' fJ{t~les for the right mAnner ofWorjhip. ---- of their modes of WorChip are not fo great as the adverfe pnties rcprcfcot them ( except only the two great crimes of · the Popi(h Wodhip : I· That it's not underftaod, and fo is fo"l•lrfi. •· They WorChip bre•d as God himfelf, which I am not fo able as willing to S<e Biilu>p e~cufe from being Idolatry). Judge not in fuch cafes by paffion, partiality and preju- f.::·~:C,t"' du;e. • againR: Popery 9· 29· Direct. 18. Tet judge in aU [Hc!J Contrwcrfits wit~ tbar. reverence and charity whicb Direll 1 g. • i§ due to the univerfal and the Primitive Church. If y.ou hod any thing in Gods Worlhip • which the primitive or univcrfal Church agreed in, you may be fure that it is nothing but what is confil\cnt with acctptable Worlhip: For God never rejed:ed the Worfhip of the primitive or uni~ verfll Church. And ic is not fo much as to be jud~ed erroneo;u without great deJibcrarion and very good proof. We mull be much m Jre (ulpicious of our own underfiandings. 9· 30. DireCt. I9· In cirCJtmj/anm a11d mod" of Worfoip>UJt fqybidtkn-in tht Worrl•f Go<l,•ffti/ Dirt{1, 'I• not fingularity, tJnd do not eafily differ from the praCtice ~f the Church in which )Oil hold Communion nor f rom the comm:znd1 or dirilJions ofyour larvful Go11erno11r1. l_t's true if we are forbidden with Daniel to ProJy, or with the ApoHlcs eo fpeak . any more in the name of Chrift, or are commanded Dan.3. as the three wirndfcs, Dan 3· to Wor!hip Images, we muf\ rarher obey God than man; and fo in Act.4· 17' tl. cafe of any fin that is commanded us: But in cafe of mecr different modes ~nd circumfianccs and & SotS•. order of WorChip, fee that you give authority and the confent of the Church where you are their dut. 9. 3 I· DireCt. 20· Loo~{_ more to your own btartJ than t~ the abilitieJ of the MinijltrJ, or the Ce- Dirtll. zo. remunin or manntr of the Churchu 1Yorjhip in {uch ltJftr thiHgl. It is Heart-work_. and He&ven~ Worlz that the fiocere lteliever comes about; and it is the corruption of his heart that is 1 his hea· vie!! burden, which he groaneth under with the mofi paffionate cort!plaints: A hungry foul, enflamcd with Love to God and man, and tenderly fenfible of the excellency of common truths and duties would make up many defcd::s in the manner of publick adminilbation, a~Jd would get n~re; God in a .defeCtive impcrfe6t mo.le of WorChip, than others can do with the greatell helps :__ When Hypocrites tind fo little. work with ;hei~ He;Ms an~ Heav~n, th~i they are Jam.J. 11 , ''taken up about words and for(JJI and cerem"MiJel add external ~hotgs, applaudtng thcJr own wi'y ana 16 11· condemning other mens, and fCiving Sltan under pretence of Wor!hipping God. ' ' 'f t t t CHAp'.