 3: AfKd not that manner of t~r cm:m:. worfhtp wh~eh JS an enemy to Jtnowledt,e, and tended~ to keep up Ignorance m the world : Such as is a Hi,s quippc: & great put of the Popi(h worlbip, efpecially their reading the Scriptures to the people in zn unknown ~:~~~~1~:~rh! tongue,. and celebrating. their publick praye.rs 1 and praifcs, and SJcrament~ in an unknown tongue, min~s :tnima- and thcu ftldomc preachmg, and then teachmg the people to take up with a multitude of toyilh J~s (N.3.Jd_o- Ceremonies, infleo~.d of knowledge and rational wotOlip. Certainly that which is an enemy toknow.– llec paulattm ledge, is an enemy w all Holinefs and true obedience~ and to the End1 of worfhip, and therefore is abo!~a~ur nfi~- no acceptable wor(hipping of God. 4· Aff~ct not that pretended wor!hip which is of it fclf ~~::rit!~r:.s defirud:i~e. of trJte flolinefl f Sucl~ as is t~c preaching ?f (al[t dol1ri~e, n?t ~ccording to godlintji, and SoGr. r--:iffir:. the oppohr10n and r< proac!Hng ot a holy life and worjhzp, m cbe mifappltcatzon of true doUrine ; and faith i~ -vit11. then teaching poor louls to farisfie themfdves with their Mafs and M;~{s Cenrnonies , and an [m.;ge ~rtg.bNro;lf'j. of wor01ip, infiead of fcriou,s Holinefs, which is oppofed, Prov. 24· 24· He tb.lt faith to the wick._ed ~d"'~he'~~u:~: th~u art ItighteoiH, bim ]hall_tb"t people curfe, 'Nation I_ jh.~U_ abhor ki.m. And if this be done as" wor– Fdliv2ls ~nto flnp of God, you may hence JUdge how acceptable 1r will be-, Ha. 5· zo. 1Vo umothem th.st eaUEllil Fcfiiva..ls for Good, and Good E-vil, that pttt dark._nefl for light, ar.d light for d.srk._ncji, that put bitter for{wett, and theMarryrs>to frveet for bitter. To make people her ve, that Holinefs is but Hypocrifie, or a necdlefs thing, or that i~ea~ them the Image of Holincfs is Holimfs it Cc r that there is no great difference between thegodly and un.– W~icbt~~d.t godly, d01h all tend to mens perdition, and to damn men by deceiving them, and to root our Holi– aod many nefs fi·om !he ear<h. See Ezek. 22. 26. & 44· 23· Jcr. 15. 19. lfthon tal(t for~h the pretiom from othm relat: the vile, thou }halt bear my mouth. Mal. 3· 18. Pfal. l· & 15. +·Affect not a "dead and heartle{s ~}~~fer~~;s~ way of worChip, which ~endeth not to convince and waken the ungodly, nor to make men firivur as thole thar have to do w11h God. DirclJ. 8. §. 9· Direct. 8. Lu: 1hemtlHner ofyour -worjhipping God, bt Jititcd to the maltrr tbr~t pu have in IJ3nd. Remember that you are fpeaking eitht:r 1o or oj the Eternal G~d: that you are employed about the ~verlafiing falvation of your orvn or others fouls: that all is high and holy that you iuve to do : See then that the MaHner be anfwenblc hereunto. T:ireiJ. 9 , 9· 10. Direct. 9• Offer God notbin~ •t • part of Worjhip which u a lye ; "'"'h left (o zrofi a lye at to be difprovtd by tbttommon {c11{e1 and Rea{on. ()f aU the world. God ncedcth not our Lye unro his glo~ Rom. 3 • 7 . ry: What worfhip then do Papilts offer him in their M;.fs, who take it for an article of their faith, 1 that there is,no Breador 1.Yine left after the Confecnrion, it being all Tranfubltantilte into the very Body and Blood ofChrifi. t\nd when the Certainty of all mens fcnfcs is renounced, then all 'cr– tainty of faith, and all Religion is renounced; for all pre[uppo[e the certaimy of fenfe. Direli. 10 • ~- 1 I · Dired. 10. Worjhip Hot God i11 Q manner tb.Jt i1 contrary 10 the trHe natnre, and order, and operatio~tJ of a rational foul. I mean not to the corrupted nature of man, but to Nature as Ratiotul Re:~d P/Ntarcb in it [elf confidered. As I• Let not your meer JYiU and inctinati01t over-rule your undtrfbndings; ofSuf~rllirion. and fay not as blind Lovers do, J ltnJe this, but I know not why? or as Childrrn thar cat unwholfome meat, becauft they love it. 2· Let not p.:ffion ovenep your Reafon: Wor£hip God with fuch a zeal as is accordine, to knowledge. 3· Let not your Tong,r~es lead your heart~, much l~fs trVer·go them: Words may indeed rtflcC! upon the Heart, and warQ'lit more ; but that 1s but the {ccondary ufe.: the jirjf is to be the cxprrffions of the Heart: Youmufi not fpcak witbout er againft your hearts ( thlt is~ falfly ) that by fo fpeaking you may better your hearts ( and make the wordst,ue, that at firll w<rc not tmc): unlcfs ir be when your words arc but readmg-rccttatmns or narratives, and not fpoken of your fdvcs. The Heart was made to lead the tongue, and thetongue to exprefs it, and not to lead it. · Therefore fpeak not to God either the words ofa P.ur?t, which yo~ do not un~erHand, or the words of a lyar or Hypocrite, which exprcfs tJOt the mcat)mf", or dt.hres, or f:ehng t.f your heartJ: but firj! Hnd.,jland and ful what you lhould fpc<k, and !hen fpcak that wh1ch you undcr– lhnd and feel. §. 12. (l£cfl. How tbrn caJJ apra~er he lawful that i1 read or hca~d from a Boo})' Au[w. There is in Reading rhe Eye, and in Hearing theE.Jr thar ishrH ro affect the Heart, a~d th(n the7'ongue is to perform its office. And though it be jitdden, yet the paJTJge 1o the Heart _1s firft, and the paffagc from tiJt hearJ is lafi : and the lOul is quick, and can quickly thus both RccczveJ and be